LSU head coach Will Wade was speaking at his weekly Tipoff Luncheon on Thursday right as Yahoo Sports released their report that he was recorded on an FBI wiretap discussing the commitment of a player with middleman Christian Dawkins.

After the Luncheon, Wade took questions from local media about the report.

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Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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BTRDD71 months
We know that ALL the schools are doing it. Who was LSU competing against for Smart? However, Wade is some stupid to discuss this openly on a phone. Using his own phone was especially stupid. Get a GO Phone for stuff like this.
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rob6271 months
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rob6271 months
Well, personally I don't give a fuk because it is nothing anyone doesn't know is going on EVERYWHERE. The kid Zion at Duke turned down anything offered by any other school because he is playing for Duke. I am sure he just went to Duke and took nothing after he was telling other schools what he wanted from them. Yeah right. Ha-ha-ha!!
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Contra71 months
Here's the thing..... He's guilty as sin and he knows it. You can just see it in his eyes that he knows he's screwed. However, that does not give the FBI the right to play daddy in this situation. That is reserved for Alabama and only Alabama.
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arcalades71 months
you can see "it" in his eyes? That ranks right up there with the absolute stupidest cliche in the history of mankind: gut feeling. Cops ought to trash the polygraph and just use you.
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Tigers eyes71 months
No you cannot see it in his eyes. You are seeing what you want to see. If they had a damn thing on him, anything that could wipe this season from the record books, Wade would have stepped down by now. They have nothing on him except people and their own speculation. Everything that was said was vague. These reporters are making crap up and outright lying to make a name for their self. If Arizona and LSU were reversed it's be Sean Miller they'd be attacking and not LSU. These media dumbasses don't know what is in the wiretaps except what was already played in open court. They are just making a big deal about the same shite because of where LSU is right now.
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LSU Coyote71 months
The Body Language Ghost give you skills to beat deception?
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tubucoco71 months
Why an FBI tap?? Was he really doing something that bad in being a first year coach that they had to tap in??
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koLSU8671 months
The tap was on the other guy. Wade just happened to be talking to him after the tap was put in place. They didn’t tap all the universities involved but just some of the guys at the shoe companies that were paying the players.
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SoulGlo71 months
FBI is corrupt and will wire tap when they want to. The people on the other line are to remain masked until a warrant is issued, but they thumb their nose at that. Federal justice system has become a system with favorites and separate rules depending on who they're going after.
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Clockwatcher6871 months
Offer to mentor a future student and his family is against Ncaa rules now?
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rob6271 months
One of the kids involved is Zion Whatever who plays for Duke. Ok, if anyone offered the kid anything he obviously turned it down to go to Duke. I suppose the kid just went to Duke because he loves Coach K and Coach K didnt do anything wrong? Lol.
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lsucoonass71 months
He’s confident, nothing major to see here.
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1971 months
Wade's actual comment: "Are you NOT entertained?" frick yes. Up that man's contract on your way out, Joe.
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1971 months
Definitely a witch-hunt with actual acquisitions.
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Bulldogblitz71 months
Dindu nuffin.... Just kidding. Did it all.
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rob6271 months
It must suck being whatever version of Bulldog you are. Lol.
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Zeek71 months
Isn't this the same old news that was revealed previously.This is the same information that we have already heard. Except for which players name that was included. Trying to tarnish this man because he is successful. Meanwhile,some coaches recruit like this annually. With zero suspicion,I guess that's normal.
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Higgysmalls71 months
He’s done. I would imagine Smart is done also
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CanebreakCajun71 months
I bet you put up a good fight..........
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1971 months
Betcha JSmart don't bitch-out like Lester Earl.
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rob6271 months
Smart stayed home to play in his hometown. Yep, that just screams of something illegal. Moron.
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jpainter617471 months
frick Pat Forde, Pete Thamel, and Dan Wetzel!!!
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LSUTigerBait0771 months
He looks defeated.
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rob6271 months
I see you are truly a Wofford fan. Troll.
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GeauxtigersMs3671 months
What’s funny is this breaks and the word cash was used to get Zion and no one cares!
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theOG71 months
Different programs play by different rules.
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rob6271 months
I am certain Duke didn't do anything for the same kid who was asking for shite from every other school. Lol.
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lsuhou7471 months
Cewdepoo sissy boy...
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ApexTiger71 months
Can we get confirmation the FBI agents involved are not biased? Let's see their texts...
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LSUtwolves71 months
Huh? Moron
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ApexTiger71 months
A great offer probably meant playing time...its very vague material... If the FBI wants to take someone out, they will spare no expense or resources...
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magicman000171 months
Seriously.. Mom and kid were gonna get playing time, too? Get real.
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rob6271 months
Could be talking about giving Mom tickets. Lol.
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ApexTiger71 months
He doesn't appear to be worried about it
user avatar
theOG71 months
What could he do about it now?
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