Scott Wachter-USA TODAY Sports
We are officially in peak grudge College Football and it's not even October yet...

On Wednesday night, Tom Herman's wife got banned on Twitter for arguing with LSU fans and now today, Texas has released "thermostat readings" to try to refute the reports that the air conditioning was not working in the visiting locker room last weekend.

Welcome to bananaland...

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The rematch between LSU and Texas next year in Tiger Stadium is going to be something else...
Filed Under: LSU Football
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Airpower65 months
Yea that’s why we have thermostats - game day put on 80 and when they leave 68 ???? STTDB !
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Tommy Patel65 months
I remember when I learned how to fill a spread sheet with bullshite to impress..... no one ever.
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eddieray65 months
The hate in this board for Herman is petty, misguided, and embarrassing.
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Tommy Patel65 months
saw his show this week, it’s not “hate” it’s just lack of respect, he’s got that Urban Meyer bullshite speak that creates discord between fan bases.
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Skeet Mc65 months
Was sad when we lost out on Herman as Head Coach, but he's an odd little peckerhead. Regardless, for now, 45-38.
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SickGainzLP65 months
Guilty af.
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TigerCoon65 months
I can type entries into a spreadsheet, too. Anything you want.
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TD42265 months
This is such bullshart. I'm in the commercial HVAC business...and all those charts show is data from ONE VAV box. A decent sized conference room, office, or **locker room** might have 4, 6, 8 or more VAV's in a space. So if there are 8 in that locker room, and 7 are shut down, not working, etc...and you're trying to cool that space with just one working the math. And the spreadsheet that shows the AHU data...great. The leaving air temp is X, but where is that air going? They could dump that into any space in the stadium. This guy is trying to BS people with this.
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texastigerr65 months
Obviously Texas is guilty. If they weren't they wouldn't still be trying to convince people. We didn't need any excuses, we won the game. O already said the cramping was our fault for not doing the IV's at half. He only addressed the a/c when a reporter asked about it. And you haven't heard O comment since.
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GeeOH65 months
Absolutely. They are covering their arse because the NCAA will be pissed. Honestly, it does endanger players if it leads to cramping. Halftime should be a cool down period during hot games.
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Buckeye Jeaux65 months
"This is a fantastic spreadsheet, too". Fantastic. Yup. That's the right word.
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winkchance65 months
LSU - We heard about the lack of air conditioning from another school so we brought fans. Did not affect our game play. - Moves on. Texas - We have no idea what you are talking about. We did nothing wrong, we did nothing wrong, we have these papers that say so, we did nothing wrong! Stop saying we did something! The AC was great, it was the best! Look, records!!
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TaderSalad65 months
Had they just left this alone, I wouldve thought CEO was simply making excuses for lack of conditioning on players part. Now that they've made this stink, I'm convinced that they tinkered with the A/C units and now they're crawfishing.
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Gondor65 months
The next thing they will say is that it was actually their lockers that had no air conditioning. The man who screams his innocence most loudly is invariably the most guilty. Only Texas could believe that all ULL and LSU were liars and they were saints. Such is their arrogance.
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Tigerfan23565 months
Who cares. Move on do better Texas.
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Pintail65 months
Their chart for Space Temp doesn't even match up with the values in the table. The temp increases at 11:30 but the chart shows a drop in temperature. Also their airflow shows ~1500 in the chart but doesn't ever go above 1100 in the values. Nice try Texas.
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LSU Wayne65 months
way too much convincing here. texas is as guilty as a 12 year old who's been caught red handed and just keeps digging deeper and deeper instead of coming clean or letting it go. it's petty and ridiculous for such an institution.
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GulfCoast LSU Fan65 months
Doesn't Northwestern State run a spread offense? If so, then this will be a good game to get our secondary some work and also work on different blitzes.
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rbdallas65 months
Usually when someone tries SOOOO HARD to convince ....they are guilty. Just an observation.
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Stellyonidas65 months
Yep. Roger Clemens! McGwire! Bonds! Let's learn from the past.
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Lsuchampnj65 months
Where is the corresponding chart for texas’ locker room... same chart same time???
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LSU Acadian65 months
I call BS, We have systems that can do this as well. and i can change the report anyway I want it.
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boscoroni65 months
The chart shows some dampers closed. I wonder which dampers were 'closed'?
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