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UPDATED: US Big Oil Fires Back @ Slanderous White House

Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:26 am
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
67051 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:26 am
UPDATE top of Page 4

In a letter on Wednesday, President Joe Biden called on US Oil Refiners to produce more gasoline and diesel, saying their profits have tripled during a time of war between Russia and Ukraine as Americans struggle with record high gas prices.


“The crunch that families are facing deserves immediate action,”

"There is no question that Vladimir Putin is principally responsible for the intense financial pain the American people and their families are bearing," 

“unprecedented disconnect between the price of oil and the price of gas.”

"But amid a war that has raised gasoline prices more than $1.70 per gallon, historically high refinery profit margins are worsening that pain." 

“Your companies need to work with my Administration to bring forward concrete, near-term solutions that address the crisis.”

This childish backlash comes a day after the American Petroleum Institute (API) sent a letter to President Biden detailing a 10 step plan they recommended to the administration to help address the current energy prices. LINK


1. Lift Development Restrictions on Federal Lands and Waters
2. Designate Critical Energy Infrastructure Projects
3. Fix the NEPA Permitting Process
4. Accelerate LNG Exports and Approve Pending LNG Applications
5. Unlock Investment and Access to Capital
6. Dismantle Supply Chain Bottlenecks
7. Advance Lower Carbon Energy Tax Provisions
8. Protect Competition in the Use of Refining Technologies
9. End Permitting Obstruction on Natural Gas Projects
10. Advance the Energy Workforce of the Future

And as you can recall - this isn't the first attack President Biden and his administration has made against US Big Oil.


“Exxon made more money than God this year,” Biden remarked. “And by the way, nothing has changed. … We talk about how they have 9,000 permits to drill. They’re not drilling. Why aren’t they drilling? Because they make more money not producing more oil.”

And my personal favorite. Oil companies are unpatriotic for not producing more then charging less to appease the White House. Yesterday, White House Secretary of State, Karine Jean-Pierre. LINK


“We see it as a patriotic duty, as we’re — as we are — as we’ve talked about,”

“They are using this moment — using this moment of war where the American — where American families are feeling — are feeling the high costs with food and gas.  I mean, that is not a patriotic thing to do,”

So, Chevron and ExxonMobil pushed back with the following public responses:

ExxonMobil's response. LINK

We have been in regular contact with the administration to update the President and his staff on how ExxonMobil has been investing more than any other company to develop U.S. oil and gas supplies. This includes investments in the U.S. of more than $50 billion over the past five years, resulting in an almost 50% increase in our U.S. production of oil during this period.
Globally, we’ve invested double what we’ve earned over the past five years -- $118 billion on new oil and gas supplies compared to net income of $55 billion. This is a reflection of the company’s long-term growth strategy, and our commitment to continuously invest to meet society’s demand for our products.
Specific to refining capacity in the U.S., we’ve been investing through the downturn to increase refining capacity to process U.S. light crude by about 250,000 barrels per day – the equivalent of adding a new medium-sized refinery. We kept investing even during the pandemic, when we lost more than $20 billion and had to borrow more than $30 billion to maintain investment to increase capacity to be ready for post-pandemic demand. 
In the short term, the U.S. government could enact measures often used in emergencies following hurricanes or other supply disruptions -- such as waivers of Jones Act provisions and some fuel specifications to increase supplies. Longer term, government can promote investment through clear and consistent policy that supports U.S. resource development, such as regular and predictable lease sales, as well as streamlined regulatory approval and support for infrastructure such as pipelines

Chevron's response. LINK ( link i can find)

“We understand the significant concerns around higher fuel prices currently faced by consumers around the country, and the world. We share these concerns, and expect the Administration’s approach to energy policy will start to better reflect the importance of addressing them,” Chevron said in a statement targeting Biden."

Chevron said that since Biden got into office, the administration has relayed that it will “impose obstacles to our industry delivering energy resources the world needs.”

