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Two women at the University of Utah football game were topless in the stands on Saturday, wearing little if anything above the waist but body paint and now they're under investigation...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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RobbBobb29 months
I'm embarrassed for the girls. If they could actually make it more than a few minutes without being tossed off campus only means there wasn't enough there to get any attention.
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Barbellthor29 months
That dude next to the chick is ugly. But damn we can't have good family friendly fun!
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JackieTreehorn29 months
I wish I had more hands. So I could give those titties 4 thumbs down.
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TommyDaTiger29 months
Cause I’m Rick James bitch!!!!!!
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tjtiger929 months
I thought it was boys at first? Had to take second look!
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EulerRules29 months
Well, they definitely are "top" less
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SeeeeK29 months
looking at their boobs, one of them could be that dude, lolo jones
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LSUSkip29 months
The one on the left could be a man.
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wesman2129 months
Your tax dollars hard at work.
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YardEngr1129 months
I don't see anything to actually cover up with paint.
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cwil17729 months
We are a society of prudes
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the LSUSaint29 months
So wait, 2 girls go tailgating and attend game topless, and this is the best set of photos available ?

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DeafVallyBatnR29 months
Those Mormons.
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Lynxrufus201229 months
Let's talk Paige into doing this for the UK-Georgia game in November in Lexington. Then we will have something to look at.
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theBru29 months
Nothing really stood out to me for an investigation.
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Cajunboy4629 months
Nothing really stood out to me BUT an awesome investigation!!!
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stratman29 months
Body paint isn't a meal, Jerry.
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Jacherse29 months
Show up for work one morning and receive instructions to investigate this complaint.
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DomincDecoco29 months
the site has REALLY fallen off the last couple of years
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TommyDaTiger29 months
Well you do know that Larry is killing his father right?
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LSUtoBOOT29 months
Frat boys with bigger tits have been doing this for years, and it’s offensive.
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jatilen29 months
Let me get out my magnifying glass
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Water Mocassin29 months
Weren’t those 2 guys?
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