Favorite team:Houston Astros 
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Registered on:1/25/2008
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[quote]Imagine how good the inmates baseball team will be.[/quote]the California Penal League is no joke [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dv8DQsqW0AAfUBH.jpg:large[/img]...
[quote]I know they were used to the old way, but man, I wouldn't stand in an MLB batters box with guys throwing 95+ without something covering my ear hol[/quote]why? How many ear flaps have been hit by a pitcher?? Almost 2500 mlb games a year, close to a million in game pitches a year— and I can’t t...
[quote]Almost as cute as when they call ANTIFA fascists. ANTIFA... which literally stands for ANTI-FAscist.[/quote]this guy probably thinks “the good guy gang” could never and WOULD NEVER do evil. Bc their name strictly defines their motives and values. All evidence that contradicts the organizatio...
[quote]Given that his father and uncle were murdered by the CIA and he wrote “The Real Anthony Fauci” that also exposed the intelligence agencies for what genocidal scumbags they are,[/quote]RFKj’s political platform is 90% in line with the uniparty(read: deep state), sans his big pharma views. ...
Our IC has been spying on EVERYONE for decades...
She’s going to end dead suddenly with absolutely no explanation. Cops are baffled.....
[quote]It’s always the same pattern…. Lie. Amplify the lie & ensure everyone knows it. Act indignant if anyone dares question the story. Wait several months. Quietly follow up with facts which totally counter your prior claims.[/quote]this MFer gets it...
[quote]What was the point of that hearing if there weren't going to be ramifications for federally funded colleges for not protecting the Jewish students? [/quote]the feds should be protecting ALL students, not just the Jewish ones. ...
Dollars to donuts it was actually Zelensky/western ICs who ordered Navalny killed. The projection these people exhibit is mind blowing. But when it works so effectively against the sheep, of course they’re gunna use it...
Since 90-95% of lawyers are Democrats, I highly doubt the prosecution would allow a conservative lawyer anywhere near the jury box ...
[quote]'s crazy that they're so good at cheating but at the same time they couldn't cheat their way into a Senate and House majority.[/quote]this is where they fool most Americans. It’s not really R vs D like you think. The system survives bc you think you’re getting representation bc an R won. But ...
[quote]Why do you think Republicans aren’t as capable of cheating as the Dems? They’ve had 4 years to figure out how. [/quote]funny how when Hillary thought she got cheated, we got a 2.5 year deep cavity search of Trump and all his associates to be sure Russia didn’t help Trump When Trump and 10...
[quote] Because Trump continuously gives the media so much ammo to paint him out to be “literally Hitler”,[/quote]you know, before Trump came along, W Bush was a nazi, a war criminal, and [i]worse than hitler. [/i] Then collegial John McCain was a racist when he ran against BHO in 08. Then king RIN...
I think the problem was beautifully described in the liddle ben vs crowder debate It’s the rebel within the system vs a rebel wanting a new system Conservatives who are willing to play by leftist’s tyrannical rules will always ultimately lose. Then it makes you wonder why/how those particu...
I want Paxton as AG— in Texas or DC As a senator, he’s 1 of 100. As the tip of the spear in prosecutorial decisions, he holds significantly more influence as a non-globo-homo ...
[quote]t's his company and his money, who gives a shite?[/quote]his point is that the “most popular conservative voice on FB” is artificially achieved ...
The Mets not driving the price up on every player really hurt most guys hitting the market this offseason ...
The big pharma-trans debacle is just one example of the evil of the modern left. All their platforms have a veneer a good, but are mostly destructive by design. How the left gets away with complete destruction under the guise of empathy is one of the great gaslighting campaigns going today and m...
[quote]nd, who are any of you to question a man who's made millions? People wealthier than you are beyond reproach (unless, of course, you somehow accumulate more cash than them)! [/quote]wow! What a perspective You think rich people never do wrong?!?!? It’s much more likely he has all that money...