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re: Office pranks, what are the best you ever created?
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:12 pm to Purplehaze
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:12 pm to Purplehaze
One of our accounting guys was always playing jokes, so finally I decided to get back at him. Went outside and found some sandburs and put them in his wheat colored fabric chair. Perfect match, so undetectable.
I did not realize that he would be out of the office that day. In the meantime, the corporate heavies from New York came down for the week. The main guy saw the accountant's office was empty and decided to set up camp in there. Well, he sat in the chair and we heard him scream. Yikes!
I did not realize that he would be out of the office that day. In the meantime, the corporate heavies from New York came down for the week. The main guy saw the accountant's office was empty and decided to set up camp in there. Well, he sat in the chair and we heard him scream. Yikes!
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:15 pm to Purplehaze
Nothing crazy but I have a guy I work with who has an irrational fear of alligators. I want to lock a three footer in his office.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:26 pm to Purplehaze
Pepper spray on the rim of my lieutenant's coffee mug. Sprayed it the night before so it dried overnight. The coffee reactivated it.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:29 pm to Purplehaze
Back when I was clerking at a law firm all the clerks shared and office. When I got there the firm had brought in an independent auditor to go through their trust account because they had more money than the should have (better than not enough but a big issue none the less). It was an older lady who despite the fact that we were convinced she was an alcoholic was apparently very good at her job. This was in the early 90s and computers were just becoming mainstream in offices, in fact some of the secretaries still preferred their IBM Selectrics and you could hear them banging away all the time back in the steerage-level offices. Dallas was the ladies name and she was using a computer but she was scared to death of it. Always afraid she was going to break something.
She left for lunch one day turning off her computer like she always did and I got an idea. The firm stored all their camera equipment in the clerks office and there was an ancient medium format camera that was never used. It actually had an old school flash with a box of flash bulbs.
I found some wire (cut up an old extension cord), a wall wart and some tape. I unplugged Dallas' computer and monitor from the tower and monitor side so they were both still "plugged in" the power strip. I wired the wall wart to three flash bulbs and taped 2 of them to the wall side of the computer and 1 on the back of the monitor. Then I plugged the wall wart in the power strip.
When Dallas got back from lunch (possibly 3 Martini) every clerk was sitting in the office surreptitiously watching her, she reached down with her foot and flipped on the power strip. The three flashbulbs went off with their characteristic pop and crackle and Dallas freaked out. Poor old lady was convinced she blew up the computer. After about 5 minutes of melting down when she seemed to be just about to go over the edge, I confessed and plugged everything back in.
After taking a breath she was so happy it wasn't broken she laughed with us and seemingly never held a grudge. In retrospect it might have been to much for her but fortunately, she weathered it well.
She left for lunch one day turning off her computer like she always did and I got an idea. The firm stored all their camera equipment in the clerks office and there was an ancient medium format camera that was never used. It actually had an old school flash with a box of flash bulbs.
I found some wire (cut up an old extension cord), a wall wart and some tape. I unplugged Dallas' computer and monitor from the tower and monitor side so they were both still "plugged in" the power strip. I wired the wall wart to three flash bulbs and taped 2 of them to the wall side of the computer and 1 on the back of the monitor. Then I plugged the wall wart in the power strip.
When Dallas got back from lunch (possibly 3 Martini) every clerk was sitting in the office surreptitiously watching her, she reached down with her foot and flipped on the power strip. The three flashbulbs went off with their characteristic pop and crackle and Dallas freaked out. Poor old lady was convinced she blew up the computer. After about 5 minutes of melting down when she seemed to be just about to go over the edge, I confessed and plugged everything back in.
After taking a breath she was so happy it wasn't broken she laughed with us and seemingly never held a grudge. In retrospect it might have been to much for her but fortunately, she weathered it well.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:33 pm to Obtuse1
Autocorrected a coworkers email to where every time he typed his name, it was replaced by Mr. fig. Good times
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:33 pm to tigersownall
In 1996, we had an international recruiting trip for chemical plant operators through the Middle East and far east. Corporate HR mandated, tag along hr support, did not have a volunteer, so got us a 26 year old contractor that had not been out of the US.
On the first leg of the flight, he and I talked a bit about the perils of business travel to Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Egypt, India. Specifically I warned him about being perceived as working for the CIA. Because there are folks that will simply kill anyone associated with the CIA. Serious issue!
For the next 5 weeks at each new location, I would arrange with a local, provide the local with a manila envelope addressed to Langly Virginia and would pay the local 10 bucks if he could convince the hr newbe to take the envelope back to the US and mail it.
After the second encounter the newbe was shattered, and was very compliant to the recruitment process put in place
On the first leg of the flight, he and I talked a bit about the perils of business travel to Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, Egypt, India. Specifically I warned him about being perceived as working for the CIA. Because there are folks that will simply kill anyone associated with the CIA. Serious issue!
