Popular tennis influencer Rachel Stuhlmann brought us along to the Australian Open this week...

Filed Under: Tennis
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Timeoday25 days
Damn, some could plow the neck rolls.
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robertgamb25 days
Nice rack!
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luciouslou26 days
She fine
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cajunmud26 days
Hmmm...a hotel room with a bed and a bathroom? Now that's some high livin.
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Kevin Faulkner26 days
"King of the Castle"
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Koach K26 days
Like “sleeve of wizard” more than likely.
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BuzzSaw 1226 days
But is she master of her domain?
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BradHawpe26 days
unemployed internet stripper with cell phone talks about tennis*
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WillieD26 days
I’ve got a job for her
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