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The older brother of Aaron Hernandez, Dennis "D.J." Hernandez, repeatedly asked cops to shoot him before he was arrested earlier this month, a new police video shows...
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Filed Under: NFL
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Jd7518913 months
Dude flat fell down when that electricity hit him. ????????????????
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Drizzt13 months
Alligator chomp chomp
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Drizzt13 months
They should have obliged
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atltiger648713 months
quality family. Way to go, Mom and Dad, for unleashing two horrible and dangerous people on the world.
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ItNeverRains13 months
Guarantee that family tree has pitbull somewhere along yhe way
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Nomadic Bengal13 months
Not sure why anyone without mental illness would want to watch that. That family is obv very troubled and it's not entertainment.
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oleheat13 months
It's more like in the interest of public safety.
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Catahoula20LSU13 months
Dropped like a rock
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Walt OReilly13 months
They ended that quick. Well done
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LSUtoBOOT13 months
Crazy, hazey, tazey days of summer.
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BozemanTiger13 months
I LOLed OL several times. . . I couldn't stop clicking replay.
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CanebreakCajun13 months
Soooo, guess it wasn't the football that made Aaron mental.
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Hangit13 months
Would he have been satisfied if they just shot the head off of that Jeansonne?
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jjv000413 months
That's just plain sad. The guy clearly has something wrong with him mentally.
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TigerFan24413 months
Man...wth were the parents doing to create 2 such mentally unstable brothers?!?
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cajunmud13 months
Mighta been what they weren't doing.
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