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Indiana Wrestler Took Down A Man Who Was Assaulting A Subway Employee
by Larry Leo
April 6, 202434 Comments
A Indiana wrestler pull off some superhero stuff. Per WRTV...
On March 22, Gabriel Pitzulo walked into the Subway on E. Hanna Ave. on Indianapolis’s south side for his usual lunch break. Upon his arrival, he saw Daniel Saunders verbally and physically assaulting a Subway employee.
“I had walked in and he was visibly assaulting, you know, throwing stuff. I believe I saw him spit at her,” explained Pitzulo. “How I was raised, you don't do that stuff. It was kind of go time from there.”
According to Pitzulo, Saunders was attempting to leave the store to potentially cause more damage.
“I was afraid that he was either leaving to get something to harm her," Pitzulo said.
Pitzulo immediately tackled Saunders to the ground and held him there until police arrived to make a formal arrest minutes later. Pitzulo, a former wrestler and football player, used his sports experience to handle Saunders.
“I did combat sports for quite a while, so I was completely controlling,” shared Pitzulo. “He (was) trying to bite me and I didn't want to punch him or anything. I didn't want to hurt him too bad. I just held him in place.”
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quote:(Barstool Sports)
Distict Manager Aara Khan was thankful for Pitzulo’s courage.
“It could’ve turned out very dangerous,” explained Khan. “Luckily he was here at the right time and the right place.”
Khan considers Pitzulo a hero.
“You can be a hero anytime, anywhere you go. Right place, right time and that guy is a hero.”
Pitzulo was just trying to do the right thing.
“All glory to God, man,” shared Pitzulo. “He's always protected me and put me in situations he knows he can notice that I can handle. I don't feel like a hero, but I'm glad I did.”
Filed Under: NCAA Sports
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