On Monday, 88 members of Florida A&M's football program signed a letter to the school's president calling for a litany of serious issues, from funding cuts to financial aid delays and many more, to be addressed. In addition the players have pledged to kneel during the rendition of school's alma mater, declaring...

"We will not sing a song that begins 'College of Love and Charity...' when we feel neither from this university."
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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TouchdownTony30 months
Here is the same reason so many Bama fans are down on the UAB program. The UAB alums don't support it, the students don't support it, the faculty despises it and they have to rely on ticket giveaways and subsidies from the University system to keep a program. If you want to play football, fine, but make sure you can pay for it. They do nothing but blame the U of A for their problems when the bottom line is nobody attached to UAB gives a rip about their team. No different here.
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KAGTASTIC30 months
Let me guess....more money from the honky schools will be needed via govt fiat, and no push to get their alum to provide money??
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Cosmo30 months
Almost all of these HBCUs are corrupt as hell with administrators stealing money. No oversight because that would be racist.
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Dickses30 months
You mean like the LSU sports administration.Pot calling the kettle....
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TeddyPadillac30 months
I agree their concerns are valid, but at some point you're going to have to start doing things for yourself and stop expecting everyone else to do it for you. I didn't have anyone advising me on how to make sure i kept TOPS, or followed my curriculum for my major when i went to college. I simply read the requirements and scheduled the classes i needed, without the help of an advisor. Lesson in life learned hopefully for some of these men. Quit relying on other people to help you, especially when it's this important, and do it yourself. Don't tell me you can't figure out which classes you're supposed to take. millions of college students across the country do it without the help of an advisor. Hell even when LSU started making everyone have an advisor, the one i had was useless.
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Naked Bootleg30 months
I got some really bad advice from more than one 'advisor'
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PeleofAnalytics30 months
To be fair, the advisors may have provided them printed lists of what classes they needed to take to stay eligible. If an administration official literally in charge of your academic guidance gives you a document with school letterhead saying ABC is required to stay eligible, I find it hard to blame the kids if they just followed ABC and did not double check it against the NCAA requirements. I mean do you double check your doctor, accountant or lawyer's advice to make sure it follows professional standards and practices? They are 18 year old kids who really should not be in a position where they are skeptical of their academic advisors.
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LSUMJ30 months
Not a matter of them taking the classes. The administration didnt do the paperwork the ncaa required to show they were taking the classes and the transfers had their stuff in order
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Volvagia30 months
If you read the letter, it’s not woke bullshite. Their issues/concerns seem valid.
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WhoDatNC30 months
If they all really want change, they should all enter the portal.
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PeleofAnalytics30 months
Too late.
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FreddieMac30 months
You hate to see it…
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Geaux Guy30 months
Sounds like a mess
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kkv7530 months
Feel bad for the players. Admin is a joke.
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