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Memorable OT meltdown "goodbye" threads

Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:05 pm
Posted by TigerRad
Columbia, SC
Member since Jan 2007
5354 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:05 pm
I have been reading this board for quite a while, and I'm sure I've seen a couple of these, but does anyone remember well enough to link some of them?

These "final" rants and screeds are some of the funniest shite to happen on the internet imo. It happens on every board once in a while. Someone just has enough, and reels of a long post about how the board and everyone on it are evil, and they're leaving forever to get their life back or whatever.

Link em if you got em.
Posted by Kafka
I am the moral conscience of TD
Member since Jul 2007
142844 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:06 pm to

Posted by Mo Jeaux
Member since Aug 2008
59286 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:07 pm to
I still remember Willow posting porn. Thread went on for almost two hours before the hammer fell.
Posted by 9Fiddy
19th Hole
Member since Jan 2007
64219 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:07 pm to
Posted by Josh Fenderman
Ron Don Volante's PlayPen
Member since Jul 2011
6725 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:08 pm to


Is there a link to this? I missed it back when it happened
Posted by DaBeerz
Member since Sep 2004
17034 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:08 pm to
Posted by Peazey
Member since Apr 2012
25418 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:09 pm to



Is epic as frick. That guy takes the internet entirely too seriously.
Posted by Vegas Eddie
The Quad
Member since Dec 2013
5981 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:09 pm to
Posted by TH03
Member since Dec 2008
171114 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:15 pm to
Posted by Kafka
I am the moral conscience of TD
Member since Jul 2007
142844 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:16 pm to


Is there a link to this?
The actual thread has been deleted. Here is some of it that was saved in another thread:


Here it is, the final post by Charles Bronson. But it’s time to get honest with you. Charles is a polite guy, a guy that gets along with most people with any sensibility and morals. But for the last few weeks, Charles has not been his normal illustrious self.

Charles has been possessed by a new spirit and with that spirit I am here to speak to each of you, individually and as a group. Are you ready to hear me out? But first, a little history of But even before that, let me confess something to you. I, Charles, am really TulaneLSU. Some of you expected it; some even knew, but now everyone knows it. Surprised? Now to that history...

Chicken and his team of miscreants, who by some mistaken directive of Tyche, were allowed an opportunity for this website to flourish into the cancer it is, deserve nothing but hatred from me and from the rest of the posters here. He and his licentious lynch mob, that follows him around like Bosco’s boys in Marmaduke, rather than take advantage of the opportunity to become a forum community of love, honor, and respect, chose the easy way out, the way that ensured quick money and quick hits. He chose evil and the propagation of evil.

Racism, sexism, misogyny, drugs, borderline fascist politics, these are the topics his website actively recruits while deleting and banning posters who can legitimately refute them. He pretends to be open minded by allowing posters who disagree with those ideologies, posters like Rex, but these are the posters who lack any wisdom and any intelligence.

So instead, the morally courageous positions become mocked caricatures because the characters the TD staff allow to post objecting opinions are clowns. So why do I keep coming back? I care about the posters here. I care far more than some delinquent idiot who wants to share secrets about where to buy illegal, terrorist-supporting, damaging drugs. I see before me an army of posters who are lonely, lost, and gullible. Desperate for connection and support from others, the site has enormous healing potential. But the mods like ByteMe and that fascist pig, Ice Cold, minions of Satan himself, want to make it a den for crooks, liars, and womanizers.

They believe their own failure in life should extend to others. They are the real life Lotso, the figure who wants no one to excel because excellence has always been out of his reach. No one is as miserable as the man who wants to make others miserable. But users who have not been corrupted to the core heed this advice, Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked who are like chaff that the wind blows away.

Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate, for this place, this miserable house of unworthy, unrepentant sinners is void of any hope of salvation. Sin and salvation are openly mocked. Intelligence and order are routinely dismissed. Love and justice are trampled. Yet, our cause of good is not defeated. The Poet reminds us: How far that little candle throws his beams! / So shines a good deed in a weary world. For we know that it only takes one righteous person for an entire city to be redeemed.

Where will that one righteous person come once I am gone? We know it won’t be the Cocomo the kitten killer. It won’t be Steauxn and his fake wife picture and family drama that only the most desperate of posters care about because they like fumbling their testes while thinking about his fake wife’s picture. Nor will it be 4cubbies the slut who thinks we care about her faux piety.

