With Thursday night football comes Thursday night fan brawls. Like this crazy one between these Chiefs and Raiders fans that broke out in the seats at Arrowhead Stadium...
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Filed Under: NFL
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poncho villa93 months
I love how the police officer is just telling them to leave instead of trying to arrest them, He's 100% a diehard chiefs fan rofl
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bucknut1593 months
You can take a the fans out of Oakland, but you can't take the Oakland out of the fans.
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bcoop19993 months
Raiders fans are trash.
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Mr. Hangover93 months
The amount of grown arse men who do not know how to throw a punch is just mind boggling to me
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PhilipMarlowe93 months
when i picture the fans that attend nfl games, this is what i imagine.
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DivePlay93 months
So LSU fans grow up to be Raiders fans...I finally understand.
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BowDownToLSU93 months
Baldie was all fricks were given on this night
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ForeverGator93 months
Ah. That's why the stands were so empty. Stupid arse Raiders fans always starting shite.
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LSU Jax93 months
This is hilarious. Watching that game last night it occurred to me and I had no doubt in my mind that one of these would pop up within 24 hours.
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Covingtontiger7793 months
Seriously why ANYONE in their right mind have the need to go to an NFL game and be surrounded by Pieces of shite who want to fight about what color team you are or are not supporting is besides me. Just goes to show the lower class needs the NFL as a respite from their awful lives. No thanks.
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LasVegasTiger93 months
White Raiders jersey alert.
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Doug Masters93 months
I don't know whats worse. Trashy NFL fans fighting or the douchebags that film them.
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LSU Coyote93 months
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