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Biography:Gumbo professional
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Registered on:6/6/2022
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[quote]Some people like to cry about “review bombing”, well get ready for RA bombing[/quote] it's funny you keep bringing up crying, there's only one group crying in this thread...
[quote]Surely, since this is so obviously clear to you all, you should be easily able to tell the difference, so by all means. Educate me. [/quote] Its pretty simple, "keep politics off this board" ...
[quote]If we cannot discuss Daily Wire movies (not podcasts) on this board then this "no politics" rule is too broad and will destroy this forum[/quote] Yeah, this board couldn't survive the pre daily wire movies period of 2000-2020...
amazing cast, think they could have done more with it....
[quote]You have no idea what I'm interested in[/quote] You [b]JUST[/b] said it :lol: [quote]shite, the only entertaining parts of RoP and The Acolyte are people calling out political bullshite[/quote] Your only interest in those shows is politics. There's a board for politics. Chicken just stated t...
[quote]the only entertaining parts of RoP and The Acolyte are people calling out political bullshite. [/quote] You just admitted why you shouldn't be in threads regarding episodes of those shows. You have no interest in the show besides politics. If you wanna discuss the politics of the shows...
Season 1 is over now so probably only people that waited for the entire season to binge it...
[quote]Well, you can fast-forward through the half-hour Prelude and Intermission orchestral , that cuts it down a bit.[/quote] Nawl, not allowed if you want the true experience. ...
it's funny he listed civil war as a political movie when that movie went out of its way to avoid the current political landscape. they even went as far as pairing Texas and California as on the same side...
[quote]how about not clicking links or participating in discussions that go political?[/quote] so i should avoid the episode thread for a show i'm watching if someone that admittedly doesn't watch/hasn't watched the show goes in the thread and makes it political? It's the political folks invadin...
Yeah it's fine to point those things out I think, I guess we'll see I upvoted this post on it [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=114276202&s=2&p=114273593#114276202)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]And of course, the leftist posters here don’t want a spotlight put on it. So in this context, stifling discussion benefits them, as is evinced by the predictable responses by them here. Take it to the poliboard. Wish admins would make a thread about this crap[/quote] The people that wil...
Drink around the world then ride tron at night :lol:...
That's why they are pinned to the bottom of the OT, before that happened there were constantly new posts about the same shite popping up. Should have a Disney Woke thread pinned to the bottom of Movie/TV board ...
[quote]It’s Hollywood doing this, not the fans. We’re (some of us) are just pointing it out.[/quote] Hollywood isn't reading this message board, and people don't come to the movie/tv board to discuss politics (well, most of us). Go picket outside the studios or something, after all, you're const...
[quote]You’re a moron if you think politics are pointless[/quote] they are pointless to obsess over, we have no control over them. No matter how strong your opinion is or my opinion is, at the end of the day, neither of our votes will make a difference. I'm not saying dont vote, go vote and the...
[quote]Look i agree that i wish the majority of M/TV today wasn’t heavy handed political messaging. But it’s down stream of politics. That board should be for discussing government and politicians and news.[/quote] I suggested last week there should be a thread dedicated to discussing Disney (or st...
[quote]D-day from the weatherman’s perspective is something I hadn’t really considered before.[/quote] now i'm just imagining a comedy where the weatherman's radar is going haywire and he can't understand what is going on while a major bombing/air raid is happening....