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Registered on:9/26/2022
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Word on the street is, when she bakes chicken it comes out way too dry. It's not just the turnovers....

re: 420lb Press

Posted by DrDenim on 9/14/24 at 8:51 am
Wow, that is a helluva press. :bow:...

re: Leg cramps while bench pressing

Posted by DrDenim on 9/13/24 at 8:48 pm
Rarely, but it happens. Always a wonderful surprise. Nothing like getting bit in the balls by a cobra while you hold several hundred pounds over your face. What I mean to say is, "distraction" is an understatement. It scares the shite outta me. Maybe if it happened more often it wouldn't shock me so...
[quote] quote: World’s biggest bodybuilder dead [/quote] [quote] Im not dead baw [/quote] BOOM! Two hands. Above the Rim. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7btSVA0BQdL1M6Ji/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47piu8b1u2163hq4m5ltpyoevvxn2lf3nvo2yqel92&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img...
[quote]they end up having to sell their bodies to other men in order to make money.[/quote] Just say it Jason, you are "other men" aren't you?...
I'm sorry for your loss Jason, I know this is a hard time, deal with it how you will.......
Wait....is this not about weight lifting?...
Bobby.... [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYWZhcGxxZ3cxOWxtdWM5MGJoeXFlZWpka2Qxb3l3NXEzdmI3ZWVxayZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/3oKHWiMocusSnsHBi8/giphy.gif[/img]...
I assumed it must be something he coaches, but I never have heard him mention it ...yet, I'm only on..episode 15 of his podcast. I love how the "interesting" technique drives the power-lifting/form nazis crazy on IG, and I've never seen him respond to their comments. He just seems like a cool as fuc...

Never Forget....

Posted by DrDenim on 9/11/24 at 10:42 am
"Kudegras" [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/health-fitness/best-way-to-wipe-your-arse/113885063/)]The thread that gave us 2024's greatest gift.[/link] Where are you uscpuke? Where did you go? What are you doing? Do you have a bidet yet? To all my gulf "coastal elitist" compadres o...
I have no idea who this girl is, I don't know how much she weighs but I'll guess it's less than 100lbs, but she is in that neighborhood, and while this is a pretty ugly squat technique wise, SHE'S 10! I'm sure if she sticks with it she will get better at it, but that's impressive strength don't ya t...
[quote]In other words find a place to train judo/wrestling/jiu jitsu [/quote] I second everything said so far, but to add my .02 in my own way, I have a few words, STRENGTH STRENGTH STRENGTH!!!! Everything he does in life will be enhanced by being stronger. I think one of best things you...
My favorite band is Gwar. Gwar IS ridiculous so by extension...everything they do is ridiculous, and if everything is ridiculous then nothing is ridiculous. ...
Could use a few tattoos. Preferably not religious imagery....
That's a pretty sharp looking hat, but I'm gonna need the trucker version, big puffy white foam front, mesh back. If it doesn't look like a promotional giveaway from the feed store I won't wear it. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/dVkLY8DT/Early-Cuyler.webp[/img] Here it is.....kinda like that!...
I can't find it in that Men's Health article, all the links go to other articles, youtube videos, blogs, etc. I'll find it eventually. This topic and these studies have been mentioned before somewhere I've seen so it may be a new study, perhaps it's behind a paywall at the moment. ETA: Oh shite, n...

re: Erin Dolan ESPN

Posted by DrDenim on 9/9/24 at 4:02 pm
Do you expect the world to give a shite?...
I was just about to complain to management about the lack of TnA around here, but you have answered the call. Unfortunately you've merely reminded me that women aren't worth a frick and y'all suck at this 'Babe Thread' shite. Two thumbs down. ...
There are 2 main branches to the "My Experience with _____ Diet" reports, one describes an overwhelmingly positive experience and the other is the polar opposite, this Men's Health article is of the latter branch. The writer may not be an idiot, but he was playing the part of the "Useful Idiot" for ...