Anthony Davis Showed Up To His Last Pelicans Game Wearing a 'That's All Folks' Shirt
© Tim Fuller-USA TODAY Sports
Pelicans star Anthony Davis will be traded this offseason. When arriving to his final game in New Orleans on Tuesday, he was wearing a "That's All Folks" shirt...
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Stay classy.
user avatar
Placebeaux70 months
nobody cares
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LesnarF570 months
What a pussy, he still takes his checks though right? He can also take his Klingon looking arse up the road soon!
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homeless170 months
triggered morons
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Balloon Huffer70 months
Flipping off the fans and now this shirt. Sad to see how money and fame have changed him.
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BowDownToLSU70 months
It should have said “ Labron dick rider”
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crewdepoo70 months
Bout time he left the pelicans. He gave them plenty of time
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LafourcheTiger70 months
frick him and his eyebrow
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Godfather170 months
Nice “Breaking Bad” reference, lol.
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C3W70 months
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crewdepoo70 months
So triggered
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Purple Spoon70 months
Damn NBA players have gone soft as owl shite.
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CootKilla70 months
What the frick do y'all expect from a nonleader from Chicago?
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sml7170 months
People actually still watch the NBA?
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Play_Neck70 months
What an unprofessional bitch.
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AtlantaLSUfan70 months
Tacky. That team paid you like $200 million dollars.
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GeauxsomeMeaux70 months
Get the F Out!!! We don’t need you!!! Your “No Class” Style will serve you well in L. A.,... not LA!!!
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vuvuzela70 months
what a douchebag
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NPComb70 months
This career in New Orleans is the stuff cartoons are made of. NOP fans rolled out the red carpet for him. Sorry his contract didn't work out but being a bitch to the fans who did buy tickets and bought his memorabilia is classless.
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chitiger9170 months
Dude is an ugly arse beta and thinks he’ll do any winning in LA with aging lebron? HA
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Black n Gold70 months
Dude turned out to be a real douche. I bet he could tell you what Lebron's dick taste like.
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