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Registered on:12/28/2015
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People that been brainwashed that this country was evil when the demographics what they were 25 + yrs ago. Crazy. ...
The video made me of so nostalgic of what America once was. Frick this new version of diversity is our strength. I hate it [embed]https://x.com/trumpdailyposts/status/1816978775877521887?s=46&t=7w25eOcCyL38_twcrTK2hg[/embed]...
Agreed. Lots of people on X are saying the same thing. ...
If true how does this move the needle? Do RFKJr voters flow to Trump upon endorsement? [embed]https://x.com/ryanafournier/status/1816825838957920728?s=46&t=7w25eOcCyL38_twcrTK2hg[/embed]...
[link=(https://www.bop.gov/mobile/find_inmate/index.jsp#inmate_results)]BOP[/link] [embed]https://x.com/all_source_news/status/1816652479808913699?s=46&t=7w25eOcCyL38_twcrTK2hg[/embed]...
[embed]https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1816627960692027903?s=46&t=7w25eOcCyL38_twcrTK2hg[/embed] ...
This is the poll!! “Independents” , whatever the frick that means, will decide this election. ...
Is this the ad another poster was referencing in another thread airing in Michigan? This is the ad that should be run all day everyday in swing states. It wrote itself. The woman is a literal left loon. Trump should buy ad space on CNN and MSNBC and run this during Morning Joe and...
Bumped. Apparently the Trump team read my thread and released the following DJT’s Instagram. How do I link this for people to see?...
If the police don’t respect themselves enough to walk off the job after watching their fellow officers get assaulted yesterday then frick THEM as well. That’s where I am with all of this. Dear LEO, If you don’t want to see people arrested just walk out the door hours later then WALK OF...
[quote] It was all factual evidentiary stuff using her own words too[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/672ezc4WbtgAAAAM/exactly-point.gif[/img] Here you go Trump team (because I know you all monitor this board): 1) Call local TV stations. 2) Speak to marketing 3) Buy multip...
Sensai is. However last night his production team did all the work for the Trump campaign in pulling the clips. shite is not that hard. ...
It was just a montage of clips of Kamala from interviews and town halls wherein she stated very clearly 1) end drilling day one executive order 2) end fracking day one 3) Medicare for all. 4) illegal immigrants not a crime ETA: 5) abolish ICE 6) 18-24 yr olds are stupid ...