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re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted on 4/9/24 at 7:43 am to
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/9/24 at 7:43 am to
DB has goblet squats D1 and D2 each week.

D1 is high rep SS with shoulder press.
D2 is mid rep SS with 1 arm rows.

I really enjoyed it and plan on doing it again in August, but it was intense for a 4 day plan.
This post was edited on 4/9/24 at 7:43 am
Posted by DrDenim
By the airport
Member since Sep 2022
825 posts
Posted on 4/9/24 at 1:41 pm to
I'm doing DB strength for my "barbell break month"

I only own a pair of 10lb hex-head dumbbells, and 2x6lb load-able dumbbell handles. I don't intend to go shopping for anything additional so my equipment limitations will make this more interesting than anything. Long term I'll eventually invest in some adjustable dumbbells, but not now, once this 4 weeks is over I'm gonna teach myself the Olympic lifts and train that way for 12 weeks so I may have to purchase some new things for that period.

The only spots that concern me were the exercises where I was lifting way too light of a weight due to not having heavy enough dumbbells, so the 2nd SS of DB bench press & DB RDL's is the biggest one. I could probably do 100-120lb DB bench press fine, and DB RDL's were pretty good with 56lbs in each hand. I could load more weight on the handles for bench press, but then I'd have to strip it off that weight before doing RDL's but by doing so I'd totally lose the training effect of the superset. Next time I will do the RDLs with 45lb plates in each hand and I'll stand up on my stool so I can get full ROM. That will allow me to load up my DB handles heavier and do a more appropriate weight for that exercise.

Otherwise, it'd be great if I had a pair of 15s and 20s for things like skullcrushers, concentration or zottman curls, lateral raises, etc. For 25lbs I can just hold my 25lb plates as they have handle cutout holes on them. I guess I could hold 2x10lb plates together in 1 hand, it may work. This will be an exercise in creativity/ingenuity I'm sure. Farmer's carries would be ideal with about 100lb in each hand, but that's just not possible with what I got. Still, I felt like I got a good workout, just very different from what I'm used to doing (but that's the point)

ETA: The cheapest and probably smartest thing to do for me would probably be to go to one of the local gyms and pay for 1 month, I've done it in the past and it's only about $35, and use that as my gym for the next 4 weeks. That way I'd have access to all the different weights all in dumbbells that I'd need and I'd get to feel like I'm on vacation by working out somewhere different for a while. Maybe check out some babes, stuff like that.
Posted by bamaguy17
Member since Jul 2022
880 posts
Posted on 4/9/24 at 3:04 pm to

The cheapest and probably smartest thing to do for me would probably be to go to one of the local gyms and pay for 1 month, I've done it in the past and it's only about $35, and use that as my gym for the next 4 weeks.

Wow I’ve never thought of doing that. So simple. It would be nice to do a bodybuilding block but I never had the equipment
Posted by LSUtiger19
Baton Rouge, LA
Member since Sep 2015
143 posts
Posted on 4/10/24 at 11:07 am to
about to wrap up oak tree and looking for another PPSA to run. Hyper trophy looks like a good one.

anyone run this one recently and have a review?
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/10/24 at 11:16 am to
Benchamin Franklin 2 - Day 13

This one packed a punch. Squats and bench were both decently heavy but moved well. Deadlifts on the other hand got intense. Those last 3 sets of 5 at 77% were no joke. The rest of the workout when as planned. Plan on trying to get as much solid rest tonight as possible.
Posted by DrDenim
By the airport
Member since Sep 2022
825 posts
Posted on 4/10/24 at 5:24 pm to
DB Strength W1D2:

This day flows like I like it to flow. Starts out with 3 consecutive supersets. First one is tougghhhh! Pullovers always leave me feeling like a nail has been driven into my back, right between my shoulder blades, I think I get this tiny little cramped up spot there in my rhomboid muscle?? I dunno why it does that, I'm gonna blame my form. I've never recorded myself doing pullovers and broke down my form so that's probably it, or it's just a new exercise for me and I never do them so much that my body gets used to them. Any scapular retraction during this workout after the pullovers kinda re-activates it so the rows are teeth-gritting to get through.

Second SS is a little easier, third one is a little easier than the second, and then yer done with supersets. I enjoy starting at the highest intensity and gradually decreasing with each phase towards the end. The Zottman's didn't punish my left tennis elbow too much, I felt some tenderness but not what I would call pain. I went really light (10lb) and slow and easy on the reps so as not to exacerbate it at all.

