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re: Venial Sin my butt!

Posted on 3/4/24 at 10:17 am to
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
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Posted on 3/4/24 at 10:17 am to
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This post was edited on 3/4/24 at 10:18 am
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
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Posted on 3/4/24 at 10:48 am to
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This post was edited on 3/4/24 at 10:49 am
Posted by bizeagle
Member since May 2020
1176 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 11:11 am to
A few of the points that have led me away from classic Darwinism are:
Although we observe DNA and Genetic code that are the same or similar from species to species, these are arranged in ways that make cross species fertilization impossible (# of chromosomes, order of DNA, order of chromosomes, location of genes on chromosomes, etc. Also, mutations are rare and almost always unsuccessful. These suggest (as do many other factors) that intervention was taken at key points in the earth's history to re-arrange genetics with purpose of creating new varieties of species. For example, the record shows sudden changes in the number and types of species, as opposed to gradual changes.

Secondly (but not exclusively) experiments designed to simulate life forms emerging from the primordial goo were either unsuccessful or unrepeatable (proven wrong). Yet many of these failed experiments remain in textbooks and are being taught by people who don't know any better or refuse to believe they are wrong and are still waiting for the magic bullet experiment proving spontaneous life from the combination of ancient soup and radiation. You can read more from impressive list of highly accomplished and credentialed scientists at LINK /
This post was edited on 3/4/24 at 11:30 am
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
726 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 11:34 am to

But rejection of the most understood process in nature is reason for me to reject their legitimacy.

None of these people are doubting microevolution (small scale changes in a population of organisms). While some may doubt Universal Common Descent, that is not the focus of the statement of dissent. The statement of dissent only concerns the view that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary mechanism driving the evolution of life.
Basically, this is not so much an argument against evolution, as it is an argument for design. An argument that, in and of itself, does not necessarily implicate the Christian God as the designer. Rather that the Darwinian model of an unguided process of random mutations is not sufficient to account for the complexity of life within the evolutionary time period of 4.5 or so billion years.


These people, like you, have succumbed to the fallacy of begging the question

Let he who has never committed a logical fallacy cast the first stone.


You presuppose we are all magically put here based on your book

Agree. I presuppose that there is an omnipotent Creator of all space, time, and matter. And you presuppose that all life on earth must have arisen by some naturalistic, random, unguided process- for which you also have no evidence.

and rejection of real data and evidence

I don’t reject the data and/or evidence. I reject the materialistic interpretation of it.


The science is never settled

evolution is a fact

Both statements cannot be simultaneously true.


In the 2005 Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial, Behe gave testimony on the subject of irreducible complexity. The court found that "Professor Behe's claim for irreducible complexity has been refuted in peer-reviewed research papers and has been rejected by the scientific community at large."

Ya gotta love it when the unscientific legal system has the final say on scientific debate. Behe has been answering the critics. since 1997. The fact that his work is rejected by the scientific community is about as shocking as any theistic explanation of objective truth being rejected by the secular humanist community. In both instances, the inference of a God/designer fails to meet the criteria to satisfy the materialist requirements of empirical data; as, by definition, God is a spaceless, timeless, immaterial Being. But, in the case of ID, the theory does not necessarily invoke a theistic designer (though I understand how this could be viewed as a Trojan horse of sorts, but the argument that ID is inherently a religious belief commits the genetic fallacy). It merely induces that the appearance of design infers the existence of a designer- which is consistent with everything that we observe in the natural world. Every book has an author. Every computer program has a programmer. Car parts in a junkyard don’t assemble themselves into cars. The existence of information infers a mind, with no exception, except when it comes to the most intricately (apparently) designed thing in the universe- life itself.


It really would be a waste of time though because no amount of evidence could convince some people

If this were true, then there would be no converts to either side- ever. But there are. In both directions. And both sides can claim that there conversions are due to evaluation of new evidence. Sometimes, the same evidence- when viewed under a different light, in a different season of life, can produce a new perspective.


This guy took the first 100 signees on your list, stripped out the philosophy, electrical engineering, and math majors, leaving only 30-something guys with PhDs in a biology or chemistry field

How very thorough. So, less than 10% of the signees, from 15 years ago, and you believe that number can be extrapolated to accurately represent the entirety of the current list?

He got responses such as “I don’t reject evolution”

Because they don’t. They reject the idea that it happened as the result of an unguided, random process.

“I’ve asked them to take me off the list and they won’t”

Surely not due to any peer pressure, ridicule, and/or fear of being “Expelled.”

Two guys out of the ones he called vouched for creationism… guess where they work? Jerry Falwell’s “Liberty University”. You can’t even make up shite like this.

Genetic fallacy. But ok. Should an argument be judged on its merits, or by its proponents?

They got 1400 PhDs named “Steve” to sign this letter as a mockery of the quack scientists and their ID.

Ad hominem, genetic, and appeal to authority to boot- a trifecta of logical fallacy. Nice job! No one disputes that Darwinian theory is the general consensus. But truth is not determined by the number of people who agree with each other. Not to mention, that the statement of steves misrepresents the dissent statement as purely creationist (which many of ID’s proponents would disagree with), and that it conflates the dissent from neo Darwinian theory, with the notion that all signees dismiss the entirety of the theory of evolution as a whole- which they clearly do not. It’s no wonder why some of the signees would want to be removed from the list- to avoid being bullied by the militant religious adherents of the great prophet Darwin. Have you watched Expelled yet?

