As far as holiday traditions go, I'm nominating Tiger Woods' "Mac Daddy Santa" as the absolute worst.
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Sorry Tiger, go put a shirt on and work on that swing. Endless jokes here, please get after it in the comments.
Filed Under: Golf
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KYINYOI98 months
Is there such a thing as Nipple could be a Million Dolla Bidness endevour...
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UF98 months
If it's for his kids and his kids enjoy the tradition, whatever that may entail for a shirtless man, then I guess he gets a pass.
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Chazzy McRamzee98 months
I wanna suk on dim tiddies.
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LSUTIGER in TEXAS98 months
Looks like he shaves his chest but skips the nips?? Not that there's anything wrong with that....
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AustinKnight98 months
U sure about that?
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AustinKnight98 months
Is that Jack Nipplelaus?
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RummelTiger98 months
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Black n Gold98 months
Dude needs to get back on the juice.
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pellietigersaint98 months
Did u see that guys nips? Yea.....they were wierd lookin' Nibb high football rulz
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ColoBama98 months
Disturbing is an understatement.
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Mulerider98 months
Xmas? How about Christmas.
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Placebeaux98 months
Hos Hos Hos
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GregMaddux98 months
Larry Leo. What's your email I'll send you Spiranac's picture just like this
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saint tiger22598 months
Be careful, Larry would kill his father for those pics.
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BobABooey98 months
Dear Santa, For Christmas, I want to be as great as Jack Nicklaus.
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CCTider98 months
He probably just be happy to not have any back pain.
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CCTider98 months
And a few blondes under the tree.
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