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How the hell do you all cope with all of this idiocy?

Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:11 pm
Posted by Deplorable2015
Member since Nov 2020
11 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:11 pm
When I say that, I mean the purest, rawest form of human idiocy that has seemingly infected EVERYTHING. There are a million places to go with this, but I'm talking the type of idiocy that is so grating and insulting to anyone with a functional brain that it just causes you to throw your hands in the air and scream.

I could be overreacting here. That's always a possibility. I try to even avoid reading the news half the time because I know it's going to be so brutal if any rationality is to be involved.

I like to be informed about WTF is going on in the world.. but it's inescapable. It's everywhere. Eventually you see it and it's just so infuriating. Let me cite examples of what I'm getting at:

(This is literally from the past three days alone)

In the WONDERFUL state of California, Governor Newsome is pushing a plan that would give the 1.8 million Black Californians with an enslaved US Ancestor a cool sum of $360,000. Welllllllll isn't that nice! Total cost of the program? Nothing too much... just a cool (checks notes) $640 billion... for a state with a massive budget deficit. Absolutely no information can be found as to how this would be paid for.

In the WONDERFUL city of San Francisco, over 100 reparations proposals were heard by a very eager Board of Supervisors INCLUDING: Payouts of $5 million (yes that is correct) to eligible adults, elimination of personal tax AND debt burdens (LMAO), guaranteed incomes of $97,000 for 250 years (WTF) and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family (Haaaahhhhh). And GET THIS: The Board was apparently surprised to hear that people opposed this. How on EARTH could they be so foolish? Why no, there had been no analysis done to indicate how this would be paid for... but how could anyone care about silly things like MONEY over doing the right thing?!

I know it's California but Evanston, Illinois is apparently already doing it in some fashion (I don't even want to freaking know) and Boston approved a task force to study it. Federal Democrats have tried to get task forces going for this.

Okay, enough with that nonsense. Let's check in on the executive branch. As some, uhhh, issues with the banks unfold, rest assured, the Biden Administration is here for you!!! Necessary steps are being taken, including (checks notes) regulating f*cking washing machines.

Norm MacDonald voice: "HOLLLD THE FORT!" Of course! Makes sense! In order to confront the GLOBAL CLIMATE CRISIS, washing machines need to use less water. How will clothes get cleaned properly? Well apparently that's a great question because there appears to be no answer for it. The manufacturers seem to want some answers but nope... you will save the planet and you will like it!

(A reminder that all of this legendary dipsh*ttery is from the past three days alone)

And now we head to the City that Never Sleeps. Remember that wonderful Sanctuary City BS? Well guess what happened when the crisis arrived to NYC? You know, because all of those RACIST red states bussed them away and those STUNTS pulled by GOP Governors? Mayor Eric Adams is sending them away. Time to go! They will be resettled across the country. Weird, I remember the outcry when Texas and Florida relocated migrants... could've sworn it was racist. BTW let's just take a second to ponder the fact that the mayor of New York freaking city is legitimately slow. Seriously. That man is a f*cking retard. Let's see Mr. Adams' well thought out plan:


Many details, however, were not explained.

The mayor, for instance, said he did not want to reveal the names of partner cities that are planning to host more migrants for fear of souring those relationships.

“Please don’t ask me which cities because I don’t need you running to the cities and stopping them,” he told reporters at the announcement. “I know you enjoy pitting cities against cities, so we are not giving you that information.”

"Many details were not explained." Well if that doesn't sum it up. You want ANSWERS? Yeah no we definitely aren't giving you those.

Oh yeah and BLM.. remember that?! They received HOW MUCH from corporations thanks to that violen--errr I mean totally valid Summer of Love? Well if you guessed 83 billion (Yes with a B) then you would be correct. Not a single scholarship or playground or even lighting for some Midnight Basketball. Nada.

So after a wall of text in the form of examples I ask... How do you deal with this idiocy? It is going to continue to reduce the standard of living for everyone. It already has. You see it in every other headline. I just want to know how everyone tries to stay sane with economic and political instability that feels like it's going to continue to get way worse.

This post was edited on 3/14/23 at 10:26 pm
Posted by saint tiger225
San Diego
Member since Jan 2011
37422 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:22 pm to

How do you deal with this idiocy?
I don't read all of the bullshite.
Posted by BRgetthenet
Member since Oct 2011
117937 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:23 pm to

You see it in every other headline.