The opposition to ID routinely misrepresents the mission of ID. They continually conflate ID with creationism and knowingly misrepresent the main thrust of the theory. They act as though only theists have doubts about neo Darwinian theory’s ability to explain the complexity of life. This is not true. The bottom line, is that a challenge to Darwin’s theory of random, unguided processes accounting for all life, is a challenge to the materialist/reductionist worldview that atheism rests on. And, given the implications of that worldview being potentially dismantled, the response from the majority of those who share that worldview- is exactly what I would expect it to be: a no holds barred, coordinated effort to prevent any challenges to their fragile worldview- carried out by people who firmly believe that their will be no eternal consequences for their actions; people who do not subscribe to the belief in objective morality, and therefore do not hold themselves accountable to a higher standard of behavior. Any challenge to Darwinian evolution is a perceived threat- and is responded to as such.
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
1881 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 7:15 pm to

None of these people are doubting microevolution (small scale changes in a population of organisms)

Except the creationists.

Do you accept “microevolution”? I seem to remember you saying that you did. That’s all evolution is. Very small changes in population over time - some due to genetic drift and some due to natural selection. Over thousands and millions of years many tiny changes sum to a large chance when comparing the ancestral population.


The statement of dissent only concerns the view that an unguided process of natural selection acting upon random mutation has been the primary mechanism driving the evolution of life.

Empirical evidence shows your statement to be false. If you are emphasizing “unguided”, obviously there is no evidence that a designer is acting upon nature in this way. If you presuppose that evolution is guided by Adonai, then you also have to accept that he makes millions of mistakes - 99% of all species ever to exist are extinct.


Rather that the Darwinian model of an unguided process of random mutations is not sufficient to account for the complexity of life

Therefore, God did it, right?


within the evolutionary time period of 4.5 or so billion years.

Don’t tell Foo - his neurons will short circuit.


Let he who has never committed a logical fallacy cast the first stone.


And you presuppose that all life on earth must have arisen by some naturalistic, random, unguided process- for which you also have no evidence.

I just don’t blame it on God if I have no reason to…



The science is never settled

evolution is a fact
Both statements cannot be simultaneously true.

False. Science is a never ending study of the natural world through observation and experimentation. We are always learning and casting out wrong hypotheses. Some aspects of our knowledge are confirmed as facts as the evidence is overwhelming, such as evolution. The fact of biological evolution doesn’t mean the science is settled. We still don’t know with certainty for instance whether Homo Erectus evolved from Homo Habilis or maybe some yet to be discovered hominem.


How very thorough. So, less than 10% of the signees, from 15 years ago, and you believe that number can be extrapolated to accurately represent the entirety of the current list?



Surely not due to any peer pressure, ridicule, and/or fear of being “Expelled.”

So why won’t they delete their names?


Genetic fallacy. But ok. Should an argument be judged on its merits, or by its proponents?

Merits, but sometimes finding out the proponent induces a humorous situation.


But truth is not determined by the number of people who agree with each other.

Oh I agree, so you can throw your list of scientists away I guess. Truth is based on facts and evidence, not the number of people who agree - 100%!


Have you watched Expelled yet?

I haven’t. Maybe next time I cut grass. It’s an hour and 37 minute propaganda film. Give me some time.

I will say though that I agree there is a problem with “canceling” and lack of practical freedom of thought and expression. We should allow alol thoughts, even delusional thoughts, and mockery of it. For example, you can’t work for Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University without signing a contract not to publicly contradict the Bible. During Covid, no one was even allowed to present evidence (that truthfully showed) that Covid was made in the Wuhan lab. Still today, a gainfully employed climate scientist likely cannot speak to the contrary of the artificial consensus of global warming without risking his livelihood.
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
726 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 10:51 pm to

Except the creationists

I can’t speak for all creationists, but, the ones that I agree with do not so much as attempt to discredit natural selection and/or adaptation. I don’t even see a problem with it, biblically, as God created “kinds” of life forms; from which “evolved” into the many species we see today.


Do you accept “microevolution”?

I do. I don’t accept the idea that microevolution plus deep time gets us from a single living cell, to millions and millions of species of staggeringly complex life forms in 4.5 billion years by random chance and unguided processes. I don’t think we evolved from monkeys. Aside from the mathematical challenges of the statistical likelihood that random mutations could account for the evolution of monkey to man, I don’t see the DNA similarities between species as anything other than the signature of the Artist.


obviously there is no evidence that a designer is acting upon nature in this way

What evidence would you expect to find- of a spaceless, timeless, immaterial Being? Everything that exists, especially when considering the fine tuning of the universe for existence of life and everything that supports it; in conjunction with the knowledge that the universe (space, time and matter) came into existence-at once, and out of nothing; all points in one of two directions: either an inconceivably powerful and intelligent Creator, who is exists apart from the creation (of space, time and matter), or an infinitely impossible consecutive string of luck- that is driven by random, unguided, blind, pitiless indifference.


If you presuppose that evolution is guided by Adonai, then you also have to accept that he makes millions of mistakes - 99% of all species ever to exist are extinct.

