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re: Who wants to point out the flaws of this healthcare bill?

Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:34 pm to
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125482 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:34 pm to

Yes i am aware that the MAGA crowd only cares about "winning" if that is what you are implying.
My implication referred to the electorate.
Posted by GumboPot
Member since Mar 2009
124231 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:39 pm to
Listening to Mark Levin he's for the bill. Not happy about it but says it's a step in the right direction. Also said it gets us off the path to single payer.
Posted by bonhoeffer45
Member since Jul 2016
4367 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:52 pm to

it allows the states to create their own "individual market" for those not covered by employers/Medicare/Medicaid.

Nothing is stopping that now.

The bill reduces what is asked of states in how they organize their healthcare markets by loosening the waiver process and allowing certain things to be eliminated like pre-existing condition language and age ratings to allow insurers to charge older Americans a lot more money..


It gets rid of the individual and employer mandate.

Which leaves risk pools less healthy. Exacerbates an already bad free-rider problem. Increases the occurrence of uncompensated care that paying customers will eat in the form of higher taxes, higher costs, higher premiums, and loss of productivity(healthy people are more productive then unhealthy people).


It takes the Obamacare taxes and block grants it back to the states. The purpose to cover those people who are chronically ill/sick/have preexisting conditions etc. The states will do this by either granting a subsidy(like Obamacare) or creating a high risk pool.

It takes the total sum of money paid and redistributes it. It reduces how much the federal government will pay of that new formula over time. In effect it absolutely takes money from states like Louisiana that expanded Medicaid and gives it to places like Oklahoma that refused. Then pegs the growth rate much lower, so over the long-term that pile of money is greatly diminished(eliminated in 2027 unless re-authorized). Meaning states are forced to raise taxes, or make ever greater cuts, once again triggering the vicious cycle of free-rider problems and uncompensated care driving up the system costs for everyone. And since the money is less, what money is given is less then what they would of had otherwise.


All the left wingers are bitchin' that the law takes back "some" the Obamacare wording on covering preexisting conditions. This is what happens when you deregulate the ACA. WHO REALLY GIVES A SHAT WHAT HAPPENS TO THIS ON THE FEDERAL LEVEL. States can/will take care of this on the state level.

History pre-2009 says otherwise.


Insurance companies don't want this. That is a good sign. People need to realize when YOU FORCE people to buy health insurance with all the bells and whistles(Obamacare's Essential Health Benefits mandate) - pregnancy care, birth control, drug rehab, mental health, ambulance service etc that insurance companies are making out $$$ with all this additional crap.

Not just insurance companies, pretty much every single healthcare organization in existence in this country.
This post was edited on 9/21/17 at 6:57 pm
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125482 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:55 pm to

it's a step in the right direction
100% !!!
Posted by Sidicous
Member since Aug 2015
18320 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:55 pm to

Of note in asking this of "conservatives" not liberals. I don't need any fear mongering of granny and baby joey off a cliff

How about the question of: Does it pass Constitutional muster?

Last time I read the toilet paper that is the foundation of our Nation, health insurance was not an enumerated power. Since health insurance is not an interstate transaction, the Commerce Clause comes up short too.
Posted by JuiceTerry
Roond the Scheme
Member since Apr 2013
40868 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:58 pm to
I'm just wondering what it will do to premiums. Will it actually lower them?
Posted by tigersbb
Member since Oct 2012
10792 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 6:58 pm to

From where I sit it gives decision making power to the states for where funds go, allows states to reduce amounts of required care in plans, gets rid of the individual mandate. What am I missing here? Definitely an improvement

Anything that is finally passed will be a major improvement. Most people with Obamacare policies are unable to access their coverage due to prohibitive deductibles and co - payments. The Affordable Care Act was nothing more than a huge transference of wealth. It is amazing that a benefit which was previously provided by employers on a voluntary basis has now been placed under governmental control, forcing certain employers to provide the benefits or be fined, while telling them how the benefits are to be paid, how much they must pay, what is covered and deciding which of their employees lifestyles are to be subsidized by other employees.

