Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
The NCAA has been looking into the recruiting tactics of LSU coach Will Wade over the last six months, according to a report from Pete Thamel of Yahoo Sports.

Thamel states that "lack of on-the-record specifics about Wade’s recruiting," has stalled the inquiry and that the NCAA is in the "exploratory and information-gathering stages" of this investigation. Per Yahoo Sports:

The NCAA’s scrutiny of Wade began not long after his hire at LSU in March, but the inquiry has stalled because of a lack of on-the-record specifics about Wade’s recruiting, according to a source. The NCAA’s information gathering has covered part of his time as head coach at VCU, according to a source. Wade’s early recruiting activity at LSU prompted the NCAA enforcement interest, according to a source.

The NCAA’s interest appears to be in its exploratory and information-gathering stages, according to sources.

“After talking to my staff we have had no contact from the NCAA regarding any irregularities,” LSU athletic director Joe Alleva told Yahoo Sports on Sunday.
LSU's current 2018 recruiting class is ranked No. 3 nationally behind Duke and Oregon and includes five-star prospects Naz Reid and Emmitt Williams along with four-star prospects Ja'Vonte Smart and Darius Days.

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El Campo Tiger83 months
2019 SEC Tournament Champions!
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ParrishGore83 months
Recruiting Tactics?!?!?! WTF does that even imply?!?!?!? Yea, some young gun come's in to a big-time school and starts getting top recruits and the powers that be in college sports want to make a case where no case exist. Seems these powers have been using every little non-meaningful thing to bring a dark cloud of suspicion on Wade and LSU. The guy gives a scholarship to 2 players accused of rape (though most article about this failed to mention neither was CONVICTED) and now this bullshite!!!! I have utmost confidence in Will Wade and I know he is clean. The guy runs a tight ship and these powers that be are doing all they can to destroy him. Funny, when ala-frickin-bama and Saban started signing number 1 recruiting classes year after year, I don't recall that program being accused. And the bama program has been a habitual offender in the arena of recruiting violations for years. Should have got the death penalty, and now they get class after class and nobody's asking questions like they are against Wade and LSU? Sounds a little fishy. Cause Bama pays money to officials with the NCAA to keep them out their house. The NCAA is a bunch of bribe taking money hungry sadist bastards milking college athletics for every dime they can get out these kids. And if you are not giving them money under the table, this is the kind of shite you got to deal with. The NCAA is nothing different than the MOB, it is the modern day organized crime!!!
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Eltegray83 months
More like Kentucky, Kansas, etc put in a call.
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LSUvet7283 months
Yahoo my GoGoo NCAA frats
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lsutigermall83 months
Good in my opinion. Lots coming down soon and I'd like to be off the radar from the beginning.
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Pianoman83 months
If you ain't cheatin', you ain't trying hard enough...hehehehe
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voodooidotwo83 months
So because he comes to LSU( a football school) and turns around the program the NCAA investigates. Makes sense ??
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Bige1183 months
I think the only proper thing to do is have alleva resign immediately, hire les as ad, and give Wade a raise!
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tigersquad8983 months
This is the NCAA's way of keeping those top corrupt big money basketball programs on top. The FBI work really is going to hurt a lot of those schools so the NCAA has to find a way to keep them at the top.
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LSU Bayou Jim83 months
Yet they will NEVER look into ANYTHING at Bama......
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SuckFickNaban83 months
they are currently looking into the recruiting of colin sexton, the freshman basketball player from bama
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Placebeaux83 months
SEC will halt any investigation into Bama. Plus, they have a friend of the family with Mark Emmert at the helm.
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MrLSU83 months
This will significantly impact basketball recruiting in today's environment with the FBI sting going on. Wade will now be battling two fronts (1) Johnny Jones tenure with the FBI and player payments and now (2) the illusion that Wade was cheating & if a player signs he risks the Sean Miller treatment. Sadly this is not good at all for the LSU Basketball program and I have been excited about seeing the program go through another resurgence.
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findaway83 months
This really sounds like a whole lot of nothing!
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Black n Gold83 months
I wouldn't be surprised if this was brought on by some struggling program determined to derail our success.
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Fa Sheaux Breaux83 months
Alabama isn't really struggling in basketball right now.
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chinhoyang83 months
This is nothing more than Yahoo click bait (if not an attempt to hurt LSU recruiting). There are reasonable reasons why each recruit is coming to play for LSU next year. I guess to coach in the NCAA you have to be careful not to do too well with your recruiting to avoid an "investigation."
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Mike da Tigah83 months
How does saying you’re investigating LSU’s basketball recruiting with no actual specifics perhaps negatively affect actual recruiting itself? You’ll have to excuse my cynicism when it comes to the irreproachable intentions of an organization like the NCAA when our own FBI in this country has been proven to be dirty. I don’t trust these people, and I never really have. Well let’s just say I don’t trust human beings that make up an organization when there’s so much at stake. The NCAA has become a ghestapo hit squad. In 6 months to a year when they come back and say they didn’t find anything, the damage has already been done as opposing teams and coaches have been able to use an investigation into LSU on the recruiting trail.
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Martini83 months
Didn’t Joe Alleva hire him? By the laws of LSU fanboyz he is automatically to blame and should resign. Baseball losing the 3rd game to Texas is his fault too.
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Pahnew83 months
Why report they are looking into LSU? They should look into every program, that's their job. Only report once something is found. This is simply clickbait until you have any proof.
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SirWinston83 months
“Boats n hoes” worked for Ole Miss football for at least a few years - why can’t LSU hoops have some fun?
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KennabraTiger83 months
The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria...
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Placebeaux83 months
Nachos, Lemonheads, my Dad's boat, you wont go down cuz my dick can float.
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Meaux Bettah83 months
Can't have nothin nice!! Why does it sound like good recruiting is being scrutinized?
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FLObserver83 months
I think LSU should remove the AD immediately!
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