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I read a lot on here from the other side that hates Trump

Posted on 2/7/21 at 1:27 am
Posted by chili pup
Member since Sep 2011
3033 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 1:27 am
or despises him. Trump was/is not against you or what you can achieve in our country. He did seem to me to have morals which now today is lacking with a good number of the people we have today in our country. He may not have been perfect throughout his life. EVERY human being on this earth (including me and you) has not done things to where we can say I don’t hold any regrets to my past. People can change. I did the older I got and I don’t consider myself old just yet.

What the forefathers did getting out of the European Model 250+ years ago so that we would not have to live under a one rule of government. Yet, we are now being dumbasses (almost a majority here in the United States it seems, wanting to adopt to go right back what the forefathers wanted to get out of which is the European Model). In the past four years Trump actually tried to prevent this from happening. Decisions voting left actually expedites this movement towards the European Model and many other countries with the Biden policies. The United States is being fused “or will be” in the next 15-20 years a one world government if we do not change the path we are headed under the current administration. Not a United States government, but a world government that is not controlled by We The People.

Most (EXCLUDING a few countries China, Iran,) of the world looks at the United States to lead and be a example.

The countries above that I mentioned excludes us, as “The United States”, their government despises us, not necessarily the majority of the people, but the GOVERNMENT in these countries.

Trump is not against The People whether you are Republican, Democratic, Liberal.

We are being invaded to separate us all. Mostly MSM and social media. You have Caucasian friends, you have African American friends, Hispanic friends, you have Asian friends. Any color and every ethnicity, you have these friends. Yet the media tells you otherwise. The MSM/Social media wants you to be separated. They want you to be at each other’s throats and dislike each other because of their political views. It should not be that way. We deserve honesty in everything that we encounter each day no matter who you are or how you vote. We are not getting that.

The thing that scares me most is the younger generation is being programmed how to not think for themselves. That is very telling on what the future may hold if we as a country, not change the course in which it seems we are headed.

This post was edited on 2/7/21 at 2:12 am
Posted by davyjones
Member since Feb 2019
30400 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 1:36 am to

He did seem to me to have morals which now today is lacking with a good number of the people we have today in our country.

**I agree with every word. People may take exception with some of your assertions, but it's all spot on. Ain't concerned with how people may have been in their younger, wilder days....I'm concerned with the here and now.
Posted by chili pup
Member since Sep 2011
3033 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 1:45 am to
It’s not perfect. I wanted to take 8 hours and draft it to think everything out in my mind but that’s what I was thinking at the time.
Posted by davyjones
Member since Feb 2019
30400 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 1:50 am to
I think it's pretty well stated.
Posted by Xenos
Member since Jan 2021
26 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 2:55 am to

He may not have been perfect throughout his life. EVERY human being on this earth (including me and you) has not done things to where we can say I don’t hold any regrets to my past. People can change. I did the older I got and I don’t consider myself old just yet.

I honestly do not believe most people (Democrats included) expect perfection from anyone. The reason why Trump gets a certain amount of character assassination is not due to his actions, but the portrayal other people have given him.

There are those people (not sure if you are one of them) who treat Trump like he is the second coming of Christ, and I state that with little exaggeration. Certain people point out he defends Christianity, knowing that in the past he has had at least 2 affairs and cheat on his (at the time) wives.

I am not saying a person can't change. Anyone can ask God for forgiveness and do better. But at the same time, it isn't right to just pretend a person didn't do bad things because it is politically convenient. This is not to mention some of his other shady business deals (Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump Steaks, etc).


What the forefathers did getting out of the European Model 250+ years ago so that we would not have to live under a one rule of government. Yet, we are now being dumbasses (almost a majority here in the United States it seems, wanting to adopt to go right back what the forefathers wanted to get out of which is the European Model). In the past four years Trump actually tried to prevent this from happening. Decisions voting left actually expedites this movement towards the European Model and many other countries with the Biden policies. The United States is being fused “or will be” in the next 15-20 years a one world government if we do not change the path we are headed under the current administration. Not a United States government, but a world government that is not controlled by We The People.

Again, I believe their is a misunderstanding being perpetuated by right-wing forces in the media regarding European government. Americans do not want to lose their Constitutional rights. They simply want the benefits that European and Nordic countries have. Our Western allies have a universal form of healthcare. A welfare program designed specifically for only those who desperately need it. Wages that keep up with the rate of inflation in their local economies. And heres the deal... contrary to right-wing consensus, none of the countries that have these programs are "Socialist" nor are they failing economically like Venezuela.

