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[quote]If we don’t get our fertility levels above replacement rates, we aren’t going to be able to pay for anything as a country. [/quote]*ding*ding*ding*. Social security is the reason both parties want all the immigration. All ponzi scheme collapse when new sucker...ummm...taxpayers stop coming in...
[quote]Cool. You realize this was from a 2021 interview where he didn’t advocate for even more tax benefits for children? Of course not. [/quote]I mean... the current CIC just allows you to deduct expenses, and not very much of them. Double it. Hell, triple it and it's not isht for the tax payers no...
[quote]Letting Jim keep $2000 more of his money because he’s incurring $10k-$15k more in expenses in raising a child (which keeps America moving forward) isn’t punishing you. [/quote]It's the classic "how are we going to pay for these tax cuts" line democrats like to use. To them, keeping your money...
[quote]So you’re just jealous of people with entitlements? [/quote] :rotflmao: Holy smokes. ...
[quote]It’s quite an epidemic these days. [/quote]I mean... if the tax benefits are so great... why not chose to have kids? Take advantage of it. :lol: But of course it's much easier to b*tch about it. So here we are. ...
[quote]What are you implying?[/quote]I thought it was pretty clear. But maybe I've overestimated you. [quote]Why would a flat tax rate be bad?[/quote]Who said it would be. Hell I'm for flat taxes, not even flat rate. But that has nothing to do with any of this. [quote]Is cutting entitlement...
[quote]Is all incentivizing, dumb arse. [/quote]Now go have a look at the scale, dumb arse. ...
[quote]Taxes aren’t defined by a “larger share.” I pay what I owe and you pay what you owe. Me paying more doesn’t lessen your taxes. Nor does me paying less increase your taxes. [/quote]I wonder if thinks he should pay the maximum 39.5% marginal rate. Why should poor people get a lower tax rate, ju...
[quote]But you also want to choose who gets to keep extra and who effectively pays a larger share[/quote]Nah. I'm just not jealous of someone having a lower income tax rate. Sorry you're having to compensate for... something. ...
This is their hero. Trying to use a hammer. [embed]https://x.com/Flame_Volunteer/status/1809279346781171914[/embed]...
[quote]Yes, you did. If you give a tax credit to only a specific group of people, as opposed to everyone, then the ones you’re not giving a credit to pay more taxes. [/quote]Nah. You can be a proponent of both. ...
[quote]Republicans are such parrots. They hear one word and echo it over and over. [/quote] :rotflmao: Democrats literally passed out cards with talking points on this. ...
[quote]So JD wants a baby mama with 5 kids to get rewarded?[/quote] :rotflmao: That's totally what he said. Good grief. Where do you people come from? I can't understand getting all upset that people that actually pay taxes, paying slightly less taxes is outrageous incentivizing... but the free ...
[quote]Why shouldn’t everyone just keep more of their money than choosing this characteristic as a winner?[/quote]Where did anyone argue that [b]only [/b]people with kids should pay less taxes? Did I miss that? Or did you just make that part up? ...
[quote]This is actually our current tax code.[/quote]Like most they have no idea what's in the tax code, or how basic accounting works. They just know how to rage when some influence tells them to. Nothing better than guy who takes 30% in pre-tax deductions and deductable health care. and HMITC,...
[quote]Should the mortgage interests deduction be allowed? [/quote]We're taxing people for not buying a home!...
[quote]The only people breeding are low IQ poors, dipshit. There HAS to be incentive for the working class to have more children.[/quote]C'mon man. That's no way to create a permanent underclass to rule over!!...
[quote]Only people upset about this are cat ladies, incels, and twinks. [/quote]"democrat base" is less letters....
[quote]It is literally the sole evolutionary reason relationships have evolved[/quote]The "party of science" disagrees. Also, men can get pregnant. ...
[quote]If Dave Portnoy would have never tweeted this and framed the argument as he did you would know none the better about this issue. [/quote]My 10 year old daughter swings a hammer better than him. We shouldn't be listening to anything that dude comes up with. Except maybe fashion advice. :lol:...