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re: So Don Jr. Exchanged Messages with Wikileaks; Someone Explain to Me The Issue

Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:42 am to
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
124189 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:42 am to

5. Clearly there were contacts between members of the Trump campaign and apparent agents of the Kremlin, but they were so low level. Nothing to worry about. Plus Hillary Clinton.
Such contact might generate a "Dossier" full of fake accusations targeted at disrupting the opposition, and American politics in general. Right? Is that the "Plus Hillary Clinton" reference?

Regarding "6" and "7", Trump publicly joked that if Russia had the 30K "lost" emails, he hoped they would publish them. Does that honestly sound like someone engaged in a secret coordinated collusion with a foreign entity? Be honest.

Now re: your "Plus Hillary Clinton" sarcasm, compare presently apparent veracity of Trump's denials with those of Hillary Clinton regarding FusionGPS and its Kremlin-seeded "Dossier".
This post was edited on 11/14/17 at 6:44 am
Posted by Navytiger74
Member since Oct 2009
50458 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:43 am to

You're an idiot
Unfortunately I'm not. If I were, I could wander through life as blissfully ignorant and myopic as you. Probably sleep more.
Posted by Magician2
Member since Oct 2015
14553 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:44 am to

WikiLeaks is an anti-western unofficial tool of the Kremlin and Russia's foreign intelligence services. Their "whistleblowing" amounts to technically-enabled espionage against the U.S., NATO, and other U.S. allies, with only token efforts undertaken against other nations far more repressive than any in the West--notably Russia and China. Drip. drip.

So just so we’re clear. No outside whistleblowing firm or entity can never exist. We must trust our cia, fbi, ic, etc at all times......

The scariest to date from wikileaks has been the vault drops which get no media attention for good reason. Evidence that our cia and ic community has tools and software capability to frame other countries if breaches or hacks occurred. You don’t need a tin foil hat to consume some of this shite as disturbing and scary.
Posted by Breesus
House of the Rising Sun
Member since Jan 2010
66982 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:45 am to

Why the media does not simply applaud the truth, or at least acknowledge that regardless of how these emails came to light, they did in fact exist, and their existence is undeniable. 

Funny isn't it? Especially when they consider Snowden a hero and rabidly defend his actions as a brave champion exposing corruption and we should focus on what he exposed and not how he exposed it even though technically it was a crime.

Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
124189 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:48 am to

You're an idiot
Hardly. His intellectuality and knowledge-base are shaded by partisan emotion though. I'd bet that distinction strongly separates NT on a message board from NT IRL.
Posted by roadGator
Member since Feb 2009
140740 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:52 am to

what was their intent,

Seemingly, the most important piece of the puzzle if you are to believe Honorable James.
Posted by Govt Tide
Member since Nov 2009
9128 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:53 am to
It's funny watching the MSM/Obamabots on here and in the MSM twist their pretzel logic when it comes to Muh Russians. It's ok that a special prosecutor turns over every last leaf to see if there was any Trump/Russia collusion. We must get to ths bottom of any Russian collusion or meddling in the election. After all, democracy itself is at stake according to them. However, according to these same people we shouldn't bother looking at both sides to see just how bad the Russian meddling really was. No way Russian bribery potentially involving the Secretary of State, Obama, and the FBI and the sale of uranium to Russia could involve any collusion. No way "opposition research" with a dossier based on paid for Russian information on Trump by the Clinton campaign and the DNC later used to spy on a political opponent could possibly involve Russian collusion, and finally no way gross negligence involving the mishandling of classified e-mails is worthy of an independent investigation. No way the same FBI team investigating Muh Russians that allowed a uranium deal go through despite that very agency finding bribery could possibly be fishy at all or a conflict of interest. Nope, Don Jr may have communicated with Wikileaks and almost used information from a Russian. That's the only thing worth investigating apparently. Can't possibly have two independent investigations going on at the same time to get to the bottom of all this Russian meddling. Apparently those of us who want all sides of this to be thoroughly investigated/prosecuted are expected to just give the Clinton campaign a pass because she didn't win the election. Nevermind that losing the election has jacksh## to do with anything. It should ALL be independently investigated. Two special prosecutors if that's what it takes. I'll gladly support Trump's impeachment and removal from office if he broke any laws but not if we're simply going to ignore collusion and law breaking on the other side and not even independently investigate it. F that!!
Posted by Havoc
Member since Nov 2015
28635 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 6:59 am to
I think you may be a liar.
Posted by Geauxst Writer
Member since Dec 2015
4960 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 7:00 am to
WikiLeaks is a cyber terrorism organization aligned with Russia who ferried Snowden to Russia for political sanctuary, and published damaging US intelligence that set the CIA back years and got people killed. Corresponding with a Russian distribution channel is colluding with the enemy and very close to treason. Trymp's hand picked CIA director , Pompeo, called them a terrorist organization. Nuff said. Don Junior crossed the line.
Posted by Navytiger74
Member since Oct 2009
50458 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 7:19 am to