For the next 5 weeks at each new location, I would arrange with a local, provide the local with a manila envelope addressed to Langly Virginia and would pay the local 10 bucks if he could convince the hr newbe to take the envelope back to the US and mail it.
After the second encounter the newbe was shattered, and was very compliant to the recruitment process put in place
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:34 pm to Obtuse1
Little cricket noise making mechanism in the ceiling. It was a hoot. Poor fella went nuts.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:34 pm to Purplehaze
Ordered a year subscription to a Men’s gay magazine and had it shipped to his home. He traveled a lot for work so when he got home there was a nice surprise and his wife was wondering why he ordered them. Cost is like $150 for that subscription.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:40 pm to Hank R Hill
That’s great. Good way to clear folks off the elevator so you can the ride up or down alone. A couple puffs bf the door closes and bam! Gonna look for some of that.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:42 pm to Trevaylin
Had 2 subordinates that were friends and getting carried away with "racist" notes they would write and leave on each other's desk (they were both fine with the notes and found it funny). It was getting a little out of hand and I needed a way to shut it down without being a dick. One day I found a "note" and took it with me, caught them both on the way back from lunch and told them the big boss had found the note, brought it to me and demanded an explanation, so they had to report to his office immediately to explain it. They walked into his office together after some hand wringing and started apologizing and explaining the whole incident until about a minute in when he pretty much yelled "what the frick are you two talking about" and they realized they'd been had.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 8:45 pm to Purplehaze
In the height of Craigslist, I would leave choice items listed with coworkers’ phone numbers and nicknames to ask for. One guy was on vacation for a week and returned to 100+ voicemails for a $600 van,
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:00 pm to Purplehaze
-6000 ping pong balls in land cruiser
-Post on Craigslist baby goats for sale with Co workers cell - amazing 2 days
-Clapper on monitor for new hires, tech guy knew and played dumb
-Post on Craigslist baby goats for sale with Co workers cell - amazing 2 days
-Clapper on monitor for new hires, tech guy knew and played dumb
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:03 pm to Purplehaze
Co worker hated me for the following:
Dumped 2 bags of those tiny, dried shrimp into his dash vents of the company truck. That Louisiana summer was awful for him. I also did the zip ties to the driveshaft of the same truck. Cut all of the index fingers off of his gloves.
Dumped 2 bags of those tiny, dried shrimp into his dash vents of the company truck. That Louisiana summer was awful for him. I also did the zip ties to the driveshaft of the same truck. Cut all of the index fingers off of his gloves.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:07 pm to Purplehaze
Mid 90s worked for an NCAA athletic dept., the hot asst. marketing director asked me if I could drive her new car around and bring in the package in her front seat. Drove the car around, no package,
Long story short, her new car keys also started the pitching coach's courtesy car.
So for the next two months we would move his car at first one spot, then two spots, then three spots over... We didn't really interact with him so we would just watch from our office windows.
It ended when his wife who worked in with the tennis department and was in on the joke, told us he wanted to seek professional help because of it.
Long story short, her new car keys also started the pitching coach's courtesy car.
So for the next two months we would move his car at first one spot, then two spots, then three spots over... We didn't really interact with him so we would just watch from our office windows.
It ended when his wife who worked in with the tennis department and was in on the joke, told us he wanted to seek professional help because of it.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:09 pm to Purplehaze
Bought a case of the little plastic cups that Cane's sauce comes in (I think it was 1000 of them) and then filled them with a food colored mixture of water and Pinesol and carefully placed them to where they covered the guy's entire desk and floor. It took a very long time and we had to stop using Pinesol after a while because we couldn't breathe. It also took him a very long time to clean it up without spilling them everywhere.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:13 pm to Purplehaze
I was up in intensive care in Michigan from the 6th - 13th of this month, July. My dumb arse forgot how old I am these days and was skiing Devil's Lake behind a jet ski not paying attention and waving like I was 25 again.
Sandbar and dock took me out. Some internal bruising and bleeding, a torn thingy here and ripped thingy there and they were worried because of the heart surgery recently plus I took in some water while I was knocked out ... concussion. Ended up with pneumonia. Typical stupid shite. I think I've finally learned my lesson. My neck is still so sore I have to turn my body to look around ... I've thanked the Good Lord, he was looking out for me again.
Anyways, I wake up in ICU a day later not knowing where I was really but I started regrouping around the 8th or 9th maybe. Propopol something or other then morphene then dilaudid towards the end ... they really work.
So as my mind cleared and they were dropping back on some of the pain meds .... I started remembering some things.
One thing was them checking for blood in my stool.