This post was edited on 6/22/22 at 7:29 pm
Top Replies
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
67051 posts
Posted on 6/22/22 at 11:48 am to

On Tuesday, Chevron’s CEO, Michael Wirth, responded to President Biden's letter last week demanding that the energy industry ramp up oil production to help lower gas prices. Wirth answered that demand with the following letter:


Dear Mr. President:

Thank you for your letter dated June 14, 2022. As industry leaders, academic experts and numerous policy makers have pointed out, there are no easy fixes nor any short-term answers to the global supply and demand imbalances aggravated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Addressing this situation requires thoughtful action and a willingness to work together, not political rhetoric. I look forward to meeting with Secretary Granholm and am hopeful for a constructive conversation about actions to address both near-term issues and the longer-term stability of energy markets.

In 2021, Chevron produced the highest volume of oil and gas in our 143-year history. In the first quarter of 2022, our U.S. production was 1.2 million barrels per day, up 109,000 barrels per day from the same quarter a year earlier. In the Permian Basin alone, we expect production to approach 750,000 barrels per day by the end of the year, an increase of more than 15 percent from 2021. And Chevron’s U.S. refinery input grew to 915,000 barrels per day on average in the first quarter of this year from 881,000 in the same quarter last year.

In addition to increasing American oil and gas production, Chevron is also investing $10 billion to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and scale new advanced energy technologies, like carbon capture and hydrogen, along with growing our renewable liquid fuels production capacity to 100,000 barrels/day by 2030. America will lead in these critical new industries, creating jobs at home and exporting them to the world to meet energy and climate objectives.

American oil and gas supplies are among the most efficient, responsibly produced, and lowest carbon intensity supplies in the world. At roughly 15 kg of CO2-equivalent per barrel, Chevron’s Permian Basin carbon intensity is some two-thirds lower than the global industry average. U.S. Gulf of Mexico production has carbon intensity just a fraction of the global industry average. Increasing American production will offset barrels produced in other parts of the world that may not support America’s energy security, economic competitiveness, or environmental goals.

I want to be clear that Chevron shares your concerns over the higher prices that Americans are experiencing. And I assure you that Chevron is doing its part to help address these challenges by increasing capital expenditures to $18 billion in 2022, more than 50% higher than last year.

Chevron and its 37,000 employees work every day to help provide the world with the energy it demands and to lift up the lives of billions of people who rely on these supplies. Notwithstanding these efforts, your Administration has largely sought to criticize, and at times vilify, our industry. These actions are not beneficial to meeting the challenges we face and are not what the American people deserve.

While today’s geopolitical situation is contributing to this energy crisis, bringing prices down and increasing supply will require a change in approach. You have called on our industry to increase energy production. We agree. Let's work together. The U.S. energy sector needs cooperation and support from your Administration for our country to return to a path toward greater energy security, economic prosperity, and environmental protection.

We need clarity and consistency on policy matters ranging from leases and permits on federal lands, to the ability to permit and build critical infrastructure, to the proper role of regulation that considers both costs and benefits. Many of these elements are described in our industry’s recently released 10-point plan. Most importantly, we need an honest dialogue on how to best balance energy, economic, and environmental objectives – one that recognizes our industry is a vital sector of the U.S. economy and is essential to our national security.

We can only meet these challenges by working together. Chevron will engage in this week’s meeting with Secretary Granholm. I encourage you to also send your senior advisors to this meeting, so they too can engage in a robust conversation. Your “whole of government” philosophy in addressing major issues should apply here too, as a comprehensive approach is best to address the energy needs of our nation and of our allies.

The American people rightly expect our country’s leaders and industry to address the challenges they are facing in a serious and resolute manner. We are a willing partner in that endeavor and trust your Administration will be the same.


Michael K. Wirth
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer

Certainly seems like Chevron and Exxon have put out an olive branch to the Biden administration that they are more than willing to work together to aid the American people, despite the administration's egregious attacks against O&G to the press and the dozens of actions the administration has taken directly or indirectly signed off on harming the US O&G Companies. LINK

How did the Biden Administration respond you ask? LINK


“He’s mildly sensitive,” Biden said. “I didn’t know they’d get their feelings hurt that quickly. Look, we need more refining capacity. This idea that they don’t have oil to drill and to bring up is simply not true.”

