Rams CB Nickell Robey-Coleman Fined For Helmet-To-Helmet On WR Tommylee Lewis
© John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
The controversial play from last week's NFC title game involved two no calls. One being the obvious pass interference no-call that the NFL said they missed. The other being a helmet-to-helmet no-call that Rams CB Nickell Robey-Coleman just got fined for...
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So they can overturn one and not the other, hmmm....Thoughts?
Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
user avatar
SneakyWaff1es72 months
Remember when half the Saints got fined after that Minnesota game for thuggery? I member.
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El Campo Tiger72 months
#58 for the Rams had two that weren’t called.
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Tiger in Texas72 months
Gee, thanks Roger! You really do care! Wow, this just makes up for everything, you POS!!!
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6R1273 months
Who cares?????????? That should have been called on the spot. I'm thinking this has become like fake wrestling now.
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ForLSU5673 months
The NFL is such a POS. There had to be some serious money on the outcome of that game and Goodell I would bet all I have in my 401K that he is up to his nuts in the corruption.
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FreeState73 months
Well this really makes everything OK now. Hell, we should be so happy. Justice I say.
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McLemore73 months
I heard Goodell is going to fine the whole Rams team 3X all of the benefits they received for going to Superbowl, suspend their coach, and dq them from playoffs next season, to make up for all the I justice he has meted out against the Saints.
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Bayoubred73 months
One of four HORRENDOUS no-calls meant to ensure the large market team nobody roots for anymore can make it to the Super Bowl and hopefully add millions to the LA fan base.
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BobABooey73 months
We goin’ to the ship! We goin’ to the ship!
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EZE Tiger Fan73 months
Article should read: NFL statement to fans - "Quack Quack Quack Quack".
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TigerB873 months
what about Hill TE walking off the field with a concussion from a helmet to helmet and not a single flag thrown on that one? Dude couldn't stand but refs saw "nothing"
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tketaco73 months
Well there you go.
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