Michigan beat Michigan State 49-0 yesterday, but that was just part of the headache they had on Saturday. As fans were filing into the stadium in East Lansing, the team’s video board showed a picture of Hitler after it asked a trivia question about where he was born...
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MSU officials apologized, while also blaming the fiasco on a "third-party source"...
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(SB Nation)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Sevensblue16 months
Non relevant trivia question...idiotic
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TFH16 months
fricking snowflakes. “Cancelling” history is how you end up repeating it. Not that any of these frickwads know any history whatsoever.
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fr33manator16 months
Apologizing for what? History ?
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Geaux Guy16 months
Vienna? I forgot.
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Geaux Guy16 months
I was close. Austria, yes but town was Braunau Am Inn
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ctiger6916 months
Who cares? It is history. There are plenty of horrible dictators and rulers throughout history that were non-white.
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RealityTiger16 months
I was thinking that they made a bad joke but it was only a picture of him and a trivia question? What’s “bad taste” about that?
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Tiger in Texas16 months
Over 75 years later & people still lose their shite when Hitler is mentioned. I can think of lots of other leaders since,who walk on water, yet did far worse than Hitler ever did!
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TigerEyeGuy16 months
No, they killed Caucasians they are not off limits.
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TerryDawg0316 months
"Did far worse than Hitler ever did"

You serious Clark?
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fr33manator16 months
Mao and Stalin had greater numbers. By far. His crime was being efficient
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Jackie Chan16 months
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I don’t understand why that’s a problem. It’s a good trivia question. Most people would answer “Germany”. Are we not allowed to ask trivia questions about villains in non fiction anymore? Are Ted Bundy and John Wilkes Booth questions off limits too?
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cypresstiger16 months
Ted Bundy and John Wilkes Booth questions off limits too?
—I choose to believe you are joking
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jbird716 months
I don’t have a problem with the question but posting a huge picture of him is a bit unnecessary. But either way def blown out of proportion.
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TigerEyeGuy16 months
No, they killed Caucasians they are not off limits.
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kjanchild16 months
Are we so sensitive that trivia can't ask about history? This country is becoming unbearable!
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