One would have to possess infinite knowledge of all things, from beginning to end, in order to rightly judge if these are indeed mistakes, or, part of a grand design; a jigsaw puzzle for the ages, that we have yet to discover all of the pieces to.


Therefore, God did it, right?

I believe so, yes. And, I believe He wants us to figure out how. Saying that God did it, is not a scientific conclusion. Rather, it is an exciting hypothesis that can lead to a more robust understanding of the world around us.


Don’t tell Foo - his neurons will short circuit.

I also believe in the possibility of the 6,000 year old earth. Jason Lisle has some really interesting material regarding this subject. I think that it is entirely possible (if not more than likely) that Genesis should be taken literally, and using the genealogies would give us a rough estimate of 6,000 years. Sure, it requires miraculous intervention on God’s part, but if you believe in God, then you believe in miracles, and His sovereignty over His creation. I think it’s entirely possible that man’s attempts to describe the world, without God as the hypothesis, could lead to inaccurate conclusions that appear to work. Surely you’re aware of the assumptions that are required for radiometric dating, and the infamous dating of newly formed rocks from the Mt. St. Helen’s eruption. This would be consistent with God giving us over to the desires of our hearts. If you want to believe in a world without Him, He accommodates it. He won’t force you to love Him. I’m not so dogmatic in this young earth/old earth belief anymore, as even St. Augustine grappled with this to no avail. This is now a secondary issue to me- one that is not necessary for salvation. Whether the earth is billions, or thousands of years old, God is eternal. I often wonder what He was doing before He created us and the universe.


I just don’t blame it on God if I have no reason to…

Fair enough.



If the shoe were on the other foot- would you accept this as authoritative?


So why won’t they delete their names?

I don’t know. Maybe you should contact Discovery Institute and ask them. I watched the video. Honestly, I don’t trust the source. The guy sounds like a Democrat.


Merits, but sometimes finding out the proponent induces a humorous situation.

Fair enough. I feel the same way about Dawkins. I once saw an interview where he was being informed about people that refuse to relinquish their belief in gender fluidity. He was read some quotes along the lines of there being no evidence that could possibly change their minds on the issue. To which he replied how ridiculously narrow that was. He was then asked if there could possibly be any evidence that would convince him of God. To which he replied very similarly to the view he had just condemned. I don’t doubt that he is a brilliant man. But, he is absolutely blinded by his hatred for the God that he claims doesn’t exist. Ironic.


Oh I agree, so you can throw your list of scientists away I guess. Truth is based on facts and evidence, not the number of people who agree - 100%!

Nicely done! But, the purpose of the list is to add weight to the petition for honest inquiry and debate- not to act as an appeal to authority.


Maybe next time I cut grass

Come on, man. Just sit down and watch it!


I will say though that I agree there is a problem with “canceling” and lack of practical freedom of thought and expression. We should allow alol thoughts, even delusional thoughts, and mockery of it. For example, you can’t work for Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University without signing a contract not to publicly contradict the Bible. During Covid, no one was even allowed to present evidence (that truthfully showed) that Covid was made in the Wuhan lab. Still today, a gainfully employed climate scientist likely cannot speak to the contrary of the artificial consensus of global warming without risking his livelihood.

Amen, brother! Amen.
Posted by bernermountaindog
Member since Jan 2024
130 posts
Posted on 3/4/24 at 11:27 pm to

It's the sacrifice of having to eat something that you don't normally eat i.e. go out of your way to not eat meat jackhole

Oh wow you have to eat shrimp or fish or crawfish on a few Fridays a year. Such a sacrifice.

Absolute joke
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
1881 posts
Posted on 3/20/24 at 6:42 pm to
Dang, the other thread was deleted before I had a chance to respond to you. If you remember what it was about, post it here.

ETA: I remember one part where you said I was well on my way of converting to agnosticism. I don’t know how you figure that. There is unequivocally a 0.00% likelihood that the gods of the Bible exist in reality. Even though I’ve been to Catholic mass twice this week with my family, I am 100% atheist. I am an atheist that doesn’t pretend to know how the universe began or even how life began on earth but it damn sure wasn’t the god or gods described in the Christian, Muslim, Hebrew, or Hindu scriptures, and evolution of species due to natural selection is an irrefutable scientific fact.
This post was edited on 3/20/24 at 6:53 pm
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
726 posts
Posted on 3/22/24 at 9:52 am to
It’s been a crazy week. My clients have been very demanding lately. 14-16 hour days will wear you down quickly. I’m looking forward to the weekend, so I can catch up.


Dang, the other thread was deleted before I had a chance to respond to you.

Yeah. Probably for the best. It was devolving, rapidly, into petty insults and intentional misrepresentation (not from you). There’s no value to be had in those types of discussions- which is precisely why I don’t participate in the RC/Pro debates on anonymous Internet forums.


If you remember what it was about, post it here.

Lol. I don’t. It got deleted. It was a lot. And it was (I think) well articulated. Now, it’s just another casualty of the RC/Pro war. Pity.


I remember one part where you said I was well on my way of converting to agnosticism

I jest. While you admit that there may be a God (which is agnostic), I don’t actually believe that you have moved a micrometer towards Christian theism. Again- pity.


There is unequivocally a 0.00% likelihood that the gods of the Bible exist in reality.

