While on 96.7 The Ticket this Tuesday, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones made a funny comment about t
Nelson Chenault-USA TODAY Sports
While on 96.7 The Ticket this Tuesday, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones made a funny comment about the weather (and weed) in California...
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Filed Under: NFL
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tucoco14 months
Man, I'd love to play for ole Jerry if I were a young player today.
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Water Mocassin14 months
What,he gave up hookers and blow?
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The Torch14 months
Jerry is better than your teams owner We Dem Boys
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ezride2514 months
Somehow, I don’t think Jerry Jones would be impressed with Larry Leo.
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pitchandcatch2714 months
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saintslsupels14 months
Jerry Jones loves being the center of attention
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SPEEDY14 months
“Latest LSU News”????
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LSUcajun7714 months
Larry must be on the same stuff
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glassart14 months
He’s not lying. It’s about 1/5 the cost and at least ten times better than Louisiana Government stuff.
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ibldprplgld14 months
Why is this on the TD homepage?
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Boyntonbeach Tiger14 months
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dstone1214 months
Because Larry been tryin to off his paw paw for a decade.
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Volt14 months
Wrong Board...Larry
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