Put your feels on alert. This is Vestavia High School (Al.) senior Jake Hyde who made his dream come true on Friday night against Briarwood. The two teams designed a play for Hyde, who has Down Syndrome, to take a handoff 35-yards for touchdown...
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SomeLSUguy85 months
Awesome story, this kind of stuff does not happen enough in sports... Good thing Ben Simmons wasn't there...
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SaintInBham85 months
I help coach with Vestavia's youth football program, and am familiar with Briarwood's coaching from playing them over the years with my sons. Two quality programs that go the extra mile to instill everything that is good about football. It's a great thing to do, but doesn't surprise me with these two programs.
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Mr. Hangover85 months
Where the hell was the DE and the CB??? Also, that school needs to change their mascot ASAP
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Skinny85 months
Just once for my own sick and humorous mind id like to see the opposing team tackle the player before he reaches the end zone.
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MountainCat85 months
Tackled by another kid with downs
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PhifeDogg85 months
That parody video exists if you look for it.
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TigerChief1085 months
There was a kid on my HS soccer team that during blowouts they'd put him in and let him score. They were down 6-0 against our rival and put him in and he was going to score and a defender ran up and slide tackled him. Benches cleared and the kid took an elbow to the face. He had braces and blood was going everywhere. It was insane
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jctiger7385 months
Unsportsmanlike conduct - Excessive celebration - 15 yards!
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wizziko85 months
He read his blockers pretty good
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CajunSoldier22585 months
This is the type of story that should be broadcasted across all major news networks. Awesome story.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy85 months
I love stories like this!
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YellaPurp85 months
I think it was like 17-3 when this happened. Had 2 be a BAMA school.
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kjntgr85 months
What was the score when this happened? Was the game out of hand?
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Nix to Twillie85 months
Game was probably already over.
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SECdragonmaster85 months
I was there. Vestavia was ahead 24-3. Clock was running and the officials stopped the clock with 4 secs left in the 4th. He took the ball and scored. The opposing team was great and got into the spirit of it all. Touching moment for sure.
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airfernando85 months
how is that any different that participation trophies?
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GeauxTigers010785 months
You really that frickin' dumb huh?
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Hawgnsincebirth5585 months
You're cool
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John Gotti85 months
Participation trophies are for losers like you - This making a kid with Down's syndrome have the nigh of his life that he'll never forget.
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LSUtoBOOT85 months
Awesome, and yep, right in the feels.
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