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re: Baylor University Survey On Religion: 'Almost No Atheists Voted For Trump'

Posted on 9/19/17 at 5:18 pm to
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35845 posts
Posted on 9/19/17 at 5:18 pm to

Who are you quoting?

Quoting Buckeye, ns. As your responded to Him.

"Murder" can be a matter of cultural expression. We'd consider human sacrifice murder; many Cultures saw it as the highest form of worship and subservience.

My argument posits the idea that if there is no Absolute Authority, upon which all (vast majority) can agree to submit to...then 'authority' becomes subjective. As we see such now in the polarized socio-political Culture. Recipe for strife. Throw in morality...and far worse than just run of the mill strife. Boundless and contempt/hate-based action.

Posted by northshorebamaman
Cochise County AZ
Member since Jul 2009
35773 posts
Posted on 9/19/17 at 5:21 pm to

My argument posits the idea that if there is no Absolute Authority, upon which all (vast majority) can agree to submit to...then 'authority' becomes subjective. As we see such now in the polarized socio-political Culture. Recipe for strife. Throw in morality...and far worse than just run of the mill strife. Boundless and contempt/hate-based action.

I'm familiar with that argument. I've never found it convincing or especially relevant to my belief (or disbelief) in a deity.
Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 9/19/17 at 5:42 pm to

"Murderer"? Who decides what criteria designates one as such; the same that determines 'one man's terrorists is another's freedom fighter'?

Certainly not an imagined authority.

It's interesting to bring opposing views in war to the discussion, considering the rich history and parallels war has with religion.


The one thing that my Faith truly enables, is a potential to love my fellow beings - ESPEICALLY the 'irredeemably' bad ones; incurable and dangerous sociopaths for the duration - solely resting on my CHOSEN belief that they/their current experience...may indeed CHANGE their belief/action in the hereafter. Outside of that belief/possibility...just what should determine my reaction to these folk? Given the limitation and therein value/commodity of 'time' would be ludicrous and wasteful to even consider tolerance of such for them, altogether out of the question.

None of that is unique to your faith or any religion.


Herding the ignorant is easy

Indeed. Religion is second only to fear in this.
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35845 posts
Posted on 9/19/17 at 5:43 pm to

I'm familiar with that argument. I've never found it convincing or especially relevant to my belief (or disbelief) in a deity.

Nor should it be, from an honest pov.

That aside...there are beliefs that affect the masses of people who may not understand their Belief, but chose to serve it for various reasons. Fear probably at the fore. Hope a close second.

For those who argue intellectual Atheism at the level we do, it 's not that we will commit murder aside from our Belief or non-Belief, but more so that we are aware that there ARE many out there who would be so inclined, minus either fear or hope. Mother Nature gives them the playbook.

I feel zero inclination to convince Atheist to believe as I do; I do feel a Civic responsibility to argue for God-based Belief and governance (promotion of said Belief) as a practical and pragmatic principle in the Public arena. As such can profoundly affect my own security and prosperity; Worldly version.

I can smoke rope and consume alcohol...but I don't want my Great Granddaughter to think that she can. Because she may have addictive genes that I don't have...and can crash and burn...which would bear on me. Same with greater Societal Principles and the weaker Brethren.

Heading to the Dollar Store to get milk; not sure it would long be there...minus God.

Later buddy.
Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 9/19/17 at 5:44 pm to

We'd consider human sacrifice murder; many Cultures saw it as the highest form of worship and subservience.

Sure, and it's no coincidence that these practices have largely disappeared.
Posted by tommy2tone1999
St. George, LA
Member since Sep 2008
7040 posts
Posted on 9/19/17 at 6:58 pm to
All 300 of them?
Posted by AUstar
Member since Dec 2012
17692 posts
Posted on 9/19/17 at 7:27 pm to
I am an atheist and I am full MAGA. There's lots of us out there. The difference is we don't run around declaring our atheism just to piss off our Christian friends and family members. Some of us aren't adolescents who still get kicks out of that sort of thing.

Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 6:38 am to

This wasn't a poll of your friends and family. You don't have to "piss off" anyone unless they want to be pissed off about it, and there are plenty who do. You don't have to be a pussy about it, either.
Posted by gthog61
Irving, TX
Member since Nov 2009
71001 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 6:45 am to
and yet Hillary goes out and proves how idiotic these "brilliant" atheists were for voting for her

Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 6:46 am to

Your ability to melt about Hillary Clinton on any topic should be studied.
Posted by McLemore
Member since Dec 2003
32261 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 8:22 am to

No it isn't.