If you go by Fox News logic, then the U.K., France, and Germany are all socialist. Funny how they never bring those countries up in the conversation. Social programs with specific goals =/= socialist government.


Most (EXCLUDING a few countries China, Iran,) of the world looks at the United States to lead and be a example.

They do look at the U.S. to be an example. And plenty of them wonder why the U.S. is the richest country in the world, but doesnt have a system in place for the health care of its citizens. And no, I dont expect anyone to feel obligated to do something for me or others. However, your tax dollars are going to be taken regardless of whatever your political ideology is. And they will be used for whatever purpose the government sees fit, and as is often the case with Omnibus packages, it is spent on multiple things you are not going to like.

In other countries, they dont appease everybody, but they believe if they are going to get taxed anyway it may as well go back to the citizens in some form (healthcare, etc.)


Trump is not against The People whether you are Republican, Democratic, Liberal.

I believe this concern is born from the rhetoric he uses. You and many conservatives just tune out his rhetoric (for whatever your reasons are) but you can't expect some people to take offense or at the very minimum wish he was tactful in his approach.

Ill be the first to admit the media isnt always fair and for Trump they seriously went after him. However, some problems could have been mitigated if he just chose his words more carefully (like literally every other politician). Im not saying dont be honest, but dont give people a reason to attack you.

You or I, when out in public are accountable for what we say. Why is that off-limits for any politician, Democrat or Republican.


The thing that scares me most is the younger generation is being programmed how to not think for themselves. That is very telling of what the future may hold if we as a country, not change the course in which it seems we are headed.

I agree with this. The problem is that they are too easily influenced by celebrities and so-called influencers of the world. This has to lead to cultural rot as they believe they have to pretend to be like X in order to be something. We all know that celebrities live in leftist bubbles are what they sell is an illusion.
Posted by davyjones
Member since Feb 2019
30400 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 3:25 am to
I'll admit, there's a tone of reason and patience in your post that's not often seen when posters of opposing political tastes carry on a discussion here. Kudos for that, seriously.

I only wanna make one point, and then I'm outta the way. JMO of course, but Trump is the way Trump is in terms of political speak and tone exactly proportionally due to the speak and tone directed at him. You did touch on it re: unfairness towards Trump by media et al, and I sense what level of that you're intimating which is perfectly within your prerogative, but will come as no surprise that my view of it's that he's been treated as badly as most every nearly every President before history. Incomprehensible ill will towards him. Again, I know you will differ.

Already long story short, Trump would have been an absolute sweetheart of a guy had his foes set even half that tone with him. Put it this way: however courteous and polite and respectful they would've treated him, he'd have responded with about 2 levels higher than that in return. His level of rhetoric was simply a survival mechanism.

Dang. Yep I know, tl;dr
Posted by chili pup
Member since Sep 2011
3033 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 3:37 am to
(no message)
This post was edited on 2/7/21 at 3:41 am
Posted by chili pup
Member since Sep 2011
3033 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 3:47 am to
Can I ask a question Xenos? This is all a actual conversation which I want to have with you.
This post was edited on 2/7/21 at 3:56 am
Posted by Xenos
Member since Jan 2021
26 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 5:00 am to
Sure go ahead. This early in the morning I didnt think id get a response back.
Posted by Imposter
Member since Feb 2021
52 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 6:16 am to

Americans do not want to lose their Constitutional rights

Your post was done in a reasonable way and tone so I don't mean this as a personal shot at you but I think this part of your comment needs to be contradicted. I'm sure leftists don't want their rights taken away but they would gladly see conservatives rights stripped.

For example, both the 1st and 2nd Amendments are constitutional rights and the left wing is chomping at the bit to see them taken away from conservative Americans.

So yeah, I'm sure leftists see their rights as special and untouchable but they no doubt see conservatives rights as expendable. And that's just freakin sick
This post was edited on 2/7/21 at 6:17 am
Posted by Nguyener
Kame House
Member since Mar 2013
20603 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 6:31 am to

Americans do not want to lose their Constitutional rights

There is absolutely a giant section of our society begging to lose their constitutional rights. Hate speech laws, gun bans, cancel culture, etc


They simply want the benefits that European and Nordic countries have. Our Western allies have a universal form of healthcare. A welfare program designed specifically for only those who desperately need it. Wages that keep up with the rate of inflation in their local economies.

America has one of the largest welfare programs in human history. What are you talking about? specifically what do those countries provide that we don’t? What welfare programs do we not have? What exactly is universal healthcare and how does America not afford it but other countries do? Please tell me specifically.

You’re under the impression that America doesn’t have a welfare system? No country can just afford to pay a full living wage and all costs for an entire segment of the population that contributes nothing by choice.

