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Registered on:2/22/2010
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[quote]Wait did they just give him a gun ? Without a background check?[/quote]Looks like a straw purchase, dunnit?...
[quote]but is it fully automatic?[/quote]It's a fully-semi-automatic! The most deadliest kind of all. ...
F8ck that guy. If knew it was wrong, he should have resigned. He's pretending for the camera. That's it. Nothing more....
Why not sue "big lumber" for providing the flammable wood? Sue the buiders for using wood instead of concrete construction. We could do this for days. ...
[quote]Big oil’s negligence: LA residents call on fossil fuel industry to pay for wildfire damage[/quote]Money grab....
[quote]Texas selects new House Speaker- Majority votes coming from Democrats[/quote]I could see this happening the US house. ...

re: APL with the sonic boom

Posted by Taxing Authority on 1/14/25 at 5:15 pm
If being a minority is so terrible, Why would she fake it? :dunno:...
[quote]I’m ao far to the right of Trump I have no use for him.[/quote]The person you’re responding to will use this as evidence that you voted for Harris. EDIT: called it! [quote]Who’d you vote for?[/quote]...
[quote]I like Masse and his stance, but the Republicans need broad support across the party. They need to all fall in line to support Trump's plan.[/quote][quote]Wish we could go back to the early 2000s and see the same kind of ballwashing shite. like this being said about George bush and the patriot...
[quote]I like Masse and his stance, but the Republicans need broad support across the party. They need to all fall in line to support Trump's plan.[/quote]Indeed! Republicans should compromise and work with democrats so they can republican AND democrat votes! that would be so awesome! What could go...

re: State Farm did nothing wrong

Posted by Taxing Authority on 1/14/25 at 12:11 pm
[quote]I’m shocked they didn’t pull out of California totally.[/quote]Those idiots enacted an insurance rate increase and policy cancellation moratorium. So if you're in business in CA and losing money, you have to continue your business until you're bankrupt. And poeple wonder why it's so hard to g...
I mean... this already happened. But CA voters are too racist to elect the Black guy. ...
[quote]I’m glad the American people are fed up,[/quote]Not enough of them. But it's progress. ...
[quote]who’s the idiot now? Sounds like LESS government to me with one central agency [/quote] :rotflmao: Hey, I hear they are selling off bridges to balance the budget. You want to buy one?...
[quote]Is he implying that there is no existing mechanism for collecting tariffs and such from external sources and now the government has to grow? [/quote]You're not supposed to ask this. It's part of the reality show experience. "He's doing something! Murica!". ...
[quote]The external revenue service can start with taxing remittances 10% to foreign countries, especially Central and South American countries.[/quote]We could fund SS for almost an entire hour!...
[quote]Delusional is the only word I will use for this crazy idea . Why don’t we start by taxing the billionaire and corporations. [/quote]Because if you took every dollar in income above $1 million... you couldn't even balance the current budget. :lol: We don't have a revenue problem.Tariffs ar...
Yay! MOAR government! What if I told you we already have multiple government agencies to collect tariffs and regulate imports? ...
Waiting for his next casting? Surely someone will give him a new role. He's a great actor. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6a/Backroom_Casting_Couch%2C_Original%2C_Scottsdale%2C_AZ.jpg/640px-Backroom_Casting_Couch%2C_Original%2C_Scottsdale%2C_AZ.jpg[/img]...
[quote]NPR issues new guidance on how to[b] decieve people about[/b] illegal aliens in their broadcasts[/quote]Fixed it. Remeber NPR's CO claims truth is nothing more than a distraction. ...