“We ought to be able to work something out whereby they’re able to increase refining capacity and still not give up on transitioning to renewable energy,” Biden continued. “They’re both within realm of possibility.”

How exactly are the big bad greedy O&G companies going to increase their refining capacity when they are already at max capacity? Expand? Build a new facility? Why make a massive investment to bail you out - when this administration would turn around force it to be shut down 2 years from now?

Also, Biden said in this interview he himself will not be attending the sit down with the O&G executives this week, but will be sending his top advisors. LINK (starts @ 6:55 mark, runs to 8:26). He also took the opportunity to double down on on our "transition" to renewable energy:


"My mother had an expression: out of everything lousy, something good will happen. We have a chance to make a fundamental turn toward renewable energy, electric vehicles, and across the board."

I'm sure glad the "adults are back in charge". Cheaper gas prices are surely right around the corner.
This post was edited on 6/22/22 at 11:51 am
All Replies (144)
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
67051 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:29 am to
Now, you may be asking yourself "What is Chevron and Exxon talking about when they this administration has 'imposed obstacles' to the US O&G industry since Day1?"

So, let me provide a few examples that took place in President Biden's first 30 days in office.


• 01/20/2021 – Ending Trump's Energy Independence Initiatives: Biden wasted no time living up to his promise, issuing a Day 1 Climate Change Executive Order (EO) requiring agencies to review and revoke Trump's pro-American energy rules and actions throughout the executive branch.
• 01/20/2021 – Burdensome Emissions Regulations: Biden’s EO required agencies to take action to increase burdensome emissions regulations as part of the Left’s green agenda and subsidize "good union jobs."
• 01/20/2021 – Monument Designations: Biden continued setting the tone on Day 1 by cordoning off large swaths of federal land under the guise of National Monument designations, reducing the ability to produce American energy domestically.
• 01/20/2021 – ANWR: Biden continued restricting domestic production by issuing a moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
• 01/20/2021 – Social Costs of Carbon: Biden restored and expanded the use of the social costs of carbon metric to artificially increase the regulatory costs of energy production, as well as artificially increasing the so-called "benefits" of decreasing production.
• 01/20/2021 – Keystone XL Pipeline: Biden’s EO went on to revoke the Keystone XL Pipeline, shutting off an efficient source of energy transportation which would have brought more oil into the country.
• 01/20/2021 – WOTUS: Biden continued to revoke Trump administration executive orders, including those related to WOTUS and the Antiquities Act. The Trump-era actions decreased regulations on Federal land and expanded the ability to produce energy domestically.
• 01/27/2021 – Climate Financing: A week later, Biden was back at it again. This Biden EO attacked the energy industry by promoting “ending international financing of carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based energy while simultaneously advancing sustainable development and a green recovery." In other words, the US government would leverage its power to attack oil and gas producers while subsidizing favored industries.
• 01/27/2021 – Green the Fleet: This Biden action called on federal agencies to facilitate carbon neutrality by 2025, with a particular focus on pushing electric vehicles for Federal, State, and local governments.
• 01/27/2021 – Wind Production: The Biden administration continued to push for inefficient fuel sources by setting a goal to double wind production on Federal lands by 2025.
• 01/27/2021 – Gas Lease Moratorium: The EO announced a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on public lands or in offshore waters and reconsideration of Federal oil and gas permitting and leasing practices. In other words, Biden provided he is following through on his promise to "end" fossil fuels.
• 01/27/2021 – Fossil Fuel “Subsidies”: Biden's EO directed agencies to eliminate Federal fossil fuel subsidies wherever possible without comparable actions for other energy sources, disadvantaging oil and gas.
• 01/27/2021 – Environmental Justice: Biden's EO pushed for an increase in enforcement of "environmental justice" violations and support for such efforts, which typically are advanced by radical environmental organizations.