Long ago I had an extended conversation with Marie Antoinette. At the time, she was an immature girl seeking acceptance through inappropriate sex – sex outside of marriage. But I believe she has grown up. There is a chance of redemption from her. Stout also shows some signs of moral strength and clear vision. Yet he is a conflicted figure. With him he has great power and insight, but he maintains an unbridled passion for evil things. I will pray for him to rise to the top of virtue, for he has much to offer.

I will miss many of the posters on this site. Jersey Tiger, The Egg, Maximus, TulaneTigerFan, Keys Open Door, kfizzle (the only reason I read the Money Board), el tigre (your attitude to restaurants like Galatoire’s makes you a man), offshoreangler, Otis. I will miss the insight of posters like LSURussian. I appreciate your knowledge, but there is no way you have any friends in real life. And even Kige Ramsey, you old curmudgeon. Rocket, I could never tell if I really liked you or not, but you were my advocate. Rummel Tiger, I liked you, I really did, and I wish you, stout, and I could have met for lunch like we planned.

I don’t understand why you ever followed that novice baytiger. Buoy boy got one of the easiest degrees out there and you still looked to him as an authority. While we’re on the weather, let’s not forget the plagiarist himself, LSUsmartbutt. Remember how he stole posts directly from during Gustav? What a hack.

I feel it is my civic duty to inform THATLSUBOY that everyone thinks you are a joke. You are entertainment in the way minstrel shows and black ploitation comedy were. People are laughing at how absurd you are. You are no more than a clown to them. Stop embarrassing yourself, for your family’s sake, if not for your own.
Posted by KosmoCramer
Member since Dec 2007
76588 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:17 pm to

Is there a link to this? I missed it back when it happened

Here it is, the final post by Charles Bronson. But it’s time to get honest with you. Charles is a polite guy, a guy that gets along with most people with any sensibility and morals. But for the last few weeks, Charles has not been his normal illustrious self.

Charles has been possessed by a new spirit and with that spirit I am here to speak to each of you, individually and as a group. Are you ready to hear me out? But first, a little history of But even before that, let me confess something to you. I, Charles, am really TulaneLSU. Some of you expected it; some even knew, but now everyone knows it. Surprised? Now to that history...

Chicken and his team of miscreants, who by some mistaken directive of Tyche, were allowed an opportunity for this website to flourish into the cancer it is, deserve nothing but hatred from me and from the rest of the posters here. He and his licentious lynch mob, that follows him around like Bosco’s boys in Marmaduke, rather than take advantage of the opportunity to become a forum community of love, honor, and respect, chose the easy way out, the way that ensured quick money and quick hits. He chose evil and the propagation of evil. Racism, sexism, misogyny, drugs, borderline fascist politics, these are the topics his website actively recruits while deleting and banning posters who can legitimately refute them. He pretends to be open minded by allowing posters who disagree with those ideologies, posters like Rex, but these are the posters who lack any wisdom and any intelligence. So instead, the morally courageous positions become mocked caricatures because the characters the TD staff allow to post objecting opinions are clowns.

So why do I keep coming back? I care about the posters here. I care far more than some delinquent idiot who wants to share secrets about where to buy illegal, terrorist-supporting, damaging drugs. I see before me an army of posters who are lonely, lost, and gullible. Desperate for connection and support from others, the site has enormous healing potential. But the mods like ByteMe and that fascist pig, Ice Cold, minions of Satan himself, want to make it a den for crooks, liars, and womanizers. They believe their own failure in life should extend to others. They are the real life Lotso, the figure who wants no one to excel because excellence has always been out of his reach. No one is as miserable as the man who wants to make others miserable. But users who have not been corrupted to the core heed this advice, Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked who are like chaff that the wind blows away.
Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate, for this place, this miserable house of unworthy, unrepentant sinners is void of any hope of salvation. Sin and salvation are openly mocked. Intelligence and order are routinely dismissed. Love and justice are trampled. Yet, our cause of good is not defeated. The Poet reminds us: How far that little candle throws his beams! / So shines a good deed in a weary world. For we know that it only takes one righteous person for an entire city to be redeemed. Where will that one righteous person come once I am gone?

We know it won’t be the Cocomo the kitten killer. It won’t be Steauxn and his fake wife picture and family drama that only the most desperate of posters care about because they like fumbling their testes while thinking about his fake wife’s picture. Nor will it be 4cubbies the slut who thinks we care about her faux piety. Long ago I had an extended conversation with Marie Antoinette. At the time, she was an immature girl seeking acceptance through inappropriate sex – sex outside of marriage. But I believe she has grown up. There is a chance of redemption from her. Stout also shows some signs of moral strength and clear vision. Yet he is a conflicted figure. With him he has great power and insight, but he maintains an unbridled passion for evil things. I will pray for him to rise to the top of virtue, for he has much to offer.