Posted by boosiebadazz
Member since Feb 2008
81069 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:27 pm to
I pay the mortgage and coach the t-ball team and worry about what I can control.
Posted by TDsngumbo
Alpha Silverfox
Member since Oct 2011
43099 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:28 pm to
I quit watching the news about three years ago. Of course I still keep up to an extent but I can’t tell you the last time I sat and watched more than 20 minutes straight if FoxNews, CNN, or any of the others. They all nauseate me now.
This post was edited on 3/14/23 at 10:29 pm
Posted by Froman
Baton Rouge
Member since Jun 2007
36547 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:28 pm to
While you kept a pretty one-sided view here, leading me to believe you are part of said idiocy, your points are mostly valid. I don’t mind New York sending away people because it’s the shitty governors who tricked and used them as pawns in a political game who are at fault. Other than that, you are right. The world sucks and you want to ignore it and go about your life, but it’s fricking everywhere.
Posted by Breauxsif
Member since May 2012
22291 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:31 pm to
Just let it all burn. California isn’t worth saving.
Posted by Coppertop
Member since Feb 2021
626 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:38 pm to
Posted by CuyahogaTigerJr
Northeast ohio
Member since Aug 2018
2243 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:38 pm to
Man feel like I read Dans voice there but that’s ok up vote
Posted by jonnyanony
Member since Nov 2020
11266 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:50 pm to
I stopped worrying about it and focused on my family and making the best out of my life.

I used to expend too much energy on shite i will not change, directly or even indirectly.
Posted by SingleMalt1973
Member since Feb 2022
14267 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 10:55 pm to
I drink a lot
Posted by UncleLogger
Member since Jan 2008
2725 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 11:01 pm to
Realize it’s all being done for effect. Demoralization, division and psychological warfare is how the communists intend to break us.

Don’t let them run their games on you.

This post was edited on 3/14/23 at 11:10 pm
Posted by yakster
Member since Mar 2021
1637 posts
Posted on 3/14/23 at 11:26 pm to
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and He will direct your path.
Posted by Redbone
my castle
Member since Sep 2012
19122 posts
Posted on 3/15/23 at 2:25 am to

Member since 2020
11 posts

You came out of the dark just to troll brah?
Posted by CamdenTiger
Member since Aug 2009
63572 posts
Posted on 3/15/23 at 5:11 am to
When I watched an election being stolen in real time; shutting down the votes in only the swing States; I just started prepping, cause I knew…..
Posted by 427Nova
Member since Sep 2022
1722 posts
Posted on 3/15/23 at 6:11 am to
Pray and know I’m not in control. If it’s God will, then it’s God will. He is in control.
Posted by jackamo3300
New Orleans
Member since Apr 2004
2901 posts
Posted on 3/15/23 at 7:00 am to
Sure it seems at times to be overwhelming, even confusing, but not upon closer examination.

There can be no solution to any problem unless enough of those within a society are willing to identify and admit to how it arrived at that point.

For us, it wasn't happenstance or coincidence.

Although already having been discussed on here at length, maybe it's time for a rehash.

Beginning with this list of "critical theorists" with some brief legends added for the most high-profile ones.

Beginning with the prime originator/mover of it all:

In 1843, some five years before his Manifesto, Marx wrote to a friend - probably Arnold Ruge:

"Here is what we have to accomplish: ruthless criticism of all that exists.

Ruthless in two ways: the criticism should neither be afraid of its own conclusions nor of the conflicts with the powers that be."

Here are just some of the more notable members of the legions he produced with that very basic statement, many of whom over the years managed to work themselves into critical positions within the West's institutions:

