This was not a good situation for anybody involved...

A brawl broke out among adults during a girls basketball tournament in Savannah, Georgia. When a hot-tempered woman approached the referee to argue a foul call, the ref stumbled to the floor and was suddenly met with fisticuffs from another man.

(BarStool Sports)
Filed Under: General Sports
user avatar
Jwils82 months
I knew they weren't gonna be crackas.
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jeff7012182 months
You can't make this stuff up.....
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Tiger in Texas82 months
Dude punching the ref- Society is falling apart but I guess the libs will somehow blame Trump....
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kennesawlsu82 months
Yep, stuff like this never (ALWAYS) happens in baseball(major league) or much less hockey (STREET FIGHTING ON SKATES)
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Balloon Huffer82 months
What an idiot, have you seen a lot of parents attacking refs in hockey?
user avatar
goodgrin82 months
Damn, I thought shite like this only occurred in third world countries like Brazil or Panama.
user avatar
jcc400982 months
That is 3rd world
user avatar
Barstools82 months
Man, they really are the worst.
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TOPAL82 months
Yeah these kids have a great future with these role models. Water is wet.
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griswold82 months
No respect for authority. Ghetto rules. Whomever can yell the loudest and summon thugs to overthrow authorities wins. It has been working for them because no one has the balls to stand up to them for fear of being labeled a racist.
user avatar
wallowinit82 months
This is about 98% fact.
user avatar
TigerSpray82 months
Eliminate all basketball programs and pour the $15 into gymnastics.
user avatar
wallowinit82 months
Yea, lets ghetto-up gymnasitcs.
user avatar
Sweet daddy82 months
Ghetto trash needs to be prosecuted found guilty and jailed . What kind of example your setting for sportsmanship just sickening .
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starsandstripes82 months
Woman and Red need to be carted off to the pokey.
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TexasTiger8982 months
Ref assault will get you a visit to jail in Texas. Up to a 180 days in prison and $2000 fine. Guess more lenient in Ga.
user avatar
TexasTiger8982 months
I take that back. Georgia up to a year in prison and $5000 fine. Mr. fisticuffs is screwed. LINK
user avatar
SomeLSUguy82 months
There's somethin wrong with the world today, the lightbulb's gettin dim...
user avatar
tketaco82 months
He didn't want to rattle any cages. But he did.
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alajones82 months
At my school we always had a police officer.
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alajones82 months
I don’t get why refs do that shite for $55. Baseball umps have it bad also.
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kjntgr82 months
Probably because they didn’t go to college and don’t have a choice
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chinco banditos82 months
Most and I repeat most, not all, do it because they enjoy the game and they can make a couple of bucks doing it. There are exceptions to every rule and pieces of excrement anywhere you go.
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pellietigersaint82 months
Trashy pieces of garbage
user avatar
Stephen197982 months
Which one is Darius David?
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atltiger648782 months
Of course.
user avatar
dehsloot82 months
Who was the white dude sliding in throwing haymakers? The ref was trying to avoid a confrontation.
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chinhoyang82 months
I don't think there were any whities in that group.
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JackieTreehorn82 months
That was a high yella
user avatar
kjntgr82 months
Red bone
user avatar
surgicalvenom82 months
ummmm, it's girls basketball, who gives a frick?
user avatar
idlewatcher82 months
The ref who got pummeled?
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