So on like day 5 or 6 I get this new, precious, sweet night nurse. She was so soft spoken and sweet. Now, by that time a bunch of my buddies had already been up there visiting and telling all the nurses at the nurse station stories of my younger days and warning them not to lower their guards (unbeknownst to me at the time) ... but this new night nurse was so new and sweet and innocent ...
So what was I supposed to do?
So it's around midnight and she's in there hitting my IV with some good pain killer and introducing herself and asking me how I was feeling and my pain level ... and I told her, I was feeling okay except for this memory kept coming back about something when they were taking a stool sample checking me for bleeding from my torn innards and etc ... "a nightmare really ... it feels kinda like some of my old post combat ptsd issues resurfacing ma'am."
So I'm playing really innocent and kinda whispering about how these two emergency room nurses were diddling me and whispering something about my endowment while one of them had a couple of fingers up my butt ... "I think they thought I was unconscious," I told her .... "but I wasn't." And I gave her the big ole puppy dog hurt eyes and said, "and I feel so violated," as I illustrated what they had done to me with my contorted fingers and habds while pairing it with the appropriate pain and surprise and uncomfortable facial contortions ... paying special attention to how I expressed what they were doing with their fingers up my butt twirling and such while they were giggling and laughing ... thinking I was unconscious.
This gal's eyes were so big, she had stopped what she was doing, and she clearly had fallen for it hook line and sinker.
She says in a whisper, "I am soooo sorry. OMG you poor thing. Do you remember their names, I have to report this."
I mean she was gills deep.
So I said, "no ma'am" (all those nurses loved my Southern Accent and they had all taken turns counting my scars and touching them and asking where, what and how ... but this nurse was just so innocent) .... so I say, "no ma'am ... and I don't want to get them in trouble it's just that .... it's just that .... I see that note up there on the board and I gotta admit that I'm worried about my wiggles and bits gettin' diddled again," .... and I proceeded to read the board outloud to her ... it read as follows:
"Dr A, when are you anticipating a potential Dick date?"
I reiterated, "and I'm not comfortable with .... with another dick date. Y'all know I'm conscious now right?"
Her mouth was hanging wide open .... she's looking at the wall board and then she looks back at me out of the corner of her eyes .... and I couldn't hold it any longer so I bust out laughing.
Then she busts out laughing and says, "omg Mr (scrooster) you .... (and she runs over and erases the accidental mark that looked like a k and she extends the slash mark down the middle that looked like an i and made it darker) ... she says "that means DISCHARGE that's our abbreviation for discharge!" ... we laughed good about it.
Then she says, "I was warned about you!" And she left there saying I was her best patient ever.
You had to be there ... but it was a good, off the cuff prank.
True story.
Oh, and I took a picture of the board because I knew the nurses would tell my buddies about it the next day .... and they did.
Of all the intensive care units I've been-in in my lifetime .... that was the best group of ICU nurses I've ever encountered. It was their office ... they needed some levity. They deal with death every day.
Sandbar and dock took me out. Some internal bruising and bleeding, a torn thingy here and ripped thingy there and they were worried because of the heart surgery recently plus I took in some water while I was knocked out ... concussion. Ended up with pneumonia. Typical stupid shite. I think I've finally learned my lesson. My neck is still so sore I have to turn my body to look around ... I've thanked the Good Lord, he was looking out for me again.
Anyways, I wake up in ICU a day later not knowing where I was really but I started regrouping around the 8th or 9th maybe. Propopol something or other then morphene then dilaudid towards the end ... they really work.
So as my mind cleared and they were dropping back on some of the pain meds .... I started remembering some things.
One thing was them checking for blood in my stool.
So on like day 5 or 6 I get this new, precious, sweet night nurse. She was so soft spoken and sweet. Now, by that time a bunch of my buddies had already been up there visiting and telling all the nurses at the nurse station stories of my younger days and warning them not to lower their guards (unbeknownst to me at the time) ... but this new night nurse was so new and sweet and innocent ...
So what was I supposed to do?
So it's around midnight and she's in there hitting my IV with some good pain killer and introducing herself and asking me how I was feeling and my pain level ... and I told her, I was feeling okay except for this memory kept coming back about something when they were taking a stool sample checking me for bleeding from my torn innards and etc ... "a nightmare really ... it feels kinda like some of my old post combat ptsd issues resurfacing ma'am."
So I'm playing really innocent and kinda whispering about how these two emergency room nurses were diddling me and whispering something about my endowment while one of them had a couple of fingers up my butt ... "I think they thought I was unconscious," I told her .... "but I wasn't." And I gave her the big ole puppy dog hurt eyes and said, "and I feel so violated," as I illustrated what they had done to me with my contorted fingers and habds while pairing it with the appropriate pain and surprise and uncomfortable facial contortions ... paying special attention to how I expressed what they were doing with their fingers up my butt twirling and such while they were giggling and laughing ... thinking I was unconscious.
