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re: Fossils in Greece Suggest Human Ancestors Evolved in Europe, Not Africa

Posted on 4/12/24 at 12:25 am to
Posted by RobbBobb
Matt Flynn, BCS MVP
Member since Feb 2007
28050 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 12:25 am to

the age of the universe is calculated by the furthest observable light that has reached us since the creation of the universe.

your "no proof" statement is disproven by the fact we have witnessed light that traveled 13.8 billion light years to reach us.

There is no way they can know any of this. The fact they that have repeatedly changed the Earth origins date means that their precepts on determining its age arent exactly fixed. They even say up front that its a best guess

In 1864 it was 100 million years old
In 1897 the upper limit was revised to 40 million years
Currently we believe the age to be about 4.5 billion years
What will be the best guess in the year 2050?

So during Darwins time, he was saying we have this long slow evolution cycle, while geologists were saying the Earth wasnt that old. Of course, they had to find alternate ways of dating the Earth, for evolution not to be a punch line
Posted by Corinthians420
Member since Jun 2022
7121 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 12:53 am to

There is no way they can know any of this

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean otherd cannot.

It is due to red-light shifting of the light from distant stars in space.
Posted by PowerTool
The dark side of the road
Member since Dec 2009
21270 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 2:12 am to
I came here to watch idiots arguing with idiots.
Posted by Corinthians420
Member since Jun 2022
7121 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 6:32 am to
They don't bother me. I find their dismissal of all the knowledge humans have gained to be fascinating, considering it was their God that gave us our intellect and the tools to conduct all these studies and form conclusions.
Posted by Corinthians420
Member since Jun 2022
7121 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 8:18 am to
This species of alligator gar is considered a living fossil


2 species of gar (alligator and spotted) that separated over 100 million years ago and still are able to produce viable offspring

Posted by Korkstand
Member since Nov 2003
28738 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 8:59 am to

The point is that in all of our uniform and repeated experience- information always originates from a mind.
This is just plain not true. Nonsensical even.

DNA is the information (or the instructions /code) necessary for the formation of all life. There is no known natural law through which matter can give rise to information, neither is there any physical process or material phenomenon known that can do this.
Matter *is* information!

Your view of the world is fundamentally flawed. I'm sure you will say the same of me. But if you firmly believe that information cannot exist unless it is intelligently created, then there isn't much sense continuing this conversation.
Posted by Korkstand
Member since Nov 2003
28738 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 9:10 am to

Evolutionists believe that humans share a common ancestor with the great apes of Africa.

You are a metabolic organism.
As such, you are basically a collection of replicative proteins that function according to metabolic chemical reactions and processes. A virus is similar, in that it too is a replicative protein complete with mutable DNA and RNA, just as you have. But viruses lack metabolism, and so may not be considered to be alive in the same manner that you definitely are.

You are a eukaryote.
All remaining organic life is distinguished by structural differences at the cellular level between different groups of prokaryotes (which are essentially bacteria) and the eukaryotes (us). Unlike bacterial or viral cells, our cells have a nucleus. Hence, all non-viral / bacterial lifeforms are as we are; eukaryotes.

You are an animal.
Now I've heard a few creationists argue that there are plants and there are animals and then there are human beings. And that none of them are actually related to one another other than through a common creator. They adamantly argue that we are not animals, as if there is some insult in that association. But you are one of only about a half-dozen kingdoms of eukaryotic life forms. Unlike those of most other biological kingdoms, you are incapable of manufacturing your own food and must compensate for that by ingesting other organisms. In other words, your most basic structure requires that you cause death to other living things. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a means of digestion. This, along with some very specific anatomical differences in the chemical composition of our metazoic cells, are the factors that define and distinguish an animal like yourself from all other kingdoms of life. Given the alternative choice between plants, molds, or fungus, animalia should seem reasonable even to the most adamant fundamentalist.

You are a chordate.
You have a spinal chord and every other minute physical distinction of that classification. You also have a skull, which classifies you as a craniate. Note: Not all chordates have skulls, or even bones of any kind. Once one of the chordates has enough calcium deposited around the brain to count as a skull, all of its descendants will share that. This is why absolutely all animals with skulls have spinal chords. And that is yet another commonality that implies common ancestry as opposed to common design.

You are a vertebrate.
Like all mammals, birds, dinosaurs, reptiles, amphibians, and most fish, you have a spine. Not everything with a spinal cord has a spine to put it in, but everything with a spine has a spinal cord in it, implying common descent.

