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Location:south texas
Biography:retired chem engr
Occupation:general manager operations
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Registered on:2/11/2019
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Investigation by the house judiciary committee is where the useful work will take place. Coordination with the judge and dem political players would quickly jump the fence to Ricco . The judge may get away with it in the senate, But Bondi would have a great deal of help with the others
is there any data about how much property tax will not be collected in the affected area the next 4 years
Miss Mary needs a federal indictment this afternoon in a Florida ct, prior to a dem corrupt judge taking action. That might slow the law fare

re: Armadillo Removal

Posted by Trevaylin on 2/11/25 at 10:08 am
quart of gas in hole, wait 5 minutes, flick a match
scientific notation and statistics have been outrageous failures by the global warmers.

re: Dems lawfare is picking up.

Posted by Trevaylin on 2/11/25 at 9:41 am
socialist...............active party taking place with Hillary, Soros , schiff using USAID

re: Will they have time to hide it?

Posted by Trevaylin on 2/10/25 at 10:27 pm
wiz kids already found the data

They can not have it both ways. Not showing up to work is a pretty straight forward firing offense . Lots of poor folks will miss out on the retirement option if not processed
need a 19 year old doge to check those numbers
I came back for the boobies. very good
I have a liberal niece in Louisiana that teaches high school music. She beat me up pretty bad over the rap. I sent her several pages of sheet music for rap, classical, country, soul etc and asked her to rank regards musicality, vocal range, lyrics etc. I have not heard back
simply put. Elon turned in a whistleblower complaint against Chucky
need to upvote this about a thousand times
all of the labor brokers in India teach their clients the simple 4 word phrase "I can do that". I spent 8 years in Saudi and kuwait employing engineers and operators. and every one said "I can do that"

re: Can someone explain this - FCPA

Posted by Trevaylin on 2/10/25 at 6:21 pm
FCPA.........I spent 20 years in the Middle East/far east and this requirement was a joke. Steering committee meetings were organized to take the us participant out of the discussion and the local partner did what's necessary.
In Kuwait a lot of this was directed toward import licenses

It really is a trashy look, headed up by Raskin/Schumer. But as this gets ramped up to summer of love part 2, who is going to finance this. Not usaid, not fema.
the financiers will be individuals that should be examined for insurrection

they have selected hand drawn crude color poster to reflect the organic nature of protests

re: OTC Sleep Meds

Posted by Trevaylin on 2/10/25 at 4:06 pm
a thc gummy and 3 Tylenol night times works well
last time a/c in the dome was found wanting was during Katrina. Is that what they are reporting?