That is a statement of faith; disguised as a fact- as you cannot prove your position beyond a reasonable doubt. Nor can I, which why I readily admit that my position is one of faith. We both dissect the preponderance of evidence (for and against), and each come to different conclusions.


Even though I’ve been to Catholic mass twice this week with my family

I’m very happy to hear this. I sincerely hope it continues.


I am an atheist that doesn’t pretend to know how the universe began or even how life began on earth


but it damn sure wasn’t God

FIFY. Do you not see the logical inconsistency in this statement? “Don’t know,” and “damn sure,” cannot both be true simultaneously. If you don’t know, then you’re not damn sure. If you’re damn sure, then you do know. Which is it?


evolution of species due to natural selection is an irrefutable scientific fact.

So was the eternality of the universe- before the Big Bang Theory.
One thing is certain- it’s not just creationists and ID proponents who have problems with neo-Darwinian theory. Darwinian theory is just as lazy as creation theory.

Neo-Darwinism ignores important rapid evolutionary processes such as symbiogenesis, horizontal DNA transfer, action of mobile DNA and epigenetic modifications. Moreover, some Neo-Darwinists have elevated Natural Selection into a unique creative force that solves all the difficult evolutionary problems without a real empirical basis. Many scientists today see the need for a deeper and more complete exploration of all aspects of the evolutionary process.

You’re probably thinking- So what. It’s still evolution. Amirite? Yes, it’s still evolution. But not Darwinian evolution. And that’s a step in the right direction.
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
1881 posts
Posted on 3/22/24 at 12:29 pm to

That is a statement of faith; disguised as a fact- as you cannot prove your position beyond a reasonable doubt

No, it’s not faith. We atheists have no such thing.
Don’t project your faith onto me (in Aron Ra voice)

To the unbiased, I can prove that the earth wasn’t created by slaying a giant water dragon of chaos by Adonai and the slicing him in half and using its body parts to separate the waters into the waters of heaven and the waters above and spreading out the upper part like a tent so that it is firm and firmly holds back the waters of heaven from drowning us. I can show that man wasnt created before all the other animals like dinosaurs and that the sun and moon aren’t the same size and aren’t just floating in the sky (below the firmament) and that the stars can’t fall out of the sky into the earth because they are in fact balls of gas billions of miles away. None of that is real - in reality. It’s not faith.


neo-Darwinian theory

This is creationist nonsense. It’s a term only used by creationists. “Biological Theory of evolution of species” or similar is how actual scientists refer to it. They also don’t call themselves “evolutionists” which is another term made by creationists.


Neo-Darwinism ignores important rapid evolutionary processes such as symbiogenesis, horizontal DNA transfer, action of mobile DNA and epigenetic modifications. Moreover, some Neo-Darwinists have elevated Natural Selection into a unique creative force that solves all the difficult evolutionary problems without a real empirical basis. Many scientists today see the need for a deeper and more complete exploration of all aspects of the evolutionary process.

Just a bunch of horseshite. Outright lies, fabrication, and propaganda. Just being honest.

Hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend!
Posted by Prodigal Son
Member since May 2023
726 posts
Posted on 3/22/24 at 8:23 pm to

Don’t project your faith onto me (in Aron Ra voice)

I enjoy your sense of humor.

Faith: (noun)
1-confidence or trust in a person or thing:
faith in another's ability.

2- belief that is not based on proof:
He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.

3- belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion:
the firm faith of the Pilgrims.

4- belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.:
to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.

5- a system of religious belief:
the Christian faith;
the Jewish faith.

6- the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.:
Failure to appear would be breaking faith.

7- the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one's promise, oath, allegiance, etc.:
He was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.

8- Christian Theology.
the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.


No, it’s not faith. We atheists have no such thing.

Well, I don’t believe you.
1- You have faith in Darwin, and Dawkins. Your faith is in fallible man- and his fallible conventions. History has proven this (faith in humanity) to be erroneous.
2- You have faith that there is no God (without proof). You have faith that a man (Darwin), who thought that the cell was a glob of jello, accurately ascertained the origin of the millions of species on this planet- from a glob of jello… dividing itself into more globs of jello. (In the 1800’s)
3- Nope. You don’t have that one.
4- You have faith in lots of things. Just because something happens to be consistent, doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to continue. Yet, you have faith that it will.
5- Nope
6- I would hope you exhibit this type of behavior. And, I bet you would hold those accountable who do not.
7- Same as 6.
8- Clearly, no.

So, you exhibit five out of the eight given definitions of faith. Amirite?


To the unbiased

Doesn’t exist. There are only those who admit, and those who deny.


I can prove that the earth wasn’t created by slaying a giant water dragon of chaos by Adonai and the slicing him in half and using its body parts to separate the waters into the waters of heaven and the waters above and spreading out the upper part like a tent so that it is firm and firmly holds back the waters of heaven from drowning us.

Ummm… no, you can’t. Unless, of course, you were there when it happened? What you can do, is make a mildly convincing argument, based on very limited knowledge, of a vanishingly small timeframe of the existence of things we are struggling to comprehend. Kind of like saying “I threw a basketball at a basketball goal, once. Therefore, I know everything there is to know about basketball.” As it happens, you will have no problem finding people to agree with you- as the majority of humanity finds much more comfort in the atheist position of ceasing to exist, rather than burning in hell for eternity. But, as I’m sure you’ll agree- just because it feels good, doesn’t make it true.