Every animal that has a jaw and teeth (Gnathostomata) also has a backbone. And of course, you have both as well, again implying common descent.

You are a tetrapod.
You have only four limbs. So you are like all other terrestrial vertebrates including frogs. Even snakes and whales are tetrapods in that both still retain vestigial or fetal evidence of all four limbs. This is yet another consistent commonality implying a genetic relationship. There certainly is no creationist explanation for it.

You are synapsid.
Unlike turtles (which are anapsid) and "true" reptiles, dinosaurs and birds (which are all diapsid), your skull has only one temporal fenestra, a commonality between all of the vast collection of "mammal-like reptiles", which are now all extinct without any Biblical recognition or scriptural explanation either for their departure or their presence in the first place.

You are a mammal.
You are homeothermic (warm-blooded), follicle-bearing and have lactal nipples. And of course, not all synapsids are or were mammals, but all mammals are synapsid, implying common descent.

You are eutherian.
Or more specifically, you are a placental mammal, like most other lactal animals from shrews to whales. All eutherians are mammals, but not all mammals are eutherian. There are six major divisions in mammalia, only three of which still exist; those that hatch out of eggs like reptiles (monotremes), marsupials, that are born in the fetal stage and complete their development inside the mother's pouch, and those that developed in a shell-like placenta and were born in the infant stage, as you were. Your own fetal development seems to reveal a similar track of development from a single cell to a tadpole-looking creature, then growing limbs and digits out of your finlike appendages, and finally outgrowing your own tail. Some would consider this an indication of ancestry. Especially since fetal snakes, for example, actually have legs, feet, and cute little toes, which are reabsorbed into the body before hatching, implying common descent.

You are a primate.
You have five fully-developed fingers and five fully-developed toes. Your toes are still prehensile and your hands can grasp with dexterity. You have only two lactal nipples and they are on your chest as opposed to your abdomen. These are pointless in males, which also have a pendulous penis and a well-developed ceacum or appendix, unlike all other mammals. Although your fangs are reduced in size, you do still have them along with some varied dentition indicative of primates exclusively. Your fur is thin and relatively sparse over most of your body. And your claws have been reduced to flat chitinous fingernails. Your fingers themselves have distinctive print patterns. You are also susceptible to AIDS and are mortally allergic to the toxin of the male funnel web spider of Australia (which is deadly to all primates, but only dangerous to primates, which is why you'd better beware of these spiders). And unlike all but one unrelated animal in all the world, your body cannot produce vitamin-C naturally and must have it supplemented in your diet, just as all other primates do. Nearly every one of these individual traits are unique only to primates exclusively. There is almost no other organism on Earth that matches any one of these descriptions separately, but absolutely all of the lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, you, and I match all of them at once perfectly, implying common descent.

You are an ape.
Your tail is merely a stub of bones that don't even protrude outside the skin. Your dentition includes not only vestigial canines, but incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, and distinctive molars that come to five points interrupted by a "Y" shaped crevasse. This in addition to all of your other traits, like the dramatically increased range of motion in your shoulder, as well as a profound increase in cranial capacity and disposition toward a bipedal gait, indicates that you are not merely a vertebrate cranial chordate and a tetrapoidal placental mammalian primate, but you are more specifically an ape, and so was your mother before you.

Genetic similarity confirms morphological similarity rather conclusively, just as Charles Darwin himself predicted more than 140 years ago. While he knew nothing of DNA of course, he postulated that inheritable units of information must be contributed by either parent. He rather accurately predicted the discovery of DNA by illustrating the need for it. Our 98.4% to 99.4% identical genetic similarity explains why you have such social, behavioral, sexual, developmental, intellectual, and physical resemblance to a bonobo chimpanzee. Similarities that are not shared with any other organism on the planet. Hence you are both different species of the same literal family. In every respect, you are nearly identical. You, sir, are an ape.
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
734 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 2:02 pm to

Tell that to the animals that evolved to survive living in Chernobyl. Where there is selection pressure we have witnessed mutations and they dont take 100s of millions of years.

How many new species evolved in Chernobyl? Zero. If anything, Chernobyl is a prime example of Intelligent Design.

