Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
Location:None of your fucking business
Number of Posts:23911
Registered on:2/19/2008
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[quote]This board is schizo about every single topic and will be on both sides of any issue depending on the thread. [/quote] yet, their head is so far up their own arse they can't see it, and it's so exhausting...
[quote]Can we keep politics off this board[/quote] good fricking luck.... the Poli Board has become so deluded that those that wish to ACTUALLY talk about political things spill over here b/c there MAY be a chance at rational and logical discourse.... problem is this is NOT the board for that, a...
we already knew a certain faction of y'all hate when people have children in a single parent home, or if they are born out of wedlock, etc..... now y'all are up in arms because people are deciding to be responsible and NOT have kids, if they make a choice to not have kids?? pick a fricking la...
[quote]Barely any olympics coverage[/quote] b/c the fricking opening ceremony hasn't even happened yet!! jesus christ, some of y'all have got to be functionally retarded or are just so used to instant gratification that you borderline on narcissistic personality disorder.... ...
Dindu Nuffin... am i doing it right?...

re: Good vs Bad Areas in Nola

Posted by chRxis on 7/24/24 at 10:47 am
[quote]go Uptown, MidCity or to Frenchmen instead[/quote] this is what locals do, and it's much better than the tourist trap that is the FQ...
[quote]Gonna smell [/quote][quote]Schmelly[/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNng5MGN0ejE4NHVxZmY1a3phOWdveTA0cnpwcmdrazI1d3ZpcjEyNiZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH/200.webp[/img]...
Inman is decent, but Menery is the GOAT...

re: Fermi Paradox solved

Posted by chRxis on 7/21/24 at 9:10 am
[quote]And that’s not to mention things like: A orbiting satellite (our moon) that’s the perfect size and composition and at the perfect distance to create tidal forces to influence ocean currents to prevent the them from becoming brackish and stagnant. A massive gas giant planet in the outer ...

re: Hawk Tuah gal getting big offers

Posted by chRxis on 7/20/24 at 7:41 pm
[quote]Also she doesn't get naked on her onlyfans, which makes the dummies paying for it that much worse.[/quote] hmmm... how do you know she doesn't get naked? you wouldn't be one of the dummies paying for it, now would you? :rotflmao:...
[quote]There's been good teams of course but none of them have even close to that level.[/quote] well, to be fair, that team is sort of the demarcation line for when the rest of the world really woke up to basketball, and other countries started taking it serious and developing leagues, players, te...
[quote]Should be an hourly rate.[/quote] you can, and always have been able to negotiate the terms of compensation for ANY real estate agent... you've always had the option to try to negotiate employing an agent for an hourly rate... nothing stopping you, literally...
[quote]I would not sign that contract and find a new agent.[/quote] again, no agent can do that... the contract would null and void, right off the bat... it has to be a clearly defined percentage or set rate/amount of compensation... again, if they lowball the initial, the agent could always go...
[quote]this is just paperwork and not something that buyers should be concerned with[/quote] no, it's a fully enforceable contract, that would absolutely hold up in litigation...
[quote] Sign an agreement with the real estate agent that they are responsible for negotiating their commission with the seller. [/quote] unfortunately, that's not the way the Buyer's Agreement works... it's essentially a contract of employment, which specifies that the buyer will pay the agent a...
[quote]I imagine that intelligent agents will draft their contracts roughly as follows: "Buyer's agent commission 3%, to be reduced to match Seller's offer down to X%, with any remaining balance paid by buyer."[/quote] you actually cannot do that.... the portion of compensation has to be explici...
[quote]Him buying into defense, learning how to play off ball and raising his 3PAs will get him paid far more[/quote] i agree, but none of this, if he's stat chasing to get that max, is likely to happen.... he's going to do what he knows and trusts, and that's that iso ball dominant, midrange jumps...
[quote]Inability to edit player ratings (even recruits) is killing dynasty mode for me.[/quote] i'm cool with not being able to edit the rankings, but not being able to edit anything else, other than their gear, yeah that sucks.... for some odd reason, the game spontaneously change Harold Perkin...

re: How stunning is Melania Trump?

Posted by chRxis on 7/20/24 at 10:24 am
[quote]More so than Jackie O?[/quote] yes, by a country mile......
[quote]Eventually some mid season game where everyone is resting and lazy, they’ll just let him score 20. As sucky as he may be, not a bad bet. 82 chances[/quote] bruh, he won't be there mid season... :lol: dude will start the year with the Lakers, they'll do the dog and pony show to have the fi...