This is just 13 of the documented 80 actions that President Biden has taken in a year and half stifling the US O&G Industry. I documented those in a series of posts yesterday. LINK. Yet - now he wants to throw a childish fit demanding they produce more in press conferences and via his letter - while doing nothing to ease regulation he enacted.

I guess you could say, he is consistent about one thing. "ending fossil fuels"

A promise made, a promise kept.

Multiple times said promise was made:

CNN Democrat Primary Debate
Campaign Stop in Iowa
Rally in New Hampshire

Posted by goofball
Member since Mar 2015
16904 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:30 am to
Joe Biden's approval rating is directly tied to the price of product supplied by an industry that he openly hates and wants to eliminate.
Posted by DomincDecoco
of no fixed abode
Member since Oct 2018
10924 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:33 am to
aint no way im reading all that shite to tell me Biden is incompetent

You gonna compose a TulaneLSU'esque 1000 word opus on how water is wet?
Posted by Coach Buzzcut
Member since Feb 2016
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Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:36 am to
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
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Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:37 am to

he is publicly threatening them and considering putting limits on fuel exports, stating they have to produce more to solve a problem he and his administration are at least partially accountable for.

Here's the Senior Vice President of Rystad Energy. LINK


The letter is unlikely to start a chain of events that would boost supplies. Refineries have gone through unprecedented, unplanned maintenance globally in the last three months and there is an extreme shortage being felt across the globe, said Claudio Galimberti, senior vice president at Rystad Energy. China’s decision to limit its exports of oil products also contributed to the problem, he said.

“U.S. refiners cannot increase capacity beyond current levels,” Galimberti said. “If they could, they would have done it already.”

This post was edited on 6/17/22 at 10:41 am
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
67051 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:39 am to

aint no way im reading all that shite to tell me Biden is incompetent

no worries. just filling in all the gaps before Spleen, mmmbeer, dawgfan, and the usual crew show up to deflect, blame others, or outright lie that Biden's administration hasn't played a large part in the increases at the pump.


You gonna compose a TulaneLSU'esque 1000 word opus on how water is wet?

possibly. not today tho.
This post was edited on 6/17/22 at 10:40 am
Posted by TigerAlumni2010
Baton Rouge
Member since Aug 2011
4375 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:44 am to
It's almost as if being openly hostile to the oil and gas industry with regulatory obstacles has had consequences, but the consequences are making the Democrats look terrible and they are trying to deflect blame. Biden is doing exactly what he said he would do during the campaign, and the results aren't unexpected to anyone who has any economic knowledge.
Posted by GetBackToWork
Member since Dec 2007
6276 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:45 am to
An energy coalition needs to start running a campaign showing those clips where Biden and other Dems discuss shutting down oil, while also showing the policies.

They need to be crucified for the disaster they have caused. Major inflationary spikes in the US have most often coincided with energy shocks. This one was self-induced.
Posted by uptowntiger84
Member since Jul 2011
3941 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:46 am to
So biden from day 1 shits on oil and gas and now wants them along with the Saudi's to bail him out? Sounds like a solid plan from the president.
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
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Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:48 am to
i'm just glad to see Exxon and Chevron actually growing a pair and responding proving Biden is a lying sack of shite. I'm sure someone will come along here in a minute and call me a shill for Big Oil, while never admitting that Big Tech and Pharma are now much bigger monopolies.
Posted by Sao
East Texas Piney Woods
Member since Jun 2009
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Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:48 am to

Maybe they will have his attention now and force his hand. If what you posted is true, then it's time for a sit down and come to Jesus by both parties.
Posted by Upperdecker
St. George, LA
Member since Nov 2014
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Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:51 am to
Who would have thought - trying to end fossil fuels before we were ready would result in disaster
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
67051 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:53 am to

So biden from day 1 shits on oil and gas and now wants them along with the Saudi's to bail him out? Sounds like a solid plan from the president.

Yeah. The Saudi thing is another massive foreign policy failure by this administration. When he entered office, he swore them off as enemies. Now he is kissing their feet.