The lesson from Chernobyl is this: radiation kills, but life comes prepared to defend itself. No newly evolved organisms emerged at Chernobyl. Billions of mutations were not naturally selected to originate new species. The same organisms rebounded because DNA repair systems, involving exquisite machinery, were prepared to find mutations and fix them. The systems might be overwhelmed temporarily, but will rebound as soon as the threat diminishes. Machines do not make themselves in the presence of threats. They have to be prepared in advance. Think of it: the DNA code includes instructions on how to build machines that can repair DNA!


someone is trying to trick you by using math that is easily disproven

Yeah, those dirty conniving theists! You just can’t trust them. Always trying to trick people. They’re so selfish and immoral!
Posted by Fun Bunch
New Orleans
Member since May 2008
116639 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 2:05 pm to
You linked to "evolutionnews"
Posted by LSUtwolves
Member since Jun 2016
904 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 2:10 pm to

dirty conniving theists! You just can’t trust them. Always trying to trick people. They’re so selfish and immoral!

This but unironically
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
734 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 3:20 pm to

This is just plain not true. Nonsensical even

Source? Example of information that originated from non-intelligence?


Matter *is* information!

I would agree with the statement that all matter contains information, but, matter itself is not necessarily information. DNA is matter, and it is information. A rock contains information- but a rock is not information. A rock is, well, a rock. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding you. Maybe a source of information would help to clarify.


Your view of the world is fundamentally flawed. I'm sure you will say the same of me.

Finally, something we can agree on!


you firmly believe that information cannot exist unless it is intelligently created

Did your phone type this message by itself? Do books write themselves? Why didn’t computers just evolve by themselves? How come junkyards don’t have fully operational automobiles driving themselves outta there? I mean, all the materials required for all of these things have existed together since the beginning of time. Why is it, that when it comes to, by far, the absolutely most complex thing in the entire universe (life), we sit here and pretend that it just created itself- by pure random chance, and completely unguided processes? How can you continually write off the inescapable appearance of design as an “illusion?” How is it, that an atheist, when faced with the ridiculously improbable fine tuning of the universe (that clearly had a beginning), can outright dismiss it as a completely coincidental cosmic accident? Is it really more “delusional” to believe in an omnipotent and eternal Creator, or to believe in an infinite series of infinitely improbable events?

I know that I (too often) come across as crass, rude, and arrogant. And that’s my fault- and I’m working on it. But I’m not here to win arguments. I’m here because one of the side effects of Christianity is caring for strangers- (even Mo Jeaux ) because I believe that we are all created in the image of God. Even Mo Jeaux. :lol:

We can go back and forth as long as you want to. I’m obliged to do so. Just bear in mind that all information that you present will be (1) sourced from fallible men who deny God, (2) subject to change, and (3) not provable beyond a reasonable doubt. Conversely, all information that I present will be based on, or in agreement with, the infallible and unchanging Word of God.
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
734 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 3:31 pm to

You linked to "evolutionnews"

I know, right? What business do Christians have doing science? Amirite? Well, you should probably learn the history of modern science. It began with theists like Galileo, Newton, Kepler, and Boyle- to name a few. They believed not only that the universe was intelligible, and must conform to a discernible set of laws, but that they; being created in the image of the Intelligent Designer, the Law Giver, would be able to identify these parameters, and that it was considered a form of worship of the Creator. In regards to the site I linked, and the content creators thereof- check their credentials. Compare them to your own, and report back.
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
734 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 3:33 pm to

This but unironically

How so? Would you care to elaborate on that statement?
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
734 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 3:37 pm to

It is due to red-light shifting of the light from distant stars in space.

Is the universe expanding faster than the speed of light?
Posted by RobbBobb
Matt Flynn, BCS MVP
Member since Feb 2007
28050 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 3:47 pm to

It is due to red-light shifting of the light from distant stars in space.

Which is not how we determine the age of the Earth. For evolution to be taken seriously. the Earth has to have been able to sustain life long enough for the DNA structure that man has today, to evolve fully. Earth age is determined by geologic study. Not how far light has traveled

How Science Figured Out the Age of Earth

For centuries scholars sought to determine Earth’s age, but the answer had to wait for careful geologic observation, isotopic analyses of the elements and an understanding of radioactive decay

Thats when you have to accept their ability to determine the age of the universe. Another laugher would be to state that the Earth is 4B years old, but the universe isnt.

You accept their ability to determine that value, like Christians accept the writing of the authors of the Bible. Its all based on faith. Faith in whose writings you choose to believe.
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
734 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 4:12 pm to
So, two of the same “kind?”
Posted by Korkstand
Member since Nov 2003
28738 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 4:13 pm to

Example of information that originated from non-intelligence?
Every single thing in this world contains information. Are you only considering something to be information once it is observed?