You know what else those countries have? Strict immigration laws, border enforcement, and government control of individual life. You cannot have an enormous welfare system and no immigration policy or government forced control.

Further, America is the third most populated country on earth. A European country doesn’t make the list until Germany at 19 with 1/4 of the population we have. A Nordic country doesn’t make the list until the 70s and 80s with less than 1/10 our population.


And plenty of them wonder why the U.S. is the richest country in the world, but doesnt have a system in place for the health care of its citizens

Again please define exactly what more America should be doing? What is it that you think America doesn’t provide?
This post was edited on 2/7/21 at 6:47 am
Posted by ApexTiger
cary nc
Member since Oct 2003
53803 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 6:56 am to

come as no surprise that my view of it's that he's been treated as badly as most every nearly every President before history. Incomprehensible ill will towards him. Again, I know you will differ.

Which President has been treated as bad as Trump? I'm 54, I've seen anything like this ...

The media painted him a racist, a cheater, a liar, a Muslim hater before he was President

1. Investigated from Russia collusion allegations. There was never any evidence of a crime... "but we know he did, we just have to prove it" turns out Democrats orchestrad the whole thing, no one went to jail.

2. They spied on Trump

3. Blocked border wall

4. Tried to block Kavanaugh

5. Impeached him for desiring to root out Bidens years of corruption with Ukraine and China

6. Crucified him over pandemic...but he did a great job if we're objective

7. Stole his reelection

8 impeaching a second time...

Posted by NPComb
Member since Jan 2019
27550 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 7:35 am to
Great post Devil Dawg!
Posted by oldskule
Down South
Member since Mar 2016
15495 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 7:40 am to
DONALD TRUMP will be the most "talked about" president in history!

He wil go down in the school books as the bad guy and the good guy!

In my book, he is the GOAT!
Posted by Cajun Tigah
Tennessee Mountains
Member since Jan 2005
4025 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 7:54 am to

They simply want the benefits that European and Nordic countries have. Our Western allies have a universal form of healthcare. A welfare program designed specifically for only those who desperately need it. Wages that keep up with the rate of inflation in their local economies

Let’s just forget that all of this is unconstitutional.
Posted by RaimondGPville
Body of Christ
Member since Nov 2020
341 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 8:03 am to
Prayed for him, advocated for him originally. But he's unrepentant like the rest so eventually moved on.

My beef is with the so called Christian's who idolize him, the pastors that preach him from the pulpits, the false prophets who called his victory and the false teachers who still back him.

Posted by Xenos
Member since Jan 2021
26 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 8:36 am to
Welfare in Europe vs American. Cairn Study

It's a PDF download also.


Over the past century, Europeans have built
large welfare states, while the US has main-
tained a much less generous system. While
America spends about 11 percent of its national
income on social programs, France spends
almost double that amount; Nordic countries
spend even more. Relative to GDP, Europeans
spend more than five times what Americans do
on unemployment insurance and other labor
market programs. Not only European spend
more on social programs they also regulate
more in attempt more or less successful to
protect workers against business interests.
Labor market regulations are especially intru-
sive with rules like prohibition or high cost for
firing, mandate long paid vacation, short work
hours in a normal work week, generous sick
and maternity leaves, etc. For instance, most
European national governments mandate more
than 25 vacations days per year, while in the
US the federal government does not officially
mandate a single day free from work. The
amount of vacation is a private contractual
issue between workers and employers. Taxes
are not only higher but also more progres-
sive in Europe than in the US adding another
redistributive mechanism on the revenue side
of the government balance in addition to the
spending side. In Europe pension laws allow
early retirement, traditionally with special privi-
leges for public employees and women. It is not
unusual for men and women to retire in their
late fifties in Europe with full pensions. Some
countries are slowly trying to change these laws
but they find extremely strong opposition from
labor unions controlled by older workers and
pensioners. More than one European govern-
ment has fallen over pension reforms or had to
endure long periods of social unrest even for
relatively minor attempted reforms.

Healthcare in the US (refers mostly to Covid 19)


The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in millions of cases across the globe. The United States has one of the highest death rates due to COVID-19 across the world, and its mortality rates will likely increase. Due to different approaches to containing the virus across countries – as well as the quality and accessibility of health care – we may see diverging rates of mortality, disease burden, and other measures of health outcomes between the U.S. and comparable countries. This chart collection provides a baseline of how the U.S. already compared to similarly large and wealthy countries prior to the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

Comparison of Healthcare

politifact Minimum Wage is US and other countries


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Facebook posts
stated on September 26, 2014 in a Facebook meme:
Countries with a higher minimum wage than the United States’ $7.25 an hour include Denmark at $21, Australia at $15.81, Germany at $11 and France at $12.35.
A reader sent us this social media meme about the minimum wage, so we checked to see how accurate it was.A reader sent us this social media meme about the minimum wage, so we checked to see how accurate it was.
A reader sent us this social media meme about the minimum wage, so we checked to see how accurate it was.