Here's a good WSJ article today on his flip flop. LINK


The White House confirmed Tuesday that President Biden will travel to Saudi Arabia next month, though the left was already criticizing the trip before it was formally announced. While his trip makes strategic and economic sense, it would be less embarrassing now if Mr. Biden had been more realistic about the world from day one.

Mr. Biden came into office bowing to the left’s disdain for Riyadh without appreciating the strategic need for Arab allies in the Gulf. As a candidate hevowedto make Saudi Arabia “pay the price and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are.” He added that there was “very little social redeeming value in the present government.”

As President he rolled back support for the country’s war against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen and tried to isolate Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Mr. Biden also courted Iran, as Barack Obama had done to no good effect, which further discomfited the Saudis.

It all backfired.
Posted by I20goon
about 7mi down a dirt road
Member since Aug 2013
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Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:54 am to

So biden from day 1 shits on oil and gas and now wants them along with the Saudi's to bail him out? Sounds like a solid plan from the president.
Not only that, he seeks help from the Saudi's while actively pursuing a treaty with their near-mortal and religious sect enemies in Iran.

You can't vow to restart a deal with Iran in the campaign and then pursue it, without consulting Saudi Arabia, and then go to them hat in hand. Well, you can... but you can predict the result (which is what happened)- laughter.
Posted by Klark Kent
Houston via BR
Member since Jan 2008
67051 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:57 am to

Maybe they will have his attention now and force his hand.

doubt. He's hosting a big Climate Change Forum today.


President Biden today will reconvene leaders of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF) to galvanize actions that will strengthen energy security, enhance the resilience of global food security, and tackle the climate crisis. These actions are all the more urgent following Russia’s further invasion of Ukraine, which has disrupted energy markets, strained economies with rising prices, and threatened vulnerable countries with severe food shortages.

At today’s meeting, President Biden’s third MEF convening since taking office, world leaders will raise ambitions and followed the United States leadership, joining new efforts and initiatives aimed at tackling the climate crisis while advancing energy-security and food-security, including:

Global Methane Pledge Energy Pathway: Tackling methane leaks from the oil and gas sector by capturing wasted gas and bringing it to market — bolstering our energy-security and climate goals;
Collective 2030 Zero-Emissions Vehicle Goal and Green Shipping Challenge: Putting more zero-emission vehicles on the road and decarbonizing ocean-based shipping — reducing emissions in the transport sector while breaking our dependence on volatile oil markets and prices;
Clean Energy Technologies Demonstration Challenge: Speeding the commercialization of new technologies — enabling us to break dependence on other unabated, volatile fossil fuels and advance the clean energy transition;


If what you posted is true, then it's time for a sit down and come to Jesus by both parties.

i'm not sure what the other party can do considering they don't have the House, the Senate, or the White House. ESG and Climate Change policies and regulations won't stop.

He'll just lash out more or write EO's worsening the problem. He's backed into a corner.
This post was edited on 6/17/22 at 10:58 am
Posted by rented mule
Member since Sep 2005
2372 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 10:58 am to

There is no question that Vladimir Putin is principally responsible for the intense financial pain the American people and their families are bearing

This mf'er right here


But amid a war that has raised gasoline prices more than $1.70 per gallon,

What about the almost $2/gal is rose between jan 2021 and feb 2022 before Putin invaded Ukraine?

I think it is physiologically impossible for this guy not to lie.
Posted by Steadyhands
Slightly above I-10
Member since May 2016
6844 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 11:00 am to

Who would have thought - trying to end fossil fuels before we were ready would result in disaster

It's not only that, before "we" can be ready, "we" would have to want to do such a thing. Before "we" want to do such a thing, it needs to be justified that "we" need to do such a thing.
Posted by BigNastyTiger417
Member since Nov 2021
3146 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 11:03 am to
People who voted this clown into office are getting what they deserve. Unfortunately, the rest of the United States is also suffering for their choice.
Posted by Hurricane Mike
Member since Jun 2008
20059 posts
Posted on 6/17/22 at 11:43 am to

saying their profits have tripled during a time of war between Russia and Ukraine

Maybe don’t block a major Russian pipeline and create a proxy war
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