Former Las Vegas Raiders WR Henry Ruggs was in court on Wednesday morning to get his official prison sentence after he was involved in a fatal car crash that killed 23-year-old Tina Tintor and her dog. During his court appearance, he apologized to Tintor's family for all of the pain that he has caused...
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Filed Under: NFL
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blueboxer111919 months
Sorry for letting your teammates down? Perhaps apologize to the woman you burned to death.
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ExpoTiger19 months
What a fricking joke. frick him and frick this fricked up legal system.
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TouchdownTony19 months
He should rot in jail. This half a$$ apology not withstanding.
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atltiger648719 months
good lord, the guy was incredibly reckless and killed someone in a horrific manner. Should've been sentenced to 20 years.
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UnitedFruitCompany19 months
Donte Streetclothes had a better attorney. He killed a guy getting off work and only got like 30 days in jail.
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gamecockman1219 months
Joke of a legal system. Guy should be in there for at least 10 years.
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blueboy19 months
A bad choice led to the worst result. I hope he comes back.
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atltiger648719 months
you hope Ruggs comes back? What, to football? That's just a game. I don't think the victim will be able to come back - to anything.
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The Levee19 months
People make mistakes but shouldn’t he have apologized to the victim’s family FIRST????
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elposter19 months
"shouldn’t he have apologized to the victim’s family FIRST????"

He did.
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Drizzt19 months
Built by Bama
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Crimson1st19 months
Whatever...we don't claim that BS and he should serve the whole sentence.
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FLObserver19 months
Will probably be out in 3 years and looking for a spot on NFL roster. He should serve no less than 10 years for what he did.
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