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Video Of Oklahoma WR Spencer Jones Getting Beat Up By Smaller Dude In Bar Bathroom
by Larry Leo
February 22, 202166 Comments
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Oklahoma WR Spencer Jones got himself in a little bit of a situation in a bathroom bar a couple weeks ago and came out on the wrong side of some punches. Warning: language is NSFW...
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The Daily learned late Saturday that the altercation between Jones and his assailant occurred in the late hours between Saturday, Feb. 13 and Sunday, Feb. 14. Following the incident, Jones sought aid from OU’s athletic trainers.
Woodrow “Woody” Glass of Ward and Glass, L.L.P., in Norman has been retained by Jones’ family as legal representation, and confirmed the specifics of the altercation and Jones’ situation to The Daily late Saturday.
Jones was held from surgery until the swelling around his eye receded, Glass said. Dr. Perry Brooks of Norman, whose website says he specializes in facial reconstruction, performed a four-hour outpatient operation Tuesday, Feb. 16 in which he rebuilt Jones’ left orbital socket.
“Dr. Brooks came out of that surgery saying he’s extraordinarily lucky at this point, that he’s lucky he didn’t lose the eye altogether,” Glass said. “And so he was able to do some things surgically to rebuild that orbital socket and thinks everything is eventually going to come back to normal, but it’s going to take a while for him to fully recover.”
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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