Such contact might generate a "Dossier" full of fake accusations targeted at disrupting the opposition, and American politics in general. Right? Is that the "Plus Hillary Clinton" reference?
The dossier was compiled by a sub-contractor of a US-based research firm hired to do opposition research. The same firm also gathered information damaging to some Clinton donors and allies as part of a separate investigation. The same firm was also hired to conduct other investigations into both democrats and republicans and business interests and personal matters prior to and subsequent to the 2016 election--going back six years. It's a business that conducts investigations for profit. I fail to see the problem.


Regarding "6" and "7", Trump publicly joked that if Russia had the 30K "lost" emails, he hoped they would publish them. Does that honestly sound like someone engaged in a secret coordinated collusion with a foreign entity? Be honest.
Maybe you live in a country governed by a different Donald Trump.


compare presently apparent veracity of Trump's denials
Uh what? I'm seeing links out of the arse right now. Do they trace all the way to the top? We don't know yet (well I don't know, at least). We do know that one staffer made contacts that he apparently felt were dodgy enough to lie about and get his arse in the sling with the FBI (plead guilty). We know Trump's son, according to a witness claiming first-hand knowledge, "indicated that a law targeting Russia could be re-examined if his father won the election, and asked her for written evidence that illegal proceeds went to Hillary Clinton’s campaign." We know that he was invited to discuss a quid pro quo relationship in an e-mail offering the Trump campaign official documents that would incriminate Clinton "as part of the Russian government’s effort to help Mr. Trump’s candidacy." And that's just the shite on the surface.


FusionGPS and its Kremlin-seeded "Dossier".
For the last time.

Situation 1: I contract with a firm to gather oppo research. My contractor hires a subcontractor whom I've never heard of to assist in completing that job. That subcontractor, likely through prior contacts as an intelligence officer, runs down info through Russian (and other) sources and drafts a dossier which reportedly includes both good and bad information. It isn't used during the campaign.

Situation 2. Still unfolding.
My son and at least three other members of my circle (including my son-in-law and campaign manager) accept overtures for assistance from government of Russia-linked entities under the auspices of, quote, "the Russian government's effort to help Mr. Trump's candidacy." He replies that "he loves it." He attends a meeting, along with his brother-in-law and the campaign's manager, at which a first-hand witness (who may be lying) says he mused about our government reconsidering the Magnitsky Act in exchange for information that could incriminate Hillary Clinton. He later lied and said the meeting was about adoptions. He also communicated with a foreign actor, WikiLeaks, with strongly suggestive ties to the Kremlin, attempting to leverage their illegal hacking and other cyber crimes against Clinton, while at least passively receiving advice from them on contesting the election (if they lost) and/or working to have Julian Assange appointed Australian Ambassador to the United States--presumably as payback for the help. WikiLeak's subsequent revelations strangely coincided with some of these exchanges.

Which situation concerns you more?