This gal's eyes were so big, she had stopped what she was doing, and she clearly had fallen for it hook line and sinker.
She says in a whisper, "I am soooo sorry. OMG you poor thing. Do you remember their names, I have to report this."
I mean she was gills deep.
So I said, "no ma'am" (all those nurses loved my Southern Accent and they had all taken turns counting my scars and touching them and asking where, what and how ... but this nurse was just so innocent) .... so I say, "no ma'am ... and I don't want to get them in trouble it's just that .... it's just that .... I see that note up there on the board and I gotta admit that I'm worried about my wiggles and bits gettin' diddled again," .... and I proceeded to read the board outloud to her ... it read as follows:
"Dr A, when are you anticipating a potential Dick date?"
I reiterated, "and I'm not comfortable with .... with another dick date. Y'all know I'm conscious now right?"
Her mouth was hanging wide open .... she's looking at the wall board and then she looks back at me out of the corner of her eyes .... and I couldn't hold it any longer so I bust out laughing.
Then she busts out laughing and says, "omg Mr (scrooster) you .... (and she runs over and erases the accidental mark that looked like a k and she extends the slash mark down the middle that looked like an i and made it darker) ... she says "that means DISCHARGE that's our abbreviation for discharge!" ... we laughed good about it.
Then she says, "I was warned about you!" And she left there saying I was her best patient ever.
You had to be there ... but it was a good, off the cuff prank.
True story.
Oh, and I took a picture of the board because I knew the nurses would tell my buddies about it the next day .... and they did.
Of all the intensive care units I've been-in in my lifetime .... that was the best group of ICU nurses I've ever encountered. It was their office ... they needed some levity. They deal with death every day.

Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:19 pm to Purplehaze
Black polish on microscope ocular. Ring around the eyes is an oldie.
Had a female co worker who sent a love letter email to a male coworker from my email (I had left it logged in). Anyway he figured out it was a gag but I decided turnabout was fair play.
So when she left her email open I sent a similar email to a guy we both knew that she couldn't stand. The guy didn't know how much she detested him but I had his permission to play along.
So after she "sent" the email he replied with an excited "Yes, absolutely and I'll leave my wife to be with you" response. Which sent her into a mixture of panic and disgust for around four hours before she snapped out and realized that she had been had. What was she going to do about it anyway (after doing a similar prank to me)?
Different thing and not really a prank but I wish it had been. A grad student I worked with (that I was not attracted to) was sending me pornographic cartoons and other stuff (like a woman blowing a horse) from her school email to my school email. I didn't want to be the guy who was harassed by a woman with Disney and beastiality porn so I deleted it and never let myself be alone with her.
Had a female co worker who sent a love letter email to a male coworker from my email (I had left it logged in). Anyway he figured out it was a gag but I decided turnabout was fair play.
So when she left her email open I sent a similar email to a guy we both knew that she couldn't stand. The guy didn't know how much she detested him but I had his permission to play along.
So after she "sent" the email he replied with an excited "Yes, absolutely and I'll leave my wife to be with you" response. Which sent her into a mixture of panic and disgust for around four hours before she snapped out and realized that she had been had. What was she going to do about it anyway (after doing a similar prank to me)?
Different thing and not really a prank but I wish it had been. A grad student I worked with (that I was not attracted to) was sending me pornographic cartoons and other stuff (like a woman blowing a horse) from her school email to my school email. I didn't want to be the guy who was harassed by a woman with Disney and beastiality porn so I deleted it and never let myself be alone with her.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:26 pm to Purplehaze
I was a victim in this one. A co-worker replaced a large photo behind my desk of my family with a large photo of Elton John. Any visitor to my office saw it but I didn’t notice it for weeks.
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:28 pm to Purplehaze
Not an office prank, but the engineers at Charity Hospital, which my uncle was chief, put a heavy duty zip tie on the drive shaft of one of their co-worker’s brand new F-150 after they got tired of hearing about it.
He thought something was going on with the transmission when he'd hear the banging noise and brought it to the dealership. He came back to work ready to fight anyone in the shop….
He thought something was going on with the transmission when he'd hear the banging noise and brought it to the dealership. He came back to work ready to fight anyone in the shop….

This post was edited on 8/1/24 at 7:11 am
Posted on 7/31/24 at 9:30 pm to Purplehaze
Back in the days of receptionists who would page the office company wide (office of 250 people) if you didn't answer the phone direct call in (on purpose) which kicked back to her, phone in and ask for...
Jack MeHoff.
She was a cutie and very naive, fell for it every time.
Ole Jack for some reason she couldn't explain, never answered the page.
Jack MeHoff.
She was a cutie and very naive, fell for it every time.
Ole Jack for some reason she couldn't explain, never answered the page.
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