Pretty easy once I got past SS#1 with lunges and pullovers, but the equipment limitations are most obvious on a day like today. Unless I want to spend more time loading/unloading plates on my DB handles than I do actually lifting, I just have to set up for speed and efficiency. That puts me at weights that are either a tad too heavy, or way too light, it's hard to get to the sweet spot.
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/10/24 at 5:37 pm to
I'd imagine using your weighted vest/backpack could help on the lunges and goblet squats. I know its not EXACTLY the same as having heavy weights in your hands, but it would add to the total weight your legs are having to move.

Also could you incorporate resistance bands into your presses? You'd get more resistance and still have the instability that DBs provide over the BB.

I could be completely off in my suggestions. Just throwing out ideas on how to make it work.
Posted by DrDenim
By the airport
Member since Sep 2022
825 posts
Posted on 4/10/24 at 7:07 pm to
I have plans to use the pack for sure, it's covered in handles and it's made to do this kinda stuff with. I think it may be my go to for farmers carries. I never thought about bands, but that's a good idea. That may work perfect to add just a little more resistance to the things like curls that are just a tad too easy for me. Good idea.
Posted by metallica81788
Member since Sep 2008
8963 posts
Posted on 4/11/24 at 7:01 am to
Finished first week of Arm Farm and damn - I love the way this one is set up and how it feels. I see the light.
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/11/24 at 8:50 am to
Benchamin Franklin 2 - Day 14

I mentioned before that I'm running this as 3 lift days then 1 cardio day. Day 2 in this pattern so far has been on the lighter side in both volume and weight. It is sandwiched between day 1 (heavy squat, bench, and deadlift) and day 3 (high volume bench and bent rows). I wouldn't call this a rest day, nor would I complain about it being less intense than days 1 and 3.

Nice easy paced day. 4 sets of bench at a decent weight moved well. It was odd on the OHP, but set 2 felt better than sets 1 and 3 (all at same weight). I went up in weight on the tate presses and it felt awkward. It wasn't the weight that made it awkward, but rather the size of the DB. I'll have to focus more as the increased diameter is putting my elbows in a different position.

The absolute worst part of today's plan is the seated wrist curls. First 2 sets, perfect. Last 2 sets (just using a straight 40# bar) felt like torture on reps 11-25. Could barely move my forearms they had gotten so tight.
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 3:21 pm to
Benchamin Franklin 2 - Day 15

Solid day. The bench/bent row superset felt it would never end. Bench was nice and smooth the entire time. Rows started off a little rough. Once I locked in position more and got better bracing, they too felt better the deeper I went. I went heavier on the lat raises since the reps decreased. First 2 sets had much better form than the last 2. The Pullovers were another accessory that got better towards the end. Like the bent rows, I figured out better core bracing and it played a huge impact. Skullcrushers were skullcrushers. They were fine, but the 5x20 scheme felt like too much volume when you consider the cardio after it. 'As many sets of 10 CG pushups as possible in 2 min'; I was disappointed but only managed 3 sets. Arms were just dead trying to rush thru those after just completing the skullcrushers.

Now for a rest/cardio day tomorrow before attacking the heavy day Sunday.
Posted by DrDenim
By the airport
Member since Sep 2022
825 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 4:00 pm to
DB Strength W1D3:

It's amazing how much improved on db-rfess I was today. This is day #2 of them and on day #1 I was falling all over the place, today I was rock steady, felt like I've been doing them four days a week for a decade. I also felt a lot of progress with wall sits. First day doing them was tough, lottsa teeth gritting to get through that 30 seconds but today has me feeling like I need to add 10 seconds, and today was 4 sets of 30s, not 3 sets of 30s.

Only sub I made was to do barbell RDLs instead of dumbbell, I don't see the advantage of DB-RDL over barbell RDL being worth the extra setup time. This way I just streamlined my session and I was able to use a more appropriate weight for RDLs. I got a good shoulder and tricep pump from the rest of the Supersets.

I'm sure many of you know this program well, the CARDIO section is a fricking joke, I kinda feel like that about all his programs that I've seen(I haven't seen them all, so relax). I'm scaling up these carries, 3 to 5 rounds of 25 yard farmer's carries isn't hard enough, I did 5 x 30yds today and it was stupid easy. Today's shrugs can frick right off. Shrugs are a waste of goddamn time, from now on I'm subbing db/kb snatches for that exercise.
Don't tell coach Ausmusmus, I don't wanna get kicked off the team.
Posted by jose
Member since Feb 2009
28904 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 5:59 pm to
Wrapped up week 5 of clean the house today.

