A pic of Tiger Woods' caddie from his 1990 U.S Junior Amateur was making the rounds on Wednesday. This dude looks how I feel...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Golf
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bigman33429 months
you spelled fat arse wrong
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6R1229 months
Happy Gilmore's caddie shows up early
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BowlJackson29 months
That's John Candy in disguise
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prplhze200029 months
So that's where they found Hillbilly Jim
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Morpheus29 months
Twilighted locally as bouncer if I’m a betting man
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JackieTreehorn29 months
He definitely posts on here.
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TigerCoon29 months
I wanna believe he's wearing Crocs
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jmarto129 months
The inspiration for Happy Gilmore's caddy
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Farmtiger29 months
Suns out, Guns out!
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Black n Gold29 months
I've never had a caddie, but if I did I would want him to look like this.
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DeafVallyBatnR29 months
I had a caddie at Shadow Creek in Vegas and at Bel Air CC. My Bel Air CC caddie nickname was Minnesota. He is the actor who was in the second Bad Boys movies. In the scene with Will "Slapping" Smith and Mar-in Lawrence in the video store and the video cam is running on all the TVs in the store. Minnesota is the Father/Owner who starts freaking out because of the sexual conversation on the TV. Minnesota was stoned out of his mind each day we were there at Bel Air CC. My next caddie will be at Shoal Creek.
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jdchance29 months
metoo - and I can't reply to DeafVallyBatnR's comment, maybe he will see this anyway while I say I've been a Looper at Bel-Air (great place) and know just what he's talking about .. haha
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caliegeaux29 months
'This dude looks how I feel..." I think most of us already conceded that he looks like you look.
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Booyow29 months
That’s Hank Williams Jr.
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AtlantaLSUfan29 months
It’s so hot he’s in a sleeveless polo. Then Tiger’s over there wearing a sweater.
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Hangit29 months
He lifts, but no BJJ or cardio.
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