I can show that man wasnt created before all the other animals like dinosaurs and that the sun and moon aren’t the same size and aren’t just floating in the sky (below the firmament) and that the stars can’t fall out of the sky into the earth because they are in fact balls of gas billions of miles away

See above statement. Though, I agree. God made dinosaurs before Adam.


This is creationist nonsense

But, it’s not. Did you even bother to click the link? These are not creationists. These are hardcore evolutionists- who realize the shortcomings and overall laziness of Darwinian evolution. They’re not proponents of ID, or creationism. They just readily admit that Darwin’s theory is lacking explanatory power in light of more recent discoveries. They earnestly believe that it all can still be explained without invoking God. I wish them luck.


Just a bunch of horseshite. Outright lies, fabrication, and propaganda. Just being honest.

I lol’d so hard at this. U mad bro? You seem triggered. They’re only trying to better explain the inescapable “illusion” of design.

Perhaps these guys will make even more intellectually fulfilling to be an atheist.


Hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend!

I hope we both do.
Posted by DVA Tailgater
Member since Jan 2011
2955 posts
Posted on 3/22/24 at 8:31 pm to
I’m glad this thread is back. I like some of what Squirrel has to say, but I hope the Holy Spirit can get through to him before it’s too late. Praying for you baw.
Posted by kingbob
Sorrento, LA
Member since Nov 2010
67231 posts
Posted on 3/22/24 at 8:34 pm to
Refraining from eating meat on Friday is a tradition, not a law. It's not a sin to eat meat. It's just a practice to remind you to be mindful of what goes into your mouth so you'll be mindful of what comes out of it.
Posted by Squirrelmeister
Member since Nov 2021
1881 posts
Posted on 3/22/24 at 9:53 pm to

Well, I don’t believe you.

2, 3, 5, and 8 are about belief without evidence. In this case belief in supernatural phenomena without evidence. That’s what we are talking ‘bout.


You have faith in Darwin, and Dawkins. Your faith is in fallible man- and his fallible conventions.

Nope. You are confused, but I can understand why. You reject obvious proof of an evidently true reality that those guys have demonstrated. Because you reject evidently true reality, you think that what they published is false or erroneous. Therefore you see it as me blindly believing their work based on a willingness and a desire to believe them. You are operating on the wrong premise. I don’t have faith in Darwin or Dawkins, and there’s no reason to believe them without evidence, because they have demonstrated the evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.


You have faith that there is no God (without proof).

This is a worn out fallacious assertion among theists. Would you say someone who doesn’t smoke has a nasty addictive habit? No one on either side is fooled by this.


Ummm… no, you can’t. Unless, of course, you were there when it happened? What you can do, is make a mildly convincing argument, based on very limited knowledge, of a vanishingly small timeframe of the existence of things we are struggling to comprehend.

This is another really poor argument. As a detective investigating a murder, if you found someone with bloody clothes, (very unique) shoes, and gloves in their vehicle, and the blood matches the DNA of the victim, and the person is in possession of the murder weapon, and if that person was known to be at the scene of the crime during the timeframe of the murder, and if he was the only person at the scene who hadn’t died, and the person had a history of physical violence against the victim, you tellin me you couldn’t put two and two together? You would have let OJ off the hook because you weren’t there to witness the crime?


U mad bro? You seem triggered.

Yeah I’m mad. I clicked the link. These kinds of people are like Nikki Haley masquerading as a conservative republican. Unscientific nonsense by morons and devious people. Surely they have some peer reviewed white papers with loads of evidence to support their hypotheses proving those dastardly “neo darwinian faith based evolutionists” wrong. Not just some fallacious claims without evidence.

Posted by catholictigerfan
Member since Oct 2009
56321 posts
Posted on 3/23/24 at 8:31 am to

Prodigal Son

I'd be curious to get your thoughts on this article it explains the origins of rational thought in human beings, and the connection of the soul. My opinion is that God gave Adam and Eve a soul at the same time evolution brought about rational thought in homo sapiens. I also believe God designed the universe in such a way that human beings would evolve out of it, so that he could give them souls.

There is also an interesting question of original sin, how do we make sense of sin and evolution?

I'm far from a evolutionary biologist, but I've read enough to believe it is compatible with the Catholic teaching on how God created the universe.
This post was edited on 3/23/24 at 8:39 am
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41826 posts
Posted on 3/23/24 at 10:39 am to

I'd be curious to get your thoughts on this article it explains the origins of rational thought in human beings, and the connection of the soul. My opinion is that God gave Adam and Eve a soul at the same time evolution brought about rational thought in homo sapiens. I also believe God designed the universe in such a way that human beings would evolve out of it, so that he could give them souls.

There is also an interesting question of original sin, how do we make sense of sin and evolution?
I honestly can't see how evolution can be even remotely compatible with the clear teaching of the Scriptures. Any attempt to make the two fit has to necessarily make "science" the standard over and against the Scriptures.

To start, there is no way any person would understand that God created man through natural processes (evolution) rather than through direct intervention in a special way by reading the Scriptures alone. It's only in reading the Scriptures in light of evolutionary thought that evolution can even be inserted into the Biblical paradigm as a square peg into a round hole.