Louis Jacobson
By Louis Jacobson
September 26, 2014
Do other countries have a higher minimum wage than the United States?

One of the most popular Democratic talking points this campaign season has been to call for an increase in the minimum wage. A social-media meme that’s been circulating recently provides a justification for hiking the minimum wage -- namely that the minimum wage in the United States falls well below that of other advanced industrialized nations.

Here’s the text on the meme, which Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., among others, put on his Facebook feed:

"Minimum wages around the world in U.S. dollars: Denmark $21/hr., Australia $15.81/hr., Germany $11/hr., France $12.35/hr. United States $7.25/hr. Share if you agree we should catch up with the rest of the world."

We wondered how accurate the meme was, so we took a look.

Using foreign-exchange rates

There are two major methods for comparing minimum wages between countries. The meme uses the most basic way -- using exchange rates to convert the wage amount from the foreign country’s currency to U.S. dollars. Using this method, the meme isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty close.

Australia’s minimum wage was recently raised to 16.87 per hour in Australian dollars. At current exchange rates, that’s $14.81 in U.S. dollars -- a little lower than the $15.81 cited in the meme, but still well above the United States’ rate of $7.25 an hour.

Germany recently established a national minimum wage for the first time, at 8.5 Euros per hour. (Previously, Germany had a patchwork of different rates.) That works out to $10.79 in U.S. dollars, not far from the $11 cited in the meme, and still quite a bit higher than the minimum wage in the United States.

In France, the minimum wage is currently 9.53 Euros, which works out to $12.10. That’s pretty close to the $12.35 in the meme, and it’s well above the U.S. minimum wage.

Of the four countries cited in the meme, the description of Denmark is the least accurate. There is actually no minimum wage in Denmark, according to a summary published by the U.S. State Department. According to that summary, "unions and employer associations negotiate minimum wages. The average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 ($20) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits."

In other words, the Danish "minimum wage" of $20 or $21 is actually an average of all minimum wages across a variety of sectors. That means many Danish workers will be working in companies or industries that have a "minimum wage" lower than $20 or $21. And that undercuts the notion of a "minimum wage," which is supposed to be a floor for wages.


Jordan Rachel
stated on January 16, 2021 in a tweet
A $15-per-hour minimum wage would raise the price of a Taco Bell burrito to $38.
By Bill McCarthy • January 20, 2021
So, using foreign-exchange rates, the meme is pretty close for Australia, France and Germany, and somewhat misleading on Denmark.

But that’s not the only method you can use.

Using purchasing power parity

Taking exchange rates into account takes care of one problem related to comparing one country’s minimum wage to another. Untouched, though, is the difference in the cost of living between one country and the other.

Posted by Taxing Authority
Member since Feb 2010
57453 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 8:37 am to

I'm sure leftists see their rights as special and untouchable but they no doubt see conservatives rights as expendable. And that's just freakin sick
Compare how Leftists consider abortion (non-explicit constitutional “right”) to the 1st and 2nd Amendments (explicit constitutional rights).

Their lack of tolerance and willingness to use government to squash dissent is not merely sick but dangerous.

Zealots + government = nothing good.

Unfortunately our constitution only protects us from religious zealots. Thus, secular zealots are far more dangerous.
Posted by alphaandomega
Tuscaloosa-Here to Serve
Member since Aug 2012
13687 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 8:40 am to

There are those people (not sure if you are one of them) who treat Trump like he is the second coming of Christ, and I state that with little exaggeration. Certain people point out he defends Christianity, knowing that in the past he has had at least 2 affairs and cheat on his (at the time) wives.

I could care less about Trumps affairs, tweets, or pussy grabbing. He put forth policies that were designed to help the American worker. And it was successful. Growing economy across all demographics. Record stock market. Record low unemployment.

And biden has done nothing, absolutely nothing to help the average American. As a matter of fact all of his EO have hurt us.
Posted by oldskule
Down South
Member since Mar 2016
15495 posts
Posted on 2/7/21 at 8:42 am to

Over the past century, Europeans have built
large welfare states, while the US has main-
tained a much less generous system.

SOLUTION: Pack your bags and GTFO! Europe sounds like the perfect place for you and 81 million others....
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