There's a lot going on to keep up with.
This post was edited on 11/14/17 at 7:58 am
Posted by Navytiger74
Member since Oct 2009
50458 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 7:49 am to

Yeah, I think I was in the Team6 sort of camp from the near the very start of the campaign in 2015, and didn't really move fully into the Team7 camp's view of things until the summer of 2016. If I may make a brief case why I believe Team6's position is implausible, I would highlight that the Trump team has taken many otherwise inexplicable reciprocating actions, and has engaged in several deceptive coverups now, that could only have come straight from the top. There was the Flynn-Artemenko affair and the Yates-McGahn conversation and the subsequent Nunes diversions and the lie told about why Flynn was fired; the anti-Ukraine lobbying effort; the coordinated tweets and messaging with WikiLeaks; the drafting of false stories in defense of DJTJ from Air Force One; etc. Plus, we now know that the Trump campaign was informed several times at least (from Page-Papadopoulos-Mifsud to DJTJ-Agalarov-Manafort-Veselnitskaya to Assange-Nix-Bannon-Farage) that the Russian government was reaching out to them and working hard in their favor. And beyond that, let's be honest, nobody who has been in the business of helping to launder Russian oligarch money for decades puts people like Manafort (working for free), Flynn, Bannon, Page, etc., on his campaign without assuming that they will be coordinating with Russian oligarchs. Finally, Manafort knew Russian agents were offering assistance in that Trump Tower meeting, and Trump himself had to have been informed about it, having been right there at the time.
You seem to be following this pretty intimately yourself. Be interested in picking your brain sometime. The media are doing a pretty poor job of actually covering all of the moving parts (it is admittedly complex) and I imagine that conservative and alternative media have blacked it out altogether, which is why so few here seem to appreciate the scale, depth, and complexity of the issues the special council is peeling through.

There is a lot more going on here than some "sore loser MSM" conspiracy.
Posted by Perfect Circle
S W Alabama
Member since Sep 2017
6859 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 7:52 am to

60% of Americans would bribe Mueller to frame this b......

Total lack of respect for your Commander and Chief, and an inaccurate statement. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You should get out of the bubble more often. The are about 1 million people living within 100 miles of me.

At least 60% of them believe career bureaucrats in Washington DC are actively undermining the President's efforts to end their gravy train, self-enrichment program.

They also believe the Clintons are corrupt, Antifa are terrorists, and that life begins at conception. They are tired to death of the tail wagging the dog. We voted for change.
The establishment/Uni-party's efforts to create gridlock, while fighting the President at every turn, only signal his success at carrying out the will of those that elected him.

Posted by SnukaD
Covington, LA
Member since Apr 2016
529 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 7:55 am to
They want something against the Trumps so bad it's great entertainment watching the libs try so hard. They thought he wouldn't last the year. Now there's no end in sight. Desperation at it's finest.
Posted by Halftrack
The Wild Blue Yonder
Member since Apr 2015
2763 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 7:57 am to
Wikileaks is Julian Assage who found Asylum in Russia who is an enemy of the State (no, not Alabama, the USA).

Communications like that ain't good. Especially when they are denied, time and time again.

The Trump administration has denied, denied, denied - yet under every stone there has been Russian after Russian after Russian.
Posted by SCLibertarian
Conway, South Carolina
Member since Aug 2013
36240 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 7:58 am to

WikiLeaks is a cyber terrorism organization aligned with Russia who ferried Snowden to Russia for political sanctuary, and published damaging US intelligence that set the CIA back years and got people killed.

Translation: Assange and Snowden each revealed embarrassing information about the government, exposing the lies and corruption from the top down. How dare they let the little people know what's going on outside of our MSM propaganda!
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
124189 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 8:03 am to

The dossier was compiled by a sub-contractor of a US-based contractor hired to do opposition research.
Come on NT! Save that BS for someone else. We aren't talking about information "gatherers". That's all Assange is. We are talking about information producers. What is the SOURCE of the Hooker-Watersports Caught On Film BS? We can be damn certain if there actually was a source, it was not an American subcontractor. Right?

We know that he was invited to discuss a quid pro quo relationship in an e-mail offering the Trump campaign official documents that would incriminate Clinton "as part of the Russian government’s effort to help Mr. Trump’s candidacy." And that's just the shite on the surface.
Were favors actually exchanged? Did money change hands? Was there collusion? Was there anything illegal?