So you don't believe it? Then why did you describe it as something that guides your thoughts, actions and omissions?
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
42424 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 10:39 am to

Like I said, this ain't my first rodeo and no you won't be receptive to your bull shite logic being bull shite. It's the way your brain works since you've elevated things like "faith" and "conviction of belief" over things like knowledge, facts, substantiation, rationality, reason, etc.
Now who is making invalid assumptions? I don't put my faith above facts, knowledge, rationality, and reason because I believe they are all on the same footing and not contradictory to one another. I don't have to set aside any of those things to hold the faith that I hold to. In fact, I believe that those things are only possible because of the God of my Faith. I believe that logic, reason, rationality, and the ability to know anything at all are based on the existence of a logical, reasonable, rational God that upholds the universe in a way that is consistent, uniform, and predictable. Without God, I have no reason to trust my senses, to "know" anything for sure, or to believe that immaterial laws of logic can even exist.


You yourself have clearly and openly expressed and acknowledged this. Atheists are superior to agnostics, you said, because while flatly rejecting your notion of God, at least they've demonstrated your proclaimed virtue of closing your mind to doubt. "Conviction" you called it.
Conviction doesn't mean "closed", as you wrongfully believe, apparently. Conviction is confidence in what you believe to be true and conviction can be had by both "open" and "closed" people.

My statement about atheists being better than agnostics in this regard is based on their study and reasoning through the issue to come to a conclusion, albeit a wrong one. Granted, I'm painting with a broad brush for both atheists and agnostics, but generally speaking what I said is true. Agnostics who remain agnostics are so because they haven't spent a sufficient amount of time really thinking through the issue; they tend to take the middle road of thinking it's not possible to know God or that He even exists and therefore live their lives as if there isn't a God. Like I said, they are practical atheists but don't want to be numbered with the atheists. As much as I think atheists are foolish and wrong, at least I can admire their ability to take a stand on what they believe.


Let's start with this below. You profess all this to be unequivocally true with zero substantiation that would pass any semblance of scientific muster (which of course you attempt to thwart through terms like "special revelation"). You then expect discussion to hinge on this premise. It's pointless to engage someone using this method of discussion.
I made those claims based on what I believe about the Bible being the word of God and an account of history from an eye-witness (God) that is not capable of lying. If you'd like to have a discussion about the validity of my belief in the infallibility and trustworthiness of the Bible, we can do that. I've done it before and would be pleased to do so again.

I take exception with your standard for judgement, though. You said " with zero substantiation that would pass any semblance of scientific muster". With this statement you have told me that your worldview accepts only the natural and material world as being true because only the natural and material can be tested by scientific methodologies. Since we're talking about God, we're talking about a supernatural being that cannot, by definition, be subject to the scientific method. You have brought the wrong tools to this discussion.


You repeat this kind of thing over, and over, and over in long-winded, babbling, pretentious diatribes. You clearly see no issue with the absurdity of the above being presented as some factual truth.
Why is it absurd to present such things as factual truth? Either those things happened or they didn't happen. If they happened, then those things are factual truth regardless of your own opinion about their absurdity. Whether my "diatribes" are "long-winded, babbling, [or] pretentious" is irrelevant to the discussion except perhaps if they are logistically prohibitive to further discussion. I've found that if I try to make my statements shorter and leave out certain details, I don't express my beliefs as clearly and it actually adds to the confusion by those who don't understand what I believe or how I can believe it.


You make statements like agnostics don't believe because of "intellectual laziness" (direct quote) and that when it comes to the evidence or rational information regarding the existence or non-existence of a God, "the agnostic doesn't want to engage in that discussion and takes the easy way out by saying that there just isn't enough information to know for sure when the topic, itself, is one of faith." This, of course, does not at all support your argument that the agnostic doesn't engage in rational discussion of evidence. In fact, this entire statement is beyond fricking absurd into the realm of laughable.
I'll admit that I'm speaking from limited experience, though I have argued this point was probably dozens of atheists and agnostics. The agnostics rarely want to discuss the existence of God because they would have to take a stance and defend it. The atheists and the theists go toe-to-toe on this all the time because they have a firm belief and reasons for their beliefs and they try to convince the other side of the truth, as it is perceived. Agnostics don't really have a position which is why they don't usually get involved, other than to say the theists and the atheists are dumb for arguing over something that we can't possibly know for sure. If you disagree with me on this, I'd love to understand.

I said they are intellectually lazy because it's easy to not take a side and chalk it up to something that we can't know or understand and then live life like it doesn't actually matter. It's harder to review the information thoroughly, take a position, and then defend that position in the face of hostility from dissenters. Atheists get a hard time from theists. Theists get a hard time from atheists. But agnostics don't seem to get a hard time from anyone because they don't take a hard stance one way or the other.