In addition we were also being forced to subsidize health insurers through reimbursement corridors and subsidies when they were required to discard actuarial prognostications to assume any all risks with the knowledge that if their profits dropped accordingly the taxpayers would make up the difference. Now the courts have finally reigned in this assault on our constitution by the Obama administration by ruling these subsidies can only be paid when authorized by Congress. Congress has refused to allocate the funding and the carriers have elected to abandon this sinking vessel.

Yes, the " uninsured rate " may have dropped . Much of this is due to the mandate to purchase ( the first time in the history of this country the populace is forced to purchase a product just for existing) and those who would have been eligible for Medicaid even without the Affordable Care Act. Yet, the new insureds really are no better off as they must absorb large deductibles and co-payments to access their coverage. This is prohibitive for many.

When the Democrats were passing the ACA we were told, depending on the audience that there were 30,000,000 to 50,000,000 uninsured people in the country who would benefit from passing the ACA. Lets split it and call it 40 million uninsured. If those numbers were true then there should have been a stampede to sign up for coverage last year and this year. The Health and Human Services claims the number of signups this year is 10.4 million Remember, though we were not told the truth about 2015 signups. It was eventually exposed and finally admitted by the administration that they had lied and the number of signups was actually 6.3 million and not the 8.7 million they touted until they were exposed. There was no confirmation of how many of the current 10.4 million were previously insured and lost their coverage due to the ACA. In reality there may have been only 5 million newly insured. The total insured may have been well below 8 million by the end of last year.

My premiums have increased 64% since 2013 with higher deductibles and co-payments while I am also forced to subsidize the insurance of others. The president claimed premiums would be reduced $2,500 per family by the Affordable Care Act. The president knew this was not true and deliberately lied to the American people to push for the passage of the act.

The Democrats can be proud of themselves. They gave Obama his signature accomplishment and now the Democrats own it. It has already cost them the Congress and it was a significant factor in costing them the Presidency. It would have been better for Congress to have allocated an assigned risk pool of funds to assist those who were shut out of the standard insurance markets by pre-existing conditions instead of this giant exercise in absurdity and lunacy. The Democrats had to resort to unconstitutional deception and bribery of reluctant Congresspersons from Nebraska, Louisiana and Michigan to get the law passed. We were lied to again and again and again by this administration. Jonathan Gruber, one of the plan's major architects confirmed the level of deceit by the Democrats. Hard working tax paying citizens are being forced to subsidize health care for others, meanwhile many have lost their own coverage and are being forced to purchase insurance with higher premiums and higher deductibles and co-payments.

Despite Obama's claim it would reduce premiums an average of $2,500.00 per family this year's true numbers of participants will continue to drop, primarily due to the cost. A recent report stated more and more Obamacare recipients cancelled their policies even after being afforded great leniency by the very liberal rules set by this administration. So we had to totally disrupt health coverage that many were happy with, had to endure a total revision of the healthcare system all for less than 3% of the population of this country. This continues to prove how incompetent the Obama administration was and so ill prepared to govern. This is yet another example of how liberals operate. They will take what they can get at first. Then having gotten their foot in the door they return to press for the rest at a later date in the guise of fairness. Then anyone who objects is waging a war on those beneficiaries, a meme which their media minions is always willing to trumpet. Look no further than this current push for single payer option and the recent movement in California to cover illegal immigrants.

The Democrat Congress and President Obama passed a defective bill and will continue to pay the price for it. The Democrat Congress had to assure Obama got his signature accomplishment. You Democrats now own it lock, stock and barrel.
Posted by bonhoeffer45
Member since Jul 2016
4367 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:04 pm to

I'm just wondering what it will do to premiums. Will it actually lower them?

Depends on what your state does?

In Louisiana, we expanded Medicaid to the tune of 450,000 people. Which Cassidy has bragged about helping.

So that lowered block grant, tied to lower inflation metrics, will likely largely go to keeping the thing afloat by funding it with increased cuts to make up the difference.

If you have individual market coverage, not much a chance Bel Edwards decides to take a knife to poor and older citizens by applying for many waivers.

Are you going to get the same insurance coverage at a cheaper rate? Not likely given the above. Nothing in this bill does anything to attack core cost drivers like healthcare price inflation, drug costs, uncompensated care(harms that actually), and insurance pricing would only really be affected by waivers such as that age rating which would in theory give younger people slightly cheaper insurance(though still far too expensive for must I would bet). Though eliminating the mandate has a good chance of spinning us back into pre-ACA days where healthy people just went without insurance and the risk pools get much more risky.
This post was edited on 9/21/17 at 7:06 pm
Posted by roadGator
Member since Feb 2009
144189 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:05 pm to
You are more honest here.

