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pfffft. we all know it's Uncle Rico.

Rusty the rickshaw stealing bum in Seinfeld! haha.

Justin Theroux? Didn't see him

Sorry, I meant his dad in The Leftovers. I looked it up, it was him and he has a recurring role this season.

Kinda feel like Goggins character is only there because he has beef with the owner's husband (probably also an owner) that isnt there.

I'm wondering if it might be his Dad? Also was it the dad from The Leftovers?
Good 1st episode. I'm guessing the 3 ladies really all hate each other?

Man, those set of teeth on the one chick are extremely distracting.

Tried to look up more about it and all I can find is Apple ordered two seasons and it’s set in present day Albuquerque.

Oh god...Ham Solo confirmed.
Plot twist, we find out she was working as the other half of Saul Goodman the entire time.

re: Feel Good #FAFO Video...

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 2/15/25 at 5:22 pm

Oh Well. Mine’s Real!

That was awesome!

Solidly into season 4 and she’s kind of a ho. Does this get any better?

No, jump ship after S4. Pretend that is the end.

Edit: holy shite, they don't have him in the list AT ALL. WHAT A JOKE.

Show started in 1999 (that is hard believe its 26 years old), they started at 2000.
Won't read any further after seeing Michael Scott at #12 and below someone on Brooklyn 99.

That's not even the right use of that meme


Personally it has grown stale for me, how many serial killers are there in Miami and any scene with Debra is hard to watch. The show is highly repetitive but I think that can be said for any sort of cop show. Despite all of this, I will finish this show.

I've slowly been doing a re

re: Show really was about race

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 2/12/25 at 8:02 am
I'm more concerned about a 5'4 rapper acting tough in 1998 Express for Ladies boot cut jeans.
Limp Bizkit doing "Rollin" with Undertaker coming out on a Harley should be every halftime or sporting event act. That was peak America.!

re: Great halftime show

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 2/9/25 at 7:47 pm
I need Creed or Kid Rock. Hell yeah brother!
Then hit up the Orange Julius. Get a Sprite O Joy.

Was probably angry that is parents just kicked him out of the basement.

The collection of weirdos that are always on that one side of the White House is amazing. I've spent hours sometimes when I'm there for work and just people watched. The amount of crazy signs and ramblings is

They killed my mother, I’ll never forget.

Wouldn't let my family have a proper funeral for my dad due to saying to many people can't gather.

frick em all