A Indiana wrestler pull off some superhero stuff. Per WRTV...

On March 22, Gabriel Pitzulo walked into the Subway on E. Hanna Ave. on Indianapolis’s south side for his usual lunch break. Upon his arrival, he saw Daniel Saunders verbally and physically assaulting a Subway employee.

“I had walked in and he was visibly assaulting, you know, throwing stuff. I believe I saw him spit at her,” explained Pitzulo. “How I was raised, you don't do that stuff. It was kind of go time from there.”

According to Pitzulo, Saunders was attempting to leave the store to potentially cause more damage.

“I was afraid that he was either leaving to get something to harm her," Pitzulo said.

Pitzulo immediately tackled Saunders to the ground and held him there until police arrived to make a formal arrest minutes later. Pitzulo, a former wrestler and football player, used his sports experience to handle Saunders.

“I did combat sports for quite a while, so I was completely controlling,” shared Pitzulo. “He (was) trying to bite me and I didn't want to punch him or anything. I didn't want to hurt him too bad. I just held him in place.”

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Distict Manager Aara Khan was thankful for Pitzulo’s courage.

“It could’ve turned out very dangerous,” explained Khan. “Luckily he was here at the right time and the right place.”

Khan considers Pitzulo a hero.

“You can be a hero anytime, anywhere you go. Right place, right time and that guy is a hero.”

Pitzulo was just trying to do the right thing.

“All glory to God, man,” shared Pitzulo. “He's always protected me and put me in situations he knows he can notice that I can handle. I don't feel like a hero, but I'm glad I did.”
(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NCAA Sports
user avatar
genuineLSUtiger10 months
We need more vigilante justice in this country. Too many shitbags walking around without getting knuckle checked.
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JackieTreehorn10 months
Should have put him in the Steiner Recliner
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SwampyWaters10 months
Just disappointed he didn't throw any punches to send that punk a clear lesson to never act that way again.
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jizzle660910 months
Good job brother keep up the good work.
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socal7710 months
Now we're talking! This is how the world used to handle things and needs to go back to.
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Walt OReilly10 months
You love to see it
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CrystalPreserves10 months
And that hero shite is an example of what not to do in that situation. The woman was obviously not hurt. The most he leaves with is the cash in the register and a footlong. White dude coulda easily got himself killed if thug had a gun in that thick jacket.
Thug was already on camera. You let the thug go on about his business.

It ain’t what anybody likes to see because we all love seeing cases of instant justice, but this action from hero boy was not wise.
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TheRouxGuru10 months
SHUT THE frick UP YOU GODDAMN PUSSY!! You liberal fricktards absolutely SUCK
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STFU sissy
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a coward dies a thousand deaths
a brave man just once…
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Geekboy10 months
In New York the cops would not have arrested that POS.
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Rex Feral10 months
In New York, he'd be in jail for assault.
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SmelvinRat10 months
"It was kind of go time" - Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum...
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POTUS202410 months
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Drizzt10 months
Lucky the police didn’t arrest him for upsetting the guy assaulting the woman. Black Lives Matter!
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TooFyeToFly10 months
Why is this necessary? Snowflake shite.
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Hoops10 months
Bc it’s unfortunately the reality in a large part of this country now
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s210 months
because people like you; (those that go along to get along), bend to the leftist ideology that has infected the God fearing people of this nation.
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BobABooey10 months
I wonder what she did to the guy?
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oldtrucker10 months
Forgot the extra pickles?
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Signal Soldier10 months
Didn't give him his meal for free after he demanded reparations
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CanebreakCajun10 months
My man.
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GeauxLSUGeaux10 months
If this were New York City the white guy would get arrested and the black criminal would get a statue most likely.
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