These Raiders fans were more interested in their own battle than their team's fight against the Chargers on the field Sunday...
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deernaes11 months
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Craw Dawg11 months
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Monroelegend11 months
Ever notice the person sitting higher always wins these bleacher fights? Physics.
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Gavin Elster11 months
Obi Wan knew this.
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CanebreakCajun11 months
If any of you have ever had the misfortune of being around Miami Hurricane fans, thus is what they remind of.
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BigDropper11 months
Viva la Raza, guey!
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Errerrerrwere11 months
Showed up and showed out

Naw mene
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whodatfan11 months
would smash tank top. all day
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GusAU11 months
My condolences at your lack of taste
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RightWingTiger11 months
Well at least we know why ur a Saints fan, glutton for punishment!!
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mule7411 months
Last NFL game I went to was in 2017. It was club level at NRG and I was surrounded SWD by creatures. I knew I was never going back.

I was a senior in ‘05 when the Saints played in Tiger Stadium. I just couldn’t over how much nastier the crowd was than was at the LSU games. And there is a lot of trash at LSU games.
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CalCajun11 months
A properly inserted Modelo will quell most escalations between Raiders fans, not in this case.
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Tiger in Texas11 months
Homeboy already had enough of his girl arguing, he was ready to leave before the other girl's attack. He looked like he didn't even care when other girl attacked his!
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Tshirts11 months
Not good homeboy.
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Jester11 months
Sorry, when the second girl swings on my girl, they're likely both finding out.
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CanebreakCajun11 months
There are at least 65 prior felonies and 187 prior misdemeanors in that group.
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tiggerthetooth11 months
And a lot of baby mommas.
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benoit47911 months
Damn, she caught ever lick. lol
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Sterling Archer11 months
I'm betting the big lady's BF kept checking out the better looking one and she got fed up lol
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RightWingTiger11 months
Since both are HUGE & FUGLY Ur gonna have to be much more specific.
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BigDaddySims11 months
Are all NFL fan trashy mexicans?
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LSU fan 24611 months
Go to California for 5 seconds
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RightWingTiger11 months
Open Borders - Am I right?
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CocodrieBaw11 months
Dementia Brandon’s base
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CAD703X11 months
Her bf watching the action and calmly continuing to put his jacket on was the best part.
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jbird711 months
NFL needs to do something about all these fights. We’ve already had someone die as a result. When is enough going to be enough?
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CanebreakCajun11 months
When someone files a massive wrongful death suit against them.
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RightWingTiger11 months
What exactly should the NFL do when these Democrats act like fukn ANIMALS in the midst of 50-60k ppl?
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secfballfan11 months
2, 1?
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Chingon Ag11 months
When will people learn you don't talk shite when your adversary holds higher ground? Never turns out well.
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Jester11 months
Until you send Mr. Higher Ground down 3 rows with your superior leverage.
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