•Theodor Adorno - an "original" of the Frankfurt School and author of the definitive work The Authoritarian Personality explaining the ostensible goals of the cabal.
•Giorgio Agamben
•Karl-Otto Apel - coined "transcendental pragmatics" critical theorist and professor emeritus at Frankfurt University. Worked with Habermas on the theory of communicative action for hermeneutics which is the methodology of how to interpret wisdom texts, religious texts, and philosophical texts certainly from the perspective of the neo-Marxist. Hermeneutics has been broadly applied in the humanities, especially in law, history and theology. It includes the relationship between language and logic.
•Louis Althusser - French marxist philosopher. Member of the French Communist Party
•Michael Apple
•Hannah Arendt - an "original" of the Frankfurt School
•Alain Badiou
•Mikhail Bakhtin
•Étienne Balibar
•Roland Barthes
•Gad Barzilai
•Jean Baudrillard
•Zygmunt Bauman
•Walter Benjamin - an original member of the Frankfurt School of neo-Marxists
•Lauren Berlant
•Michael Betancourt
•Ernst Bloch
•Homi K. Bhabha
•Susan Bordo
•Pierre Bourdieu
•Stephen Bronner
•Judith Butler
•Cornelius Castoriadis
•Hélène Cixous
•Angela Davis - remember her? Think all the worst out of Berkeley in one persona along with her mentor and enabler Herbert Marcuse
•Hamid Dabashi
•Antonia Darder
•Guy Debord
•Michel de Certeau
•Manuel de Landa
•Teresa de Lauretis
•Gilles Deleuze
•Paul De Man
•Jacques Derrida
•Enrique Dussel
•Terry Eagleton
•Mikhail Epstein
•Norman Fairclough
•Frantz Fanon
•Paul Feyerabend
•Ramon Flecha
•Else Frenkel-Brunswick - an original of the FS and collaborator on The Authoritarian Personality
•Paulo Freire
•Sigmund Freud - psychiatrist and favorite of the Frankfurt Schoolers of the day. The uncle of Edward Bernays, the acknowledged Father of Propaganda (Now referred to as Public Relations). It was Freud's concepts that the FSers attempted to combine with Marx's concepts.
•Betty Friedan - protégée of Kurt Lewin of the FS and Tavistock Institute
•Erich Fromm - one of the "originals" of the Frankfurt School whose essays have been seen in college textbook courses - particularly Freshman exposition courses.
•Andrew Feenberg
•Hans-Georg Gadamer
•Henry Giroux
•Antonio Gramsci - the first high profile neo-Marxist whose original principles were among so many others co-opted by the Frankfurt School operatives.
•Félix Guattari
•Jürgen Habermas - one of the "originals" of the Frankfurt School and among its highest profile members.
•David Halperin
•Donna Haraway
•Michael Hardt
•David Harvey
•Alamgir Hashmi
•Axel Honneth
•Max Horkheimer - virulent, doctrinaire neo-Marxist "original" of the Frankfurt School and originator of "sensitivity training." Wrote the Foreword in one of the neo-Marxist "handbooks" The Authoritarian Personality written by his FS friends and confidants Adorno, Frenkel, and Sanford.
•Luce Irigaray
•Marie Jahoda -
•Fredric Jameson
•Morris Janowitz -
•Henry Jenkins
•Kojin Karatani
•Joe L. Kincheloe
•Karl Korsch - among the original founders of the Frankfurt School
•Julia Kristeva
•Thomas S. Kuhn
•Jacques Lacan
•Ernesto Laclau
•Bruno Latour
•Paul Lazarsfeld - patron of Theodor Adorno; also of the Frankfurt School
•Emmanuel Levinas
•Daniel J. Levinson - social psychologist at Berkeley, and collaborator on The Authoritarian Personality
•Claude Lévi-Strauss - social psychologist at Berkeley and associate of the Frankfurt School
•Kurt Lewin and Eric Trist- key "bridges" between the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute
•Alfred Lorenzer
•Leo Löwenthal - "original" member of the Frankfurt School
•Timothy Luke
•Rosa Luxemburg - member of the Frankfurt School who received Trotsky's most sincere admiration and condolences upon hearing of her untimely death.
•Jean-François Lyotard
•Herbert Marcuse - Frankfurt School "original" and Architect of the New Left" at Berkeley
•Hedda Massing
•Peter McLaren
•Chantal Mouffe
•William Morrow - protege of Kurt Lewin and another "bridge" between the FS and the Tavistock Institute
•Antonio Negri
•Oskar Negt
•Franz L. Neumann - Frankfurt School "original"
•Martha Nussbaum
•Claus Offe
•Friedrich Pollock
•Nicos Poulantzas
•Jacques Rancière
•Desire Shaka-Momoh
•Modjtaba Sadria
•Edward Said
•R. Nevit Sanford - social psychologist at Berkeley
•Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
•Barbara Herrnstein Smith
•Trinh T. Minh-ha
•Alfonso Valenzuela-Aguilera
•Paul Virilio
•Norbert Wiener - associate of the Frankfurt School who coined the term "Cybernetics"
•Gene Youngblood
•Slavoj Žižek
•Bertrand Russell - British social iconoclast who associated with members of the Frankfurt School
•George Lukacs - "original" member of the Frankfurt School; a Hungarian from a wealthy banking family associated with the Hapsburgs. And Minister of Culture under the short-lived, ill-fated Kunn Bolshevik ruling government in Hungary until the people threw them out. He began this new approach of exposing children to deviancy as a way to disorient them and soften them for marxist indoctrination, which we're seeing residuals of even today.

Add Tavistock with its Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann and it almost completes this witches' brew.

So there's another "wall of text" that barely approaches just how entrenched is this malignancy.

And another reminder of why it's a situation that at this point - 80-plus years into the slouch - we're in an untenable position that we won't be able to pray or vote our way out of.

This post was edited on 3/15/23 at 7:16 am
Posted by VADawg
Member since Nov 2011
45914 posts
Posted on 3/15/23 at 7:03 am to

When I say that, I mean the purest, rawest form of human idiocy that has seemingly infected EVERYTHING. There are a million places to go with this, but I'm talking the type of idiocy that is so grating and insulting to anyone with a functional brain that it just causes you to throw your hands in the air and scream.

I still think democrats' goal is to get white men mad enough to start physically retaliating so they can justify violently cracking down on us because they want to badly.
Posted by OccamsStubble
Member since Aug 2019
5985 posts
Posted on 3/15/23 at 7:06 am to
When you condition people that printing money is OK, then people are conditioned to believe that printing money is OK.
Yesterday Trump suggested paying people to have kids. No different that Cali proposals, really.
Posted by Jake88
Member since Apr 2005
70824 posts
Posted on 3/15/23 at 7:14 am to

 How do you deal with this idiocy?
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.
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