I will miss many of the posters on this site. Jersey Tiger, The Egg, Maximus, TulaneTigerFan, Keys Open Door, kfizzle (the only reason I read the Money Board), el tigre (your attitude to restaurants like Galatoire’s makes you a man), offshoreangler, Otis. I will miss the insight of posters like LSURussian. I appreciate your knowledge, but there is no way you have any friends in real life. And even Kige Ramsey, you old curmudgeon. Rocket, I could never tell if I really liked you or not, but you were my advocate. Rummel Tiger, I liked you, I really did, and I wish you, stout, and I could have met for lunch like we planned. I don’t understand why you ever followed that novice baytiger. Buoy boy got one of the easiest degrees out there and you still looked to him as an authority. While we’re on the weather, let’s not forget the plagiarist himself, LSUsmartbutt. Remember how he stole posts directly from during Gustav? What a hack.

I feel it is my civic duty to inform THATLSUBOY that everyone thinks you are a joke. You are entertainment in the way minstrel shows and black ploitation comedy were. People are laughing at how absurd you are. You are no more than a clown to them. Stop embarrassing yourself, for your family’s sake, if not for your own.

There are many I will not miss. These are the posters who ruined TD. There’s the king of douches, TigahRag with his inflated sense of self-importance probably the product of a less than average penis. USMC, what can be said about him other than he sounds like a megalomaniacal, misanthropic psycho? We could also say he sounds like the type of guy has probably killed people, or at least fantasizes about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has had several homosexual encounters, judging by his obsession with guns. Glassman, I never did really understand you. Yes, you are full of feces and you think you are king of some imaginary empire. A lot of people here, that’s all they see of you – the emperor with no clothes. But I see more. I see a pitiable man who is very sad. And I feel for you. You have little truly valuable in your life and I wish you did. I tried to be your friend and get you help, but you seemed to push me away because the wounds I was opening were too deep. My advice to you would be get involved in community service, not community snobbery. Live, don’t just volunteer, with the descendants of those your family oppressed and stole from. Tiger Attorney, I won’t miss you and your insecurities. One year you brag about having threesomes and the next you’re marrying a teacher? Does she know about your checkered past or is she just coming along for the gravy? I was always humored how you pretend to be a Renaissance Man of New Orleans, yet you champion Southern whiteness and live in Metairie. Owning a condo in the Warehouse District won’t change that.

While we’re talking Food and Drink posters, let’s not forget to mention all the pompous puffs like JF loving Martini. We know you love P.F. Changs; no reason to deny it. Your recipes and reviews are as artificial as your love of true cuisine. Afreaux, you pretend to know everything about Latin food and culture, but your list of tacos was terrible! Taco San Miguel is the worst Mexican food I’ve ever eaten. But I give you daps for not being part of the machine. VOR, you’re just like Martini, but at least you didn’t march lock step with the Movie Board posters in their obsequious praise of Inception. BrockLanders, Sid in Lakeshore and tavolatim, you keep that board in line because you’re two of the few even-keeled guys there. Make sure posters like Solo, Y.A. Tittle, notiger1997 are kept in check. There are many idiots in the forum like Paul Allen and andouille. Try to educate them.
Posted by HeadyBrosevelt
the Verde River
Member since Jan 2013
21590 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:17 pm to
One day I will have one.

I can guaran damn tee you that
Posted by KosmoCramer
Member since Dec 2007
76588 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:17 pm to
I would feel remiss if I didn’t thank some of the posters who offer comic relief to this dungeon of dunces. HurricaneDunc, your flag feud was probably the single most entertaining thread I read here. LSUzombie, you always made me laugh and one day I may read one of your books. You seem like a decent man and I pray for your success in life. Dolla Choppa, I have been told you’re funny. I don’t know what to think about that, but it came from a good source. Same with you, HH and just me. Hendersonhands, you know where to find me – takin’ it to the Ritz, eating smores, and reading Bible verses. NIH, remind me, do I like or dislike you? Lester Earl, you are stubborn, close-minded, and you hate my best friend on the forum, but I wonder if that’s not just a tough guy veneer that hides a decent guy. I would say the same for you, Tino, but you’re a douche, much like those burnt out junkies, SuperSaint and Rouge. Dukke v, I don’t know what to think of you. You are like Sasquatch: big, cuddly, smelly, and scary. Are you an agent of good or evil?

