And so the "Ball" just keeps rollin'. LaVar Ball's Big Baller Brand unveiled their new signature shoe for their 16-year-old LaMelo this week. Yes, a high schooler with his own shoe that costs $395. Wow...

Today, LaMelo Ball becomes the 1st high school player ever to have his own signature shoe. Introducing, the "Melo Ball 1"

Filed Under: General Sports
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HubbaBubba89 months
Those would be good for walking around in flooded parts of Harris County. That's about it.
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LSU Coyote90 months
Those are some ugly kids.
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LordSnow90 months
Is it wrong I hope they go bankrupt? Big Baller Brand? SMH
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SouthernInsanity90 months
Damn.... makes them walmart brand Shaq shoes from back in the day look bad azz.
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narddogg8190 months
Man, that's frick ugly
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MUMFORD90 months
Those things are hideous. The thought of paying 4 bills for them is absolutely ridiculous.
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Chuker90 months
well shite, I wanna be a big baller too
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broadhead90 months
That's one ugly arse kid.
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The Torch90 months
matches the shoe
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Spelt it rong90 months
Isn't he the worst of the three? Why doesn't the middle kid have his own?
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DownSouthCrawfish90 months
Middle kid got a new Ferrari
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Amazing Moves90 months
It's wurf it.
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steve12390 months
Comical. Would not pay $10 for those.
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comalking90 months
those are some ugly boys, damn!
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UptownnMike90 months
I know it's crazy most half white half black kids come out great looking. Them boys just look like there genes got confused.
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UptownnMike90 months
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hogminer90 months
He had better have money going forward because that kid is gonna have serious problems getting laid otherwise.
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PhilipMarlowe90 months
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Winston Cup90 months
i am still waiting on my zo2 order. i think lavar ripped me off.
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pellietigersaint90 months
not much to say that hasnt already been said
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boosiebadazz90 months
How is this not going to destroy his NCAA eligibility?
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tigerfan580390 months
They are sold under his father's name, not his. Same was those LF7 shirts were Leonard's "Dads" company haha
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boosiebadazz90 months
That's toeing a fine line when it's clear they're profiting off his likeness. I think Lavar is going to regret this one.
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LSUvegasbombed90 months
slow the hell down... is this kid even capable of getting a scholly? In the videos I have seen, he doesnt have the talent but i could be wrong
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