Just tell us the total amount of taxes you want/need and how much each taxpayer will have to pay.

I may think it's worth the extra burden.

The first go round should have been more honest. The blowback was expected.
Posted by LSUconvert
Hattiesburg, MS
Member since Aug 2007
6229 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:07 pm to

they believe some states will simply institute single payer with the block grant.
Dear Lord, please let that happen.

Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125482 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:08 pm to

Meaning states are forced to raise taxes, or make ever greater cuts
As should have always been the case. You'll have 50 different laboratories working toward solutions, as opposed to one.
Posted by WaWaWeeWa
Member since Oct 2015
15714 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:10 pm to
What bothers me is that Republicans are slightly changing Obamacare, and in the process are going to assume responsibility of the new plan.

Since I believe any plan without reform of lobbyists, Tort reform, more efficient end of life care, and more transparency from providers will eventually fail... This healthcare plan will eventually fail thus allowing the democrats to say "see the Republicans plan failed and we told you all along the only solution is single payer" (which is their ultimate goal)

The ball is in the Republicans court and they have all the advantage right now. Don't settle for anything less then the ideal plan because whatever they create here will be theirs

Tldr: the democrats are playing 3D chess better than the Republicans on this issue
Posted by NC_Tigah
Member since Sep 2003
125482 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:11 pm to

I'm just wondering what it will do to premiums. Will it actually lower them?
Unsubsidized, which must be the comparator? Absolutely!
Not even debatable.
Posted by bonhoeffer45
Member since Jul 2016
4367 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:12 pm to

Anything that is finally passed will be a major improvement. Most people with Obamacare policies are unable to access their coverage due to prohibitive deductibles and co - payments.

Nice to see you at least added a new sentence to a diatribe you seem to spam out a few times a year:




Though you hit on pretty much every talking point the right has accumulated for 6 years, so I get why you go for it. It's like a Tom Petty concert, you give the audience what they want to hear. And the audience loves you for it.

But all of that says nothing about what is actually positive or makes the insurance situation better under Graham Cassidy. Or how Graham Cassidy improves upon the things you are charging the ACA with?
Posted by umop_apisdn
Member since Sep 2017
3673 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:14 pm to

This healthcare plan will eventually fail thus allowing the democrats to say "see the Republicans plan failed and we told you all along the only solution is single payer" (which is their ultimate goal) The ball is in the Republicans court and they have all the advantage right now. Don't settle for anything less then the ideal plan because whatever they create here will be theirs Tldr: the democrats are playing 3D chess better than the Republicans on this issue

Not even, each state will be responsible for making it succeed or fail in their respective state.

This bill gets the monkey off the rights back and places it on state leadership whether it be (D) or (R).

This post was edited on 9/21/17 at 7:16 pm
Posted by udtiger
Over your left shoulder
Member since Nov 2006
102207 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:16 pm to

Listening to Mark Levin he's for the bill. Not happy about it but says it's a step in the right direction. Also said it gets us off the path to single payer.

This is why Paul needs to support it.

I happened to be scanning and he was on Hannity yesterday. Absolutely letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Posted by Loserman
Member since Sep 2007
22406 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:17 pm to

It doesn't repeal Obamacare.

It also still allows illegal aliens to be treated in emergency rooms
Posted by CelticDog
Member since Apr 2015
42867 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:17 pm to
Less money in total package.

Nothing in bill addresses costs of services or products that your insurance is billed.

No new federal medical schools, so shortage of mds is addressed by cutting 20 million people out of the system.

Posted by Janky
Team Primo
Member since Jun 2011
35957 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:18 pm to
Doesn't it get rid of the mandate, but if you need it you have to pay back premiums or something?
Posted by ScottFowler
NE Ohio
Member since Sep 2012
4241 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 7:19 pm to

This bill gets the monkey off the rights back and places it on state leadership whether it be (D) or (R).

This is why it will pass. The states of the Rep. no voters are going to want the ability to shed O'care even if this bill doesn't do it all the way.
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