There is the notion that Jesus taught that "from the beginning of creation", God made man male and female (Mark 10:6; Mat. 19:4). The clear implication is that man and woman existed early on in creation, not came about millions or billions of years after creation. So even Jesus spoke about time in creation from a "creationist" frame of reference, not an evolutionary one. Considering Jesus was there in the beginning as the eternal Son of God and second person of the Trinity, I think He would know.

Woman was created from man in the Scriptures in a way that is wholly unlike any of the animals that God created, yet evolutionary theory would assert that man and woman came about from the same natural processes instead of a supernatural action on God's part.

Relatedly, woman was created for Adam precisely because God said that man needed a helper and there wasn't one in the animal kingdom that was suitable (Gen. 2:18-25). According to evolutionary theory, this part of the narrative should be ignored completely, because woman already existed alongside man. Not only was she not created uniquely, but Adam didn't need a "helper" because he already had helpers. Humans had other proto-humans (as well as other humans, evidently) to breed with and live with (we have to remember that evolution doesn't provide clear marks of delineation between species but gradual evolution between them). As a side note, the notion that God would bring all animals to Adam for him to name is utter ridiculousness that can't be reconciled with evolutionary theory in any meaningful sense.

God created man to be herbivores (Gen. 1:29) prior to the fall (prior to sin). God gave them (and all land-based animals) herbs and fruits to eat (not meat), and combined with the statements by Paul about death entering the world through sin (of Adam), it is clear that no animal death existed prior to the fall, yet the linked article (consistent with evolutionary theory) states that proto-humans hunted and killed animals (there was obviously death of all living organisms for millions of years prior to humans in this view). Man, therefore, would have hunted and killed (each other and other animals) prior to being given a special status by God, which runs contrary to Genesis 1:29-30 regarding them only eating fruits and herbs.

Next, it doesn't do to spiritualize the text in Gen. 2:7 by saying Man became a "living being" through relationship. The breath of life is that of life, not relationship. The article has to explain this verse differently because it is clear that humans were "living beings" prior to this breath of life relationship that they assert in the evolutionary framework. The clear language of the text has to be altered to fit the evolutionary worldview.

The next big issue is the issue of the Covenant of Works. God made a covenant with Adam (necessitating an actual Adam) as representative of the entire human race. This covenant promised everlasting, eternal life for Adam if he obeyed God's commands and did not sin. Adam was told not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as a test, and when he failed that test, he sinned, and plunged all humanity (himself and Eve and all of their future progeny) into guilt before God.

A few points on this: first, Adam was a singular representative for humanity in the Covenant. If "Adam" was just one human of many, then the other humans alive at that time were judged guilty in God's sight due to this one man's sin. As unfair as the concept of Original Sin sounds to people within a biblical paradigm, it sounds even worse in an evolutionary framework if there were other humans alive that were judged guilty when they weren't given a chance by God to obey.

Second, Adam was perfect and sinless before the fall. The reason he was made representative of humanity was precisely because he had the capacity to obey without a fallen/sinful nature. If "Adam" was just one of many humans, there is no reason to assume he was sinless, innocent, and had capacity for perfect obedience to the Covenant, or that if he did, that others would not have also been in the same spiritual innocence, which means that other humans were potentially being judged as spiritually guilty because of "Adam" when they had not sinned. This concept completely wipes out the possibility of original sin, which is a staple of Christian theology from early on in the history of the Church and taught explicitly by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans.

The next related issue is that death came into the world as a punishment for Adam's failure to keep the Covenant of Works (Rom. 5:12-21). The Apostle Paul relates how both physical and spiritual death entered into the world through Adam. This coincides with what I already stated about all land-based animals (and man) only eating fruits and herbs/plants in the beginning. The shedding of blood was always a punishment for sin, and sin didn't occur until Adam sinned. God killed an animal and used its skin to give Adam and Eve clothing to cover their nakedness (Gen. 3:21) as a sign that He had forgiven their sins through the shedding of blood. It was a picture of being "clothed with Christ", whose blood covers the sins of those who trust in Him by faith (Heb. 10).

The last thing I will mention is that the Scriptures compare a literal Adam to a literal Christ. Going back to Romans 5, Paul compares the sin of one man being taken away by the righteousness of one man. Christ is the new Adam, and yet if evolutionary theory were true, this "Adam" never existed, especially not in any meaningful way that the Bible describes, so therefore Christ is compared to someone who didn't exist as the Scriptures say. Jesus is our representative in faith as Adam is our representative in sin (Covenant of Grace vs. Covenant of Works). A non-Biblical "Adam" destroys both the comparison with Christ as well as the federal representation of sin/guilt and righteousness between Adam and Jesus. Such a comparison by Paul would be unhelpful if he were factually incorrect in his understanding of creation and Adam in particular.

The fact of the matter is that the Scriptures speak to a literal creation with a literal Adam who committed actual sin that plunged the world into sin and death. Jesus Christ is the new Adam who came to obey the Covenant of Works perfectly where Adam failed and to shed His blood as a sacrifice for sinners. All of creation groans to be restored through the redemption in Christ (Rom. 8:21-23), and therefore creation was impacted by the fall of a real Adam. Evolutionary theory is not compatible with the Bible on this.
This post was edited on 3/23/24 at 11:00 am
Posted by catholictigerfan
Member since Oct 2009
56321 posts
Posted on 3/23/24 at 1:54 pm to

I honestly can't see how evolution can be even remotely compatible with the clear teaching of the Scriptures. Any attempt to make the two fit has to necessarily make "science" the standard over and against the Scriptures.