Then of course, there is a long list of Mercedes C class posters. Kracka, Pilot Tiger, Nortizzle, Ponchy Tiger, maburu2, sheek, Festus, Lithium, meauxjeaux2, Volvagia, aka, Mr. Vagia, TIGERLEE, Tiger in NY, Count Chocula (who may be the most pathetic individual on the site), heartbreakTiger, and LSUTANGERINE. All of you are morons.

Only recently have I moved on to the Movie and TV Board. I can’t say I liked what I saw there. You either tow the company line: Toy Story 3 and Inception are awesome. Twilight is terrible. Or you’re pariah. A lot of pseudo-intellectuals there who think by spending thirty minutes analyzing some commercial film that’s more an advertisement for Coca Cola they have peered into the Mind of God. I won’t name any names specifically because no one there is worth mentioning.

While we're on the subject of movies and videos, I feel compelled to make a confession. Some of you may remember a video Michael J Cocks posted. Allegedly it was from Baghdad and showed a woman and her two children wandering around in Saddam's stadium? I know it fooled a lot of you, but I need to be honest. I made the video in an abandoned school in New Orleans after Katrina. I had some friends dress up and we got a few of our friends to play the figures you see as shadows. I sent the video to MJK and he posted it, but I didn't think so many people would believe it, and after the ball started rolling, it was moving too fast to retract. So we just stopped responding to the emails and questions and hoped it would go away. I hope you'll forgive me for my deception and, Cocks, I hope you won't be mad for me clearing my conscience.

But there's something I forgot to tell you. Yes, I've saved the best confession for last. Lots of posters accuse others of being alters. I guess sometimes they're right. But I get accused of being other people so much. I can't remember how many alters I've used on TD. It has become more difficult in recent months, but I've found a way to get by the moronic moderators at TD, who think they know a lot, but in reality are amateurs. You want names? Sure, I'll throw a few out: _____________, no I can't reveal them because I've given those names to other posters who are now regs . It's hard to say what my original TD name is because there have been so many and I've used some alters more than my first name. It may come as a surprise to many of you, but I'm CDUB. GCS. If you peel back all the layers of my identity, you'll find ol' GCS. Surprised? You made fun of my handicap, so my mission became one of humiliating your detective work and assumed intelligence. A crippled outsmarted all of you. How you like dem' apples?

I could go on, and probably should because some posters will feel offended that I left them out. Don’t worry. I considered including you, but ultimately decided against it. Move on with your life. I am -- as of today, I am entering a state institution for those with personality disorders. They say I'll be in here for at least six months as they try to treat my problems. I will not be allowed to post here again. I must move on.

That is my message to all of you – move on with your lives. You have let this website ruin your life for far too long. You sit on it all day while your life paces by you. And soon, you will realize you’re old and gray and alone and the only thing you have left to show for it is a post count and knowledge of inside jokes and abbreviations. Is that how you want to look back at the one chance you had in this life? Vow to yourselves today to stop coming to this site because you are addicted to it. Leave behind the dross of this website. Vow right now. And don’t look back. Move ahead with your life and learn what life is.

I love you all. Goodbye.

Posted by TH03
Member since Dec 2008
171114 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:18 pm to

I feel it is my civic duty to inform THATLSUBOY that everyone thinks you are a joke. You are entertainment in the way minstrel shows and black ploitation comedy were. People are laughing at how absurd you are. You are no more than a clown to them. Stop embarrassing yourself, for your family’s sake, if not for your own.

and JC still doesn't get it
Posted by TH03
Member since Dec 2008
171114 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:18 pm to
I can't wait
Posted by Peazey
Member since Apr 2012
25418 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:19 pm to

and JC still doesn't get it

He's a slave to the attention. Any attention. There are more than a few around here like that.
Posted by cas4t
Member since Jan 2010
70972 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:20 pm to
Busey posted a gif of orgy porn

Posted by TH03
Member since Dec 2008
171114 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:21 pm to
on like 5-6 different boards
Posted by c on z
Member since Mar 2009
127564 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:21 pm to


Posted by Paige
Vice President of the OT
Member since Oct 2010
84748 posts
Posted on 2/26/14 at 4:22 pm to
I didn't meltdown you retard
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