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re: The FBI FAFO

Posted by davyjones on 2/1/25 at 5:50 pm
Yeah but I think the point is that, using the military as an example, you don’t get rid of every boots on the ground soldier just because someone like, for instance, Milley has been in a top leadership position (and/or the assortment of other similar jackoffs like him). You simply “defang” Milley an

re: Trump post and EO on Tariffs

Posted by davyjones on 2/1/25 at 5:45 pm
I’m not so sure the kinds of people y’all are referencing there are very reliable when it comes to voting, or pretty much anything else. In fact it’s a crapshoot as to whether they’d even be alive come the next election. I’m one of those who believes that the left doesn’t have any “plan” or strategy

re: Trump Issues New Executive Order

Posted by davyjones on 2/1/25 at 5:34 pm
I want to believe it though.

325-9421 Monroe

I remembered it as soon as I read the OP.

re: The FBI FAFO

Posted by davyjones on 2/1/25 at 3:53 pm
How about we just get rid of the ones who are proven to have been bad actors. Prosecute any who are shown to have broken any laws. Is that not a sound approach to the whole thing? Because I’m seeing a very strong trend or theme insofar as many amongst us are demanding the universal dismissal of all
[quote]Assumption. I thought they were all full pardons. But I haven’t researched it nor care to. Not being a jerk, it’s just not that big of a deal one way or the other. But if they did receive full pardons, I would have done it differently.

So, to get back to the OP, there’s very little to noth
Two things:

1) Consider what all “they” have done to him and his family and put them through;

2) He doesn’t have to be concerned with his reelection now

In some ways I actually admire his restraint. I’m sure there’s quite a bit that he COULD say (and do) that he makes the conscious decision

I would have preferred commuting of sentences to time served on any 1/6’ers who physically obstructed a cop (as opposed to a full pardon).

How do you know he didn’t? I don’t know precisely who did what, but a list of specifically named individuals had their sentences commuted to “tim
I’m just not quite sure I believe this as presented in that piece. Of course then again, I don’t believe much of anything. Mostly go with my gut instinct. And that is telling me to take this with a grain of salt.

Mental gymnastics shouldn't be necessary, and imo, the tariffs won't be in place very long.

Small tariffs are put in place to raise revenue.

Large tariffs are put in place to force change. Once the change happens, the tariffs are removed.

IMO, that’s about as good a take as pos
So in other words, being critical of Trump is perfectly fine (which it is), but being critical of IMAMAN is unacceptable. :lol:
I don’t think it’s even possible for him to appear pro-Trump any longer, if he ever appeared as such in the first place. If he stupidly runs again I can’t imagine him not pulling a primary candidate who would indeed have Trump’s support and endorsement. I’m sure Trump can’t stand the guy, and that m
I gotcha. I suppose besides himself no one really knows what he intends on doing. But my gut says he’s not running again. I’d have to assume that he has a pretty lucrative lobbying gig sitting there waiting on him.

Either way, he’s a damn creep.
That twat ain’t running again, which is why he feels so emboldened to poke his finger in Trump’s chest - trying to anyway. That hasn’t been working out well for folks in recent memory.
Normally not great, precisely. :lol:
Yeah, I know you think you’re correct with a great take. That much is obvious. But you’re not, and it’s not. I would know - I’m what you think you are.
No, you attempted to revise your original bad take to be less bad, and somehow think that no one would notice. Everyone notices.
I find it very difficult to take you anywhere near as seriously as you think people should. You tend to revise your rebuttals to correct your original ill-conceived assertion when the ill-conceived assertion is pointed out to you by others.