This is where I think sola scriptura falls short. There was a reason I was trying to get to the meaning of infallibility with you in the other thread. Genesis clearly isn't meant to be taken as a scientific textbook yet you are holding it up as that.

Here is what I believe and hold to. Divine Revelation reveals the truth, physical science studies the truth. A truth of divine revelation cannot contradict a truth of science, and visa versa. One thing you have already come out and claimed is that the earth is only 6000 years old. However physical science has made it clear that the earth is well beyond 6000 years old.

Are you to claim that science is so misguided that it gets the age of the earth wrong by billions of years? What about Dinosaurs, I guess the fossils records are wrong too?

I get you want to uphold scripture as the authority on everything, however to argue against evolution, and even more fundamentally against the age of the earth, which science clearly demonstrates. While Evolution is more complex it is clear that human beings didn't come into existence at the snap of a finger, while contemporary theories of evolution may have their issues, at it's most basic it is good science.

Here is some more good resources on this stuff. I was more curious about the other catholic posters view on evolution.

A note on the Theory of Evolution This is from a website of basic thomistic (St. Thomas Aquinas) viewpoints. Honestly I think Thomas Aquinas if he knew of evolution would be all for it. But this page on this website does a good job of explaining things IMO.

Thomistic Evolution this website which I need to dive in deeper to as well, explains how Thomas Aquinas' thought and evolution go right together.

Adam, Eve and Evolution here is a Catholic answers article on the matter, and helpful

Church life journal from Notre Dame University a very good resource on the dialogue between science and religion. This is where I found the first article I posted.

Evolution and what Catholics should think a good short article on how catholics can approach evolution.

I could go on, you may even find some disagreement between the links I've posted, but the disagreements will be of theological opinion not doctrine or dogma.

Evolution to a person who hasn't studied much science since college, makes the most sense. I just don't see how it's possible that the earth is only 6000-10000 years old, and that the scientific evidence of evolution is so misguided that we have to throw out evolution entirely.
Posted by Champagne
Already Conquered USA.
Member since Oct 2007
48627 posts
Posted on 3/23/24 at 2:23 pm to
For the record, I would like to make this post to highlight the fact that Foo says that the Earth is about 6,000 years old. The Holy Bible's book of Genesis is all of the proof that he needs to make this declaration.

No amount of Biology, Geology, Anthropology, Astronomy, Chemistry or Paleology that anybody can cite now, or in the future, will ever shake him from his belief in his declaration.

Given these facts, do you think you can have a reasoned debate with somebody like this?

How do you debate somebody who believes that God will punish you if you believe in Dinosaurs?
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41826 posts
Posted on 3/23/24 at 3:36 pm to

This is where I think sola scriptura falls short.
Sola scriptura doesn't mean the Bible contains every possible data point or truth that can be discerned in creation. It means that all that is necessary for the Christian to believe for salvation and to live lives pleasing to God is contained in the Scriptures, and the Scriptures alone are the only infallible rule for faith and life. I don't mean this harshly, but Catholics generally don't understand what sola scriptura really means though you spend quite a lot of time speaking against it. I'd suggest spending more time seeking to understand it first.


There was a reason I was trying to get to the meaning of infallibility with you in the other thread. Genesis clearly isn't meant to be taken as a scientific textbook yet you are holding it up as that.
You are assuming that because the Bible (the book of Genesis specifically in this discussion) wasn't written as a "scientific textbook" that it has nothing to say on such things. I disagree. Genesis was written as a historical narrative primarily, and whatever God's Word teaches us should be taken literally, meaning that we should understand how the human author intended the text to be understood. History should be read as history, poetry as poetry, and so on. Truth is contained in all the biblical genres, but when history is given to us, we shouldn't spiritualize or turn it into a metaphor for something else because it conflicts with a naturalistic interpretation of scientific evidences proposed by those who despise God and a supernatural involvement in creation by Him.

Whatever God's Word speaks about, it is infallible. If God speaks about creation, then that account is infallible. While the Bible isn't a "scientific textbook", if it is true regarding whatever it speaks about, then it sets the boundaries for what we can accept as true, including in the realm of scientific inquiry.


Here is what I believe and hold to. Divine Revelation reveals the truth, physical science studies the truth. A truth of divine revelation cannot contradict a truth of science, and visa versa. One thing you have already come out and claimed is that the earth is only 6000 years old. However physical science has made it clear that the earth is well beyond 6000 years old.
Whatever God tells us is true, regardless of what fallible men proclaim. That has to be our standard for authority, first and foremost. If you reject God's revelation as ultimate, then you open yourself up for tossing out most of the Bible altogether because there are secular humanists who deny and attempt to refute it (see Squirrel's terrible attempts to use everything but the Bible as a standard to judge and condemn the Bible). Once you reject the authority of Scripture to be the ultimate authority, then you wind up ignoring or rejecting the Bible when it contradicts whatever your true authority is. Science (well, scientists) tells us that people aren't raised from the dead and fish and loaves can't multiply miraculously. Secularists tell us that what is moral depends on society, itself, so therefore what God claims is moral or immoral can be said to be mere suggestions, or as the "progressive Christians" claim, morals for certain groups at certain times that don't apply to us today. When you remove the Scriptures as your highest authority, you start going down a slippery slope into relativism.