I would agree with the statement that all matter contains information, but, matter itself is not necessarily information. DNA is matter, and it is information. A rock contains information- but a rock is not information. A rock is, well, a rock. Perhaps I’m misunderstanding you. Maybe a source of information would help to clarify.
What is a rock if not the sum of information that it contains? I'm not being obtuse here. This seems plain and obvious.

Why is it, that when it comes to, by far, the absolutely most complex thing in the entire universe (life), we sit here and pretend that it just created itself- by pure random chance, and completely unguided processes?
It can be surprising what complexity can emerge guided by only a few basic rules/laws. An apt example is Conway's Game of Life. There are only a handful of simple rules, and a random starting state can produce all manner of oscillators, gliders, reproducers, etc. Some arrangements die out, others grow forever, others reach a stable equilibrium.

I realize this is only a game, an intelligently-designed one, but it still shows that complexity and beauty can come from simplicity. That order can come from chaos guided only by a few simple rules, much like our universe.

How can you continually write off the inescapable appearance of design as an “illusion?”
I guess it's not as inescapable as you think.

How is it, that an atheist, when faced with the ridiculously improbable fine tuning of the universe (that clearly had a beginning), can outright dismiss it as a completely coincidental cosmic accident?
What parts are improbably finely-tuned?

Is it really more “delusional” to believe in an omnipotent and eternal Creator, or to believe in an infinite series of infinitely improbable events?
The first one.

Just bear in mind that all information that you present will be (1) sourced from fallible men who deny God, (2) subject to change, and (3) not provable beyond a reasonable doubt. Conversely, all information that I present will be based on, or in agreement with, the infallible and unchanging Word of God.
You mean the unchanging word which is many versions and translations removed from the original text? And which has had books added and removed over the course of centuries?

The Bible has evolved quite a bit over the years.
Posted by Korkstand
Member since Nov 2003
28738 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 4:17 pm to

Is the universe expanding faster than the speed of light?
In a sense, yes. You can choose two points in the universe sufficiently far apart such that light can never travel from one point to the other (at the current rate of expansion).

It is important to understand that the "speed" of expansion is not through space but of space itself.
Posted by Snipe
Member since Nov 2015
11140 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 4:37 pm to

apes, the ancestors of humans, evolved


Can’t take any of that seriously.

Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
734 posts
Posted on 4/12/24 at 4:52 pm to

Every single thing in this world contains information

I agree. Where did that information come from?


Are you only considering something to be information once it is observed?

No. Information exists independently from recognition. But it is always created by an intelligent mind.


What is a rock if not the sum of information that it contains?

Again, I agree. Where did that information come from?


I guess it's not as inescapable as you think

Not if you deem it to be an illusion. Do you think your car is an illusion? Or was it intelligently designed?


What parts are improbably finely-tuned?

Seriously? Have you never looked into this? The finely tuned parameters of the universe

Some popular examples are subject to dispute. And there are some complicated philosophical debates about how to calculate probabilities. Nevertheless, there are many well-established examples of fine-tuning, which are widely accepted even by scientists who are generally hostile to theism and design. For instance, Stephen Hawking has admitted: “The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers [the constants of physics] seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life.”

Cosmic Constants
-Gravitational force constant
-Electromagnetic force constant
-Strong nuclear force constant
-Weak nuclear force constant
-Cosmological constant
-Initial Conditions and “Brute Facts
-Initial distribution of mass energy Ratio of masses for protons and electrons
-Velocity of light
-Mass excess of neutron over proton
-“Local” Planetary Conditions
-Steady plate tectonics with right kind of geological interior
-Right amount of water in crust
-Large moon with right rotation period
-Proper concentration of sulfur
-Right planetary mass
-Near inner edge of circumstellar habitable zone
-Low-eccentricity orbit outside spin-orbit and giant planet resonances
-A few, large Jupiter-mass planetary neighbors in large circular orbits
-Outside spiral arm of galaxy
-Near co-rotation circle of galaxy, in circular orbit around galactic center
-Within the galactic habitable zone
-During the cosmic habitable age-

Explanations to all of the above, and more, in the provided link.


The first one

Fair enough. How so?


You mean the unchanging word which is many versions and translations removed from the original text? And which has had books added and removed over the course of centuries? The Bible has evolved quite a bit over the years.

That’s a very broad, sweeping statement. Narrow it down, be specific, and let’s talk about it. I used to think the same thing. Until I really looked into it.
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