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Registered on:12/29/2005
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re: Redskins 20 @ Saints 19 Final - FOX

Posted by sml71 on 12/15/24 at 3:11 pm
[quote]stupid fricking team can't even tank right. Dan Quinn is a fricking moron too[/quote] Only an idiot would want them to tank....
You forgot the part about running up the middle against a 9 man box....
Looks like a carbon copy of last year's team....

Out of market preseason games

Posted by sml71 on 8/8/24 at 11:57 am
So what's the consensus? How does one tune in to watch the out of market preseason games?...

re: Texas A&M 5 @ Tennessee 6 Final - ESPN

Posted by sml71 on 6/23/24 at 6:37 pm
[quote] Is baseball ever going to end?![/quote] Now that Saban is gone, it won’t take long before you’re asking the same thing about football season....
[quote]Boise is a racist city in a racist state with no redeeming qualities. Horrible place full of horrible people.[/quote] It’s one of the fastest growing cities in one of the fastest growing states. Should we recommend some democrat-run sh!thole full of homeless bums and gender-confused wei...

re: Ugliest state in the sec?

Posted by sml71 on 6/22/24 at 9:42 pm
With the exception of Charleston and the mountains on the border with GA, S Carolina is an a$$ pit....
There is only one correct answer. Linda Moorhouse. ...
Was there. Just a sickening result....
I don't think they realize how much the restitution payments are going to be. It's no inexpensive thing to paint an aircraft. In fact, the reason that most of them are white is tied to the added costs when you go using colored paints. It's insane how much it costs to repaint a plane. That alone w...
[quote]I am surprised there is not a thread about it[/quote] Consider the topic. How many people actually watched this?...
I came to this thread only because when I saw who authored it, I just knew it was going to be idiotic at a level such that I had to read it....

re: Who gets first gymnastics statue

Posted by sml71 on 4/21/24 at 7:19 am
LOL at all of the posts from people acting as though a gym statue is an actual realistic possibility. Nobody does statues for gym players....
Would appreciate a return to the old style yard line numbers....
Not all change is improvement. Sometimes change is just change....

re: Token baseball thread

Posted by sml71 on 4/1/24 at 8:02 pm
Too early to say....

re: Isn't there a baseball game tonight?

Posted by sml71 on 4/1/24 at 5:52 pm
Serious question...I couldn't care less about watching paint peel (i.e. women's basketball). Is the baseball team going to be on? What network?...
[quote]I will bet my last dollar it's auto correct and I am a grammar Nazi.[/quote] I doubt it. Our society is ate up with random apostrophe syndrome. ...
[quote]Wait, I thought a playoff settled this on the field?[/quote] Bingo! And it's why expanding the field only allows in a larger number of questionable teams. There just aren't really four deserving teams in any given year. And the SEC Championship was a de facto playoff game that Georgia l...