Favorite team:USA 
Occupation:Like those Krystal chili pups. Therefore the name, chili pup.
Number of Posts:3696
Registered on:9/12/2011
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]I want to have her babies[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/Fg7Jrii-17kAAAAC/james-franco-wait-what.gif[/img] Shouldn't that be the other way around?...

re: The next head of SS

Posted by chili pup on 7/23/24 at 10:47 am
Two for the price of one. I may go to hell for that. ...

re: The next head of SS

Posted by chili pup on 7/23/24 at 10:46 am
[quote]or trans[/quote] You got me my a few seconds :cheers:...

re: The next head of SS

Posted by chili pup on 7/23/24 at 10:45 am
Or trans. ...
Mr. President. Mr. President. cough... Mr. President, you are on. [img]https://media.tenor.com/uO7DjTzuhtgAAAAM/sleepy-joe.gif[/img]...
I have never seen anything this absurd with a serving President. ...
[quote]Her resigning means nothing.[/quote] Exactly. All they will do is plug in someone that is as bad, or worse. That's how this always works out. ...
[quote]cbtullis[/quote] Bliess your itty bitty heart. It's hard to cope, isn't it?...
[quote]frick I spent an hour on this and the captions were there[/quote] Do you have another hour to spare?...
If the Dems try to invoke the 25th and need the Republican vote , then Joe stays. ...
I don't buy it. Nope. That's total BS. ...
Ain't nobody shot from that water tower and was the one that hit Trump in his ear I'm telling you. There is no place up there to lay the stock over to get a sniper shot. And he sure as hell didn't free hand the shot from there. Those of you that don't know much about guns and think the shooter was u...
People are going to keep milking this thing from now to 50 years down the road. It will never rest. ...

re: Woke another one up

Posted by chili pup on 7/19/24 at 8:45 pm
Welcome to the good side, young lady. ...
[quote]Shut up [/quote] [img]https://i.imgflip.com/839wfr.gif[/img]...
He's going to make sure he tells you about it. ...