Someone Made A 'The Office' Vs. 'Friends' Basketball Painting
Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
With no sports on, I'm sure some of us have revisited an episode or two of classic shows like The Office or Friends. Someone even went as far with their boredom to make a painting of the two casts playing basketball against one another. Which begs the questions: who ya got?
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TeddyPadillac52 months
Kevin should be holding Rachel up, and looking up, and Creed should be off to the side also looking up her skirt in a creepy Creed way.
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GusAU52 months
I can't believe I'm saying this, but that's actually way better than I expected. I'm actually impressed (not that that means shite). Obviously I've been in isolation WAY too long.
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Mouth52 months
I see you Stanley.
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Albino Potato52 months
Can Roy or Darryl play? That would be the difference.
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vodkacop52 months
Of course there's a woman guarding Halpert
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Chuckiee52 months
Joey pimping on Pam in the back. Not even focused on the game. Smart defense by the Office squad.
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This settles it. Time to get America back to work.
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JackieTreehorn52 months
The Office. Friends is for chicks and gheys.
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Rex Feral52 months
Friends only made it because no one wanted to change the channel between Seinfeld and ER.
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Vestigial Morgan52 months
"How you doin?"
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DanglingFury52 months
I think Jim was the only real athlete between both shows, just based on that, goin with The Office.
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ExpoTiger52 months
Dont forget Kevin! He was draining 3’s!
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LasVegasTiger52 months
Mose had pure running form.
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