Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:57241
Registered on:5/1/2012
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sometimes it seems like underage drinking/party culture is all but dead
as someone who only casually follows lsu/college baseball, it gets way more attention than it did just a few years ago

iss Vickie’s jalapeño potato chips
one of the best chips on the market. possibly the best.
I’ll have to try this place if it’s almost a half point higher than Zee’s

I actually preferred when the rappers used to shoot and kill each other
drake had that xxxtension rapper killed

No way she matches the star power of Willie Fritz in '23 or Raymond Arroyo in '22.

day she’s just a massive attention whore
like every other famous person who has been the grand marshal of Endymion?


maybe even a literal whore.
what makes you say this?

I'll bet many are sick of her
it’s incredibly easy to not see Livvy Dunne, expect for the yoga pants commercial, I guess


are waiting for her 15 minutes to expire
she’s been famous for 5 years

Most oddly hated LSU athlete ever
only by the weirdos on here. No one hates her in real life

TIL that I'm probably in the minority for eating off real plates at my house. Family of 4 Same here. Shocked at this thread.
millennial parents are bad at parenting and maintaining any semblance of tradition and dignity in the household

If you pickup takeaway from outback or longhorn do you take it out of the plastic tray and plate it too
I typically use a plate or bowl and real silverware for takeout

eat off of paper plates at your house each day?by
extremely trashy, so no

re: The new Angel Reese burger

Posted by GreatLakesTiger24 on 2/10/25 at 5:59 pm

The Angel Reese meal deal comes with a Quarter Pounder topped with cheese, bacon, onions, pickles and a bold, smokey BBQ sauce along with a side of french fries and a Hi-C Orange Lavaburst to drink or soft drink of your choice.


What’s going on with Alaska having such a huge increase in opioid deaths?
it’s full of Alaskans

I have Trumper friends in Nola that aren't happy about the shite show he is going to cause. It's not a political position to now like an interruption to your life.
I’m sure there multiple people that you know who live in New Orleans and voted for Trump and also have told you they are u

We have spent more in Ukraine

where did the Jews touch you
what is the religion of the leader of Ukraine?

hat will act in our interests?
when has this happened?

when they killed our sailors? when they blackmailed our politicians through honeypot operations?