Regarding your claim about science and the age of the earth: scientists don't know anything that happened in the past. They make claims based on interpretations of the evidence as they understand it, based on presuppositions that are not based on a biblical model or worldview. They begin with a philosophically unfounded presupposition of uniformitarianism and naturalism, and read all evidence in that light. No supernatural. Not acts of God. Nothing but matter being acted upon by the laws physics. Within that paradigm, they interpret evidences to conclude old ages. I don't dispute the evidence, but the interpretations of them from a naturalistic perspective. You act as if science is infallible rather than God's Word. Science is merely a tool for understanding, used by fallible human beings who are hardly neutral or unbiased. Whatever presuppositions one holds to before coming to the evidence will influence the conclusions one comes to.


Are you to claim that science is so misguided that it gets the age of the earth wrong by billions of years? What about Dinosaurs, I guess the fossils records are wrong too?
Again, "science" is merely a tool. Scientists are the ones who make conclusions and interpretations of evidences, and yes, I think most scientists are so misguided by their anti-God, naturalistic worldviews that they get the age of the earth wrong by billions of years.

Dinosaurs? Yes, they lived and mostly died off in the flood. Geological fossil records have to be interpreted, too, like all other evidences.


I get you want to uphold scripture as the authority on everything
And here is where Catholicism is so detrimental to Christianity. The belief that the Bible is not the only infallible rule for faith opens up the door to skepticism of every kind. If the Bible can't be trusted on history or "science" when it speaks to facts, then why should we trust it about miracles and morals? When you abandon the Word of God as your ultimate authority, you have to substitute it with something else, and that something else will inevitably contradict the Bible because of the sinfulness of man. If you don't hold to the Scriptures as the sole infallible rule for the faith and life of the Christian, then you might as well abandon Christianity altogether, as it becomes nothing more than another religion of many.


however to argue against evolution, and even more fundamentally against the age of the earth, which science clearly demonstrates. While Evolution is more complex it is clear that human beings didn't come into existence at the snap of a finger, while contemporary theories of evolution may have their issues, at it's most basic it is good science.
If you believe this to be true, you are arguing against Christ, Himself, who taught the Biblical account of creation. All you have now is your "tradition", which cannot save. You have the words of fallible men as your authority.


Evolution to a person who hasn't studied much science since college, makes the most sense. I just don't see how it's possible that the earth is only 6000-10000 years old, and that the scientific evidence of evolution is so misguided that we have to throw out evolution entirely.
Again, you are trusting in the conclusions of fallible men who predominately hate God and reject Him as their creator.

I suggest you trust the Word of God, which is the only thing in this world that is "God-breathed". If it cannot be trusted, then nothing can be trusted.

Also, I noticed that you didn't engage with anything I stated in terms of the Scriptures' teachings regarding the Genesis account of creation. Do you deny that the Bible is clear about its own understanding of creation or the serious problems it causes if the biblical account is rejected?
Posted by FooManChoo
Member since Dec 2012
41826 posts
Posted on 3/23/24 at 3:49 pm to

For the record, I would like to make this post to highlight the fact that Foo says that the Earth is about 6,000 years old. The Holy Bible's book of Genesis is all of the proof that he needs to make this declaration.
For the record, I would like to make this post to highlight the fact that you have a problem with me resting upon God's Word as my highest authority. You, who claim the name of Christ, are acting so antagonistic towards His Scriptures that you mock and ridicule me publicly because I stand on the Scriptures. You can disagree with me all you like, but your seemingly low view of the Bible is sickening to me.


No amount of Biology, Geology, Anthropology, Astronomy, Chemistry or Paleology that anybody can cite now, or in the future, will ever shake him from his belief in his declaration.
If I reject the Scriptures as God's infallible word, then what else do I have? Man's thoughts and opinions that do not provide life?

I strongly suggest you not only start studying the Bible, but also give philosophy some serious thought, as it might reveal to you exactly what the Bible teaches regarding truth and the state of mankind. You might just find that those who suppress the truth about God in unrighteousness will not come to biblical/truthful conclusions about the reality we live in based on their presuppositions.

Just like you side with atheists against Christians in these discussions, you are siding with materialists against the Scriptures.

If you would like to engage in any of the discussion I've been contributing to other than mocking me for an orthodox, Christian view of biblical creation, then I'd like to discuss truth with you.


Given these facts, do you think you can have a reasoned debate with somebody like this?
I expect a response like this from someone who is an open enemy of God, but you claim to be a Christian, so I expect you to reason differently than the world on spiritual matters. You are not engaging with my biblical defense of my beliefs. You are just mocking me for not towing the naturalistic line of conclusions that contradict the Scriptures, expecting me to join with them over God's Word. Do you also deny that Jesus is raised from the dead? No scientist in his right mind will say that Jesus actually rose from the dead, because "science" doesn't accept it.


How do you debate somebody who believes that God will punish you if you believe in Dinosaurs?
You are breaking the 9th commandment against me right now by lying about me. I call you to repent.
This post was edited on 3/23/24 at 3:53 pm
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