Compare that to a fictitious dossier funded by HRC&Co as a hit job, and fed to the FBI. The FBI then apparently paid for it, and used it as supposed evidence to justify surveillance of Trump. That approaches Stasi-level corruption.

Which situation concerns you more?
How about a #3?
A US POTUS candidate delivers a scripted and starkly partisan (and IMO anti-American) political speech to thousands of Germans in Berlin. To what end?
Posted by Navytiger74
Member since Oct 2009
50458 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 8:20 am to

Come on NT! Save that BS for someone else. We aren't talking about information "gatherers". That's all Assange is. We are talking about information producers. What is the SOURCE of the Hooker-Watersports Caught On Film BS? We can be damn certain if there actually was a source, it was not an American subcontractor. Right?

1. Assange is not just an information gatherer. Ignoring wikileaks' ties to the Kremlin, the organization itself has established contacts and coordinates with criminal enterprises. Hacking is a crime. A literal crime. It's not a cute precocious kid in his parent's basement. It's dedicated cyber-criminals stealing money, information, intellectual property, and corporate and state secrets. When state secrets are involved, it's also espionage.

2. I have no idea what the source of the watersports info was. I doubt that the contractor was under any obligation to reveal that information, and I doubt the consumers of the information were interested. I imagine if this British guy was a professional, he didn't cut his customers in on that information.


Were favors actually exchanged? Did money change hands? Was there collusion? Was there anything illegal?
Well we've have one kid (Papadopolous) convicted of lying to the FBI about his efforts to establish contacts with the Krelim though "the Professor." I don't know if there was anything illegal besides that. But I think I'd have to be an idiot to bet against more pending indictments. That's why we have $30M worth of highly skilled Attorneys and investigators looking into this. Because what we want to believe doesn't and shouldn't count. I do know that actual execution of an overt act isn't necessary for criminal conspiracy among other offenses.


A US POTUS candidate delivers a scripted and starkly partisan (and IMO anti-American) political speech to thousands of Germans in Berlin. To what end?
Come on, man.
This post was edited on 11/20/17 at 7:48 pm
Posted by GeauxxxTigers23
TeamBunt General Manager
Member since Apr 2013
62514 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 8:21 am to

Someone Explain to Me The Issue
There is no issue. It's not illegal. It's not even unethical, not even close. In fact it's more ethical than Hillary's campaign colluding with an American media who regularly manufactured information to conspire against their primary challenger and against Trump. That isn't even debatable, they've admitted to it. WikiLeaks didn't manufacture information, they simply provided it and exposed corruption. That is NOT harmful to the United States in any way shape or form.

I won't even get into the fact that the media rarely, if ever, will actually disclose what actually transpired in these alleged meetings between Trump campaign members and random Russians or WikiLeaks. They only report that a meeting took place or that tweets were actually exchanged. We all know the reason they won't report the content of these meetings or tweets is because they only want to provide an illusion that there was some sort or illegal or unethical collusion and reporting on the actual content would destroy this narrative.
Posted by GeauxxxTigers23
TeamBunt General Manager
Member since Apr 2013
62514 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 8:24 am to

It's dedicated cyber-criminals stealing money, information, intellectual property, and corporate and state secrets. When state secrets are involved, it's also espionage.
When those “state secrets” are blatant corruption and dirty and illegal politics I don’t really care what you call it. At least he isn’t an information manufacturer like the American media is.
Posted by Navytiger74
Member since Oct 2009
50458 posts
Posted on 11/14/17 at 8:25 am to

I won't even get into the fact that the media rarely, if ever, will actually disclose what actually transpired in these alleged meetings between Trump campaign members and random Russians or WikiLeaks. They only report that a meeting took place or that tweets were actually exchanged. We all know the reason they won't report the content of these meetings or tweets is because they only want to provide an illusion that there was some sort or illegal or unethical collusion and reporting on the actual content would destroy this narrative.
Yeah the content of the meetings and tweets has been widely reported. Doc Fenton and I both reference some specifics in this thread.

Get some new news sources.
This post was edited on 11/14/17 at 10:56 am
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