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Golfer John Daly wishes the PGA rules were different and after reading his quote, I wish they were too...

“We were drunk as skunks. That was like 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning. If the PGA Tour let me play drunk, I’d win a lot more tournaments. And barefooted. If I could play the tour barefooted, that’d be nice.”
Filed Under: Golf
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CDawson27 months
One of the purest, most talented golfers of all time.
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Broadside Bob27 months
Don't we all play better drunk? Or, at least we think we do
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Placekicker27 months
I’m on board
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Jabontik27 months
PGA announces new Florida open golf tournament - shoes optional, free beer and caddies must be females wearing bikinis
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BabyTac27 months
He’s setting a great example for his kids.
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CanebreakCajun27 months
His son is on golf scholarship at Arkansas. So, somethings working.
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Zoso27 months
No reports of him beating his wife, kids or killing dogs
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Morpheus27 months
National Treasure that guy
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southernboisb27 months
"PGA Tour let me play drunk."

Isn't that what is required to even watch golf?
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TiptonInSC27 months
I’m sorry you can’t break 100
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NorthSider7227 months
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
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eddieray27 months
They love that degenerate here for some reason.
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TexasTiger8927 months
It’s working out for John pretty well.
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Rex Feral27 months
Nice title, care to write it like an adult, now?
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AtlantaLSUfan27 months
“John Daly Say”
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tigerpawl27 months
We now know a little bit more of the man behind the headlines.
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