Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:LSU grad 1972, retired USAF fighter pilot, Aero Engineer
Interests:Sports cars, flying
Number of Posts:467
Registered on:12/4/2021
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Finally a thread not filled with hate and idiocy. ...
Doubt it as Nick is too smart to leave his prints at the scene of the crime. ...
[quote]Yes Deboer will have Bama in the elite status quickly. [/quote] Outside Cairo, there are more Egyptians living in T-town than anywhere else, all living in denial. ...
This is the equivalent of an intellectual black hole where even logic, grammar and common sense can't escape. States don't send teams to BSC/NY6 games - schools do. But to then link college teams to pro teams are beyond a mixed metaphor. Goes to prove you are not a "rocket surgeon". ...
[quote]Deboer made Penix a lock 1st rounder. This doesn’t seem smart but I will take it [/quote] IF he's a first rounder, I rekin Penix made himself a first rounder. But now Da' Borer has a lump of clay to work with. ...
Quote: "Nah man. I'm pumped about the future. This staff is going to be a beast. After losing the GOAT you expect there to be some collateral damage but DeBoer is putting it together nicely." What he's putting together is sticks of dynamite. It'll blow and the rest of the conference will enjoy t...
[quote]South Alabama coach got Indiana to a top 20 defense with 3 stars and walkons [/quote] LSU grad & Fan living in Indiana for the past 32 years. Indiana football ranks right up (down) there with Vandy. They may have had a blip here or there but believe me, I'd redact Indiana off my resume....
"I don’t care if they turned out to be the team water boys as long as they can coach." Hey, Clark. The reason they were water boys was because they COULDN'T coach. ...

re: Hi LSU fans it’s Matt

Posted by NorthSider72 on 1/16/24 at 2:17 pm
Looking at the energy he's putting in to attract elite coaches and players, I doubt he encumbered with working with a parachute on. ...
Well, living in the past can't, and won't soften the future. But good try. ...

re: Kane Wommack to Bama as DC

Posted by NorthSider72 on 1/15/24 at 9:31 pm
[quote]I’m pumped for the new era of Alabama football!![/quote] As is the rest of the SEC!!!!...

re: We tried to warn you all

Posted by NorthSider72 on 1/13/24 at 9:54 pm
[quote]Nick Saban isn’t going anywhere...[quote]He’s going to run Alabama like a pro team... [/quote] [/quote] Won't work digging up a buried grandad hoping he'll leave you something in the will. You may not, but Saban knows, that's not in the interest of either AL or the new coach. ...
[quote]That has absolutely nothing to do with it. We will still have to compete for in state recruits. McKinley is a prime example. But Saban had his pick most of the time. And when he really wanted a kid from LA, most of the time he got him. The point is, that’s over with. He saw it this year with ...

re: If Kelly was still at ND

Posted by NorthSider72 on 1/13/24 at 10:12 am
Well, a possible maybe is a little hard to classify as a certainty, but maybe that's just me. ...
So what you're saying is you're glad we don't have to compete with Saban for talent because we're not competitive? Hey, guess what? If you can't compete don't expect to have some outside change allow you to be competitive. Make yourself better. The best thing is that he's the GOAT and deserves it wh...
General comment on whoever is the next HC. The spring and fall training camps and expectations are thru the roof. All benefits of the rabid fans and press are sky high. Talking Dynasty Part Deux. Then it happens - the first loss and lets say it was because the newbie is out coached. It's gonna happ...
Rosanne Rosanna Dana wants to know what's all this talk about Orgeron? ...

re: It's the SCHEDULE

Posted by NorthSider72 on 1/11/24 at 8:06 am
Or just maybe, at 72, he's normal and mortal - has the riches of the world and feels it's time to share what few years he has left with his wife without living in the InstaPot pressure of college football. He's accomplished more than ANY commenter, or fan, of the sport, but people think they can con...