Favorite team:Clemson 
Number of Posts:2681
Registered on:6/2/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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Clemson fans wins one title

Two and they are both more legit than LSU's.
I can't think of another coach that could guide this team through sanctions.

This thread is stupid without telling what type of car you drive.
I plan on retiring from the alter life. Thanks.

Chazzy McRamzee

Triple Daves

Mr Jack Pimp

The scorecard includes data on the median earnings of former students 10 years after graduation. One thing to keep in mind, the data only includes information from students who received federal financial aid.

Barista U

[quote]Alabama A&M University - $30,300
Judson College

cheap trashy Newk's out of their mouths that Bama fed them

Stop being a dumb arse. Sometimes people just want a sammich.

Is there any SEC school outside of Kentucky

There are 12 of them. 13 if you're counting Missouri.

How trashy do you have to be to feed Newk's to a billionaire?

It came down to Newks or Taco Casa.

And we do have a poster on here whose family probably owns most of the Newks.

It doesn't at all, just answering the OPs question

I'm the OP and I didn't ask a question.
The REC never sleeps.


$418 million U.S. weapons sale to Kenya

The Kenyans will be pissed when they find out what the Palestinians received.

re: Big thanks to the OT

Posted by Chazzy McRamzee on 2/19/17 at 3:32 pm
Glad I was able to help.

Also, do you happen to be divorced with kids?
Does Ivanka have a pantie fragrance out there?