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Registered on:8/26/2008
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[quote]It’s perfectly ok to not care, like, worship, or give a shite about Israelites, Israel, Judaism, etc.[/quote] First time on the ole political board, huh? [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExd3p0d2o4dm82bjR6dmJ0OHl6Zm5lNzluNDkwZ3V0Nzl5a3VmemNzeiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZ...
This was in April. It’s only a proposed rule. There was a lengthy thread on it already. Did you read the proposal?...

re: Gladiator II Trailer #1

Posted by Mo Jeaux on 7/13/24 at 5:00 am
[quote]You on the other hand seem to be the type of person that doesn't understand nuance.[/quote] :lol: You came to that conclusion based on one post? I think you both have ulterior motives. It’s why I can’t recall posts from either of you that were critical of any piece of entertainment me...
6[quote]Houston has two championships since the Yankees last won one. Plus the Astros have made the Yankees their bitch the last few post seasons including sweeping them.[/quote] Astros are 1-6 against the Yankees this season. Astros fans are so salty. It’s pathetic really. ...

re: Gladiator II Trailer #1

Posted by Mo Jeaux on 7/13/24 at 2:31 am
[quote] Anyone saying Denzel fricking Washington is a DEI decision has straight up worms for brains[/quote] Denzel being a great actor and Denzel being a DEI decision are not mutually exclusive concepts. ...

re: Gladiator II Trailer #1

Posted by Mo Jeaux on 7/13/24 at 2:30 am
[quote]Corinthians420[/quote] You and Jay Are deserve each other. You’re both like the fat fricks in [i]WALL-E[/i]. You have no taste. You just consume. ...
[quote]People think there are 41% Black folks in this country? LOL[/quote] In fairness, if a person consumes any U.S. media, I can't entirely blame them for thinking this. ...
[quote]Dude, the black swan was Biden’s debate performance.[/quote] A black swan event is something that no one anticipates. With Biden, it was only a matter of time. ...

re: Weird Advice from Doctor

Posted by Mo Jeaux on 7/12/24 at 4:42 am
[quote]Point I'm trying to make is, without knowing the cat's body fat percentage, you don't know if he's overweight or not. Some people have quite a bit of muscle packed on their frame and can carry the extra weight because it's lean muscle.[/quote] Yeah, but do some math. If what you say is tru...
[quote] Hell, you could be making up 90% of the crap you toss out here and no one is going to spend hours and hours trying to dispute you. [/quote] It doesn't take hours to look into what he's posting. [quote]you never agree with anyone that supports Biblical truth[/quote] Ah, this is real...
Why do you never link to (or at the very least cite) the sources that you’re quoting?...
[quote]It gave us the term MILF,[/quote] No, it didn’t. ...
[quote]I describe it as a "meal in a glass" since it is such a hearty beer[/quote] It isn’t. This is your imagination. ...
[quote]Idk maybe just maybe it’s good for you[/quote] Eh, not really. ...
[quote]I'm just getting into beer[/quote] You’ll get fat. What a bump. ...
[quote]If I were so definite in my belief or disbelief I would get someone I trusted and try it. If someone with the same total disbelief as you and you trusted them would you change your mind if they told you "I didn't move it."[/quote] No, that's dumb. ...
[quote]At best you waste your time on something stupid, at worst you get possessed[/quote] :lol: Those are quite disparate results. ...
[quote]Pazuzu Go big or go home[/quote] Pazuzu is for the boomers. Paimon is the demon that all the cool kids want to summon. ...