Also, who is to say that the agnostic is "taking the easy way out?" Another false premise. I would argue that the easy way out, if any (and I don't use this term because it's quite presumptive and insulting to suggest that someone is being insincere in their beliefs to begin with), would be the one's subscribing to the more pleasant notion of eternal life in paradise. Trust me, agnosticism doesn't offer one great peace of mind that rewards skirting hard truths. Yet another of your absurd and logically invalid suggestions
I just explained why I think agnosticism is taking the easy way out; they don't have to think too much about the issue because they start with the premise that God is unknowable, if He exists, and therefore there isn't much point in spending your life worrying about it. That said, it's certainly not an easy way out to have strong convictions toward the Christian view of the world and of God.

My view in particular of a God that judges sin and has ordained salvation for only His elect is especially unpopular, even within Christian circles. I not only have to defend my position to atheists, agnostics, and those who practice other religions, but I have to defend them to the majority of Christians who disagree with me. Therefore, I have had to study a great deal about not just what I believe but why I believe what I believe in order to defend those beliefs to a completely hostile world that despises what I believe. Considering the hard questions I've had to come to grips with and find an answer for, I don't think I've taken an easy way out at all.
This post was edited on 9/20/17 at 10:46 am
Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 12:36 pm to

So you don't believe it?

"Believe" has nothing to do with it. Obviously.


Then why did you describe it as something that guides your thoughts, actions and omissions?

Good thing that I didn't.
Posted by ChewyDante
Member since Jan 2007
16958 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 6:06 pm to
This post just confirmed everything I said.
Posted by GreatLakesTiger24
One State Solution
Member since May 2012
56509 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 7:09 pm to

know exactly where I stand. I have no reason to believe in Gods existence but I cannot conclusively state that a higher power does not exist.
as an atheist, I get where you're coming from with this. however, personally, I don't give the idea of a higher power enough respect or likelihood to feel the need to make such a statement. the only reason I would give it that respect is because other people have faith in it, and that's not enough to me.
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
42424 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 9:53 pm to

This post just confirmed everything I said.
Fantastic. Guessing that means you don't want to continue the discussion.
Posted by chRxis
None of your fricking business
Member since Feb 2008
24702 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 10:48 pm to

My statement about atheists being better than agnostics in this regard is based on their study and reasoning through the issue to come to a conclusion, albeit a wrong one. Granted, I'm painting with a broad brush for both atheists and agnostics, but generally speaking what I said is true. Agnostics who remain agnostics are so because they haven't spent a sufficient amount of time really thinking through the issue; they tend to take the middle road of thinking it's not possible to know God or that He even exists and therefore live their lives as if there isn't a God. Like I said, they are practical atheists but don't want to be numbered with the atheists. As much as I think atheists are foolish and wrong, at least I can admire their ability to take a stand on what they believe.

being "atheist" is impossible... at best, "really doubtful agnostic" is about as far away from Evangelical Christian as a person can be, in the vein of this discussion...

you cannot say with 100% certainty that there is NO god, like "atheist" claim... there is no irrefutable evidence to ledger that 100%... you'd have to be omnipotent to know 100% there is NO god... being omnipotent would make you, yourself God, as that is one of his/her characteristics, as we are told... if you are God, that negates your original premise that there is NO god...

i get a kick out of atheist too... pretentious as shite, while being wrong about their core belief at the jump...

and as far as everyone in this thread, every single one of us has a 50/50 chance of being right... your "faith" is no more valid or correct, regardless of who you believe in, how many Sundays your arse hits the pew, or how many verses you memorize/know, than someone who's never put stock in any man made religion...

at the end of the day, we are all 50% right, 50% wrong... possibly... that's the REALITY of the situation
Posted by Gatorbait2008
Member since Aug 2015
22953 posts
Posted on 9/20/17 at 11:17 pm to
I'm atheist. I voted for Trump.

So is my GF.

She voted for Trump.
Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 5:44 am to


You do not appear to know what this word means.


and as far as everyone in this thread, every single one of us has a 50/50 chance of being right

...or any of these.
Posted by DisplacedBuckeye
Member since Dec 2013
73988 posts
Posted on 9/21/17 at 5:46 am to

I just explained why I think agnosticism is taking the easy way out; they don't have to think too much about the issue because they start with the premise that God is unknowable, if He exists, and therefore there isn't much point in spending your life worrying about it. That said, it's certainly not an easy way out to have strong convictions toward the Christian view of the world and of God.

Christians are certainly living the hard life in America.
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