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Oklahoma WR Spencer Jones got himself in a little bit of a situation in a bathroom bar a couple weeks ago and came out on the wrong side of some punches. Warning: language is NSFW...
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The Daily learned late Saturday that the altercation between Jones and his assailant occurred in the late hours between Saturday, Feb. 13 and Sunday, Feb. 14. Following the incident, Jones sought aid from OU’s athletic trainers.

Woodrow “Woody” Glass of Ward and Glass, L.L.P., in Norman has been retained by Jones’ family as legal representation, and confirmed the specifics of the altercation and Jones’ situation to The Daily late Saturday.

Jones was held from surgery until the swelling around his eye receded, Glass said. Dr. Perry Brooks of Norman, whose website says he specializes in facial reconstruction, performed a four-hour outpatient operation Tuesday, Feb. 16 in which he rebuilt Jones’ left orbital socket.

“Dr. Brooks came out of that surgery saying he’s extraordinarily lucky at this point, that he’s lucky he didn’t lose the eye altogether,” Glass said. “And so he was able to do some things surgically to rebuild that orbital socket and thinks everything is eventually going to come back to normal, but it’s going to take a while for him to fully recover.”
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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LSUNV47 months
That is what happens when you run your mouth instead of just smacking them! If you feel the need to talkshit just throw the first punch and get it started lol
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drexyl48 months
Pat McAfee has a great run down of this on YouTube. When I was in college drunken bar fights were good clean fun. Now you might be picking a fight with an alligator and not know it.
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gamecockman1248 months
Blue Jacket boy got body slammed.
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KennabraTiger48 months
Ohhh shiiiitttt broooo
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KennabraTiger48 months
Ohhh shiiiitttt broooo
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Nole Man48 months
Help fund Walker's legal defense LINK
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Nole Man48 months
Dude's already raised $26,180.
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zx2448 months
The one guy in the black jacket had to be pissed getting pushed into the urinal during the fight.
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Old Money48 months
Well, that is embarrassing for the players.
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BrotherDawg8448 months
Wonder if he really almost lost the eye or if the doctor was trying to make himself look like a hero.
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JakeFromStateFarm48 months
Classic Sooner. No defense.
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BabyTac48 months
Be nice until it’s time to not be nice
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PensaTigers48 months
I've never seen someone wipe the blood of their face and bitch slap a guy with it before throwing actual blows. Major oof. No one gets cucked harder than an sooner. Holy hell.
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HalfCocked48 months
Yeah that was some straight out of WWF shite right there. Its almost like he took the contact and instantly knew the violator was a punk and he had full justification to take him to church.
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HalfCocked48 months
Ya'll see old pretty boy Spencer in the Broke Back Jacket saying "look at me, look at me bitch" and then shove the kid who was already bleeding? I'm guessing Spencer was raised a rich kid, and went telling a story to Daddy's Lawyer, before this video surfaced. That lawyer is about to get paid to lose like Will Muschamp does.
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HalfCocked48 months
Looks like I got a downvote from a lawyer, or a Muschamp fan.
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TwoDatBait48 months
Living up to the choke-lahoma name....
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy48 months
Who got his face slammed into the brick wall near the end of that video? I bet that fricking hurt.
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Vacherie Saint48 months
That was the shite head who Initially shoved the kid who went Shamrock on the OU douche.
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Tiger in Texas48 months
He may have knocked out when he hit that wall! What is the point of the attorney? Who is he going to sue, the club for not guarding the men's room? He could have walked away...
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1948 months
So THAT's what happened to TulaneLSU?
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Vacherie Saint48 months
Messed with bull... y’all know the rest
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Hangit48 months
I hope Baw learned. Instead of going out and picking a fight, keep an eye out for trouble.
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GeeOH48 months
Have we discussed the sheep wool collar on clowns jacket?
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Skinny48 months
Broke rule number 2. Take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless its absolutely necessary.
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HalfCocked48 months
Nice Roadhouse reference
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LSU61548 months
MMA fighter beats up drunk college kid. What a stud.
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GeeOH48 months
Well, in fighting, that does make him the stud. 2 drunks faaaags thought they were tough and got got Clearly, he tried to let them have a pass...then tough guy started shite
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