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Registered on:11/20/2017
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re: Shrimp season?

Posted by EveryoneGetsATrophy on 8/1/21 at 3:20 pm
Might want to wait until inland white shrimp season opens in a few weeks and buy from the dock. Chances are the ones at the shrimp lot are IQF right now. :cheers:

re: Trail Cam Pictures

Posted by EveryoneGetsATrophy on 8/1/21 at 10:47 am have a nest in your feeder.

re: Watch Experts: Luminox?

Posted by EveryoneGetsATrophy on 8/1/21 at 10:12 am

I have had two and had the batteries changed by dealers and they both leak!

Sounds like your dealer doesn't know what they are doing. I have 2 Luminox watches for over 20 years and change the battery myself. Never have an issue with leaking.

If you dont identify and correct what broke it the first time itll happen again anyway.

It's a 2006 motor. I think it was bound to break. :cheers:
I'm vaccinated and my wifi and 5g phone work better because of the silicon chip that was injected in me. I hope the non vaccine people have internet issues.
China says hold my beer because they live in their own climate.

Why have you not talked to the VP about what’s going on and why he’s doing what he’s doing?

I would have another job lined up before this approach. :cheers:
Look after number 1.

It sounds like the same company I work for but I only have a few years left so I'm riding the wave until it hits the beach.
Hope they stay out of lease holders ponds during teal season.

That was a cheap shot.

Not when you're out there running your big mouth.
That's awesome. frick him. Love how the black guy just walks by.
Keep over filling your tank and you are going to have issues in the future. Stop when the pump kicks off the first time.

re: Kawasaki Mule issue

Posted by EveryoneGetsATrophy on 7/25/21 at 11:28 am
According to their website they have a 3 year warranty. Bring to have it serviced.
Heat index in south La is 110 today. Cant even think about bow hunting right now.
I get all of my weed and pest stuff from