I mistakingly put 225 on for my first set of cleans and got them easy and then realized I had the wrong bumper plates on. Needless to say I’m finally making progress
Posted by DrDenim
By the airport
Member since Sep 2022
825 posts
Posted on 4/14/24 at 12:21 am to
DB Strength W1D4:

Week one ended at a nice taper from the beginning of the week. I struggled a bit with balance again on the reverse lunges, but not too badly. Overall I'm getting better at planning my equipment setup and making modifications and substitutions. I get most all of my equipment set up and laid out at the beginning and just run through the workout a lot smoother than day 1. As it improves I'm sure I'll be able to speed things up even more, not that working out fast is a goal of mine, but I don't want to waste time.

Lottsa rows on this day. Some people are "rows" people and they love rows. I'm not a lover of rows, but I don't hate them either so I don't mind doing lots of them. The pullovers are the most painful move out of all of this. Like, real pain painful, not just some tightness or awkwardness. It just outright hurts right in between my shoulder blades. Gonna do some youtube research to make sure my form isn't the cause.
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/14/24 at 10:16 am to
Benchamin Franklin 2 - Day 16

The big 3 today were tough. I've been in a pretty decent calorie deficit the last couple weeks and I think it's starting to catch up to me. I actually went to my knees and let the safety arms catch the bar on the last squat rep. Core broke down and I knew I lost it.

I hit all the reps on bench and deadlift, but they weren't easy either. I went with straps on the last 4 sets of deadlift. Penlay rows seemed good as did the cardio portion of the workout.
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/15/24 at 7:39 am to
Benchamin Franklin 2 - Day 17

Much better workout today. Hit everything as expected. It was odd today that close grip bench felt better than traditional bench presses. The only thing I consider a miss today was the last set of behine the back wrist curls. I just couldn't hit all 25 reps. Forearms were just jello by that point. It started on set 3, but I was able to push thru and get that set done.

Interested to see how tomorrow goes. Its high volume day and kicks off with a 15 set SS of bench and bent rows.
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/16/24 at 9:08 am to
Benchamin Franklin 2 - Day 18

Today was the high volume day in the rotation and it did not disappoint. Hit everything as expected with generally decent form.

The first SS of bench and bent rows took right at 45 min (with 90s rests); 15 sets does NOT go quick. The bent rows (like last time) seemed to get better around set 3. For whatever reason I just don't get my bracing dialed in initially. Once I get set with my hips and back locked, they are much smoother. I increased weight on sets 6 and 11. Bench started great, but I was definitely starting to feel it at the end. The bar was for sure, not moving fast on last 2 sets of doubles at 85%.

The SS of rear lats and standing OHP were ok. Rear lats started to burn by the last set, but got them completed without stopping the rhythm. After all the bench presses, the OHP was HEAVY. I got them all done without decreasing weight. If form lacked anywhere, it was the last set of OHP. I know they could've been cleaner (at the same time, they could've definitely been worse).

Tate presses moved to a higher rep count this go around. I liked this better because I could move to a physically smaller DB to still get the same burn. The higher weight DBs are more bulky and I'm having trouble figuring out arm placement with their increased diameter.
Posted by mylsuhat
Mandeville, LA
Member since Mar 2008
49002 posts
Posted on 4/16/24 at 9:28 am to

Look who it is! Glad you’ve came over to the dark side!

I always forget this board exists lol

I am thankful I found these workouts though. I am much better with strict direction than I am at making a plan.
Posted by lsu777
Lake Charles
Member since Jan 2004
32530 posts
Posted on 4/16/24 at 9:33 am to
thats a lot of us, many also get bored quick so the ppsa workouts are perfect being only around a month long.
Posted by Tiger_n_Texas
Member since Aug 2014
1101 posts
Posted on 4/16/24 at 10:39 am to
Anyone who's run Benchamin Franklin 2, what rep/set scheme did you use for cardio starting Day 19? Seems Aaron forgot (or decided not) to include that detail in the plan.

Edit: Reached out to Aaron on IG and he sent me the updated screenshots. I bought this one not long after it came out and the reps/sets were missing from 4 days towards the end. Just an FYI for anyone else that may have purchased this right after it was released.
This post was edited